CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

Fine was not quashed completely to save some face for UEFA.

We shouldn't pay it , we should challenge it and win the case and have UEFA pay for all our legal fees.

Difficult to quantify further costs to the club in terms of brand damage etc but again an ambit claim wouldn't go astray.

This was always the status quo attacking the new kid on the block forgetting how they got to where they were in the first place.

Pep is right when he says you cannot become a competitor year in year out unless you have the funds to spend and the brand to support it.

it will only get worse as the years pass but you can do it with style and a good business model that will by and large stand the test of time.

We have without yet securing a Chumps and the " bigger boys " don't like their toys taken from them.
I have thought about this.

That punishment was so extreme,even i started doubting,thinking we must be seriously banged to rights.

Maybe they wanted to damage the brand.

They wanted neutrals to automatically assume serious guilt,by issuing an unprecedentedly harsh sentence.

That sentence would not have even reflected the crime,had a crime been proven.

It was like hanging someone for stealing an Apple.

How much of this campaign was controlled by Parry,Gill, i wonder.

The two year bans says to me that they didn't believe they could win but also that they wouldn't lose so badly, the ban would be completely overturned. I would bet a sizeable amount that the cartel expected a loss but a reduced ban to 1 year, something they would not have seen as a loss.

FFS City... if you don't act on this then you've got no right to complain about the amount of bad mouthing going on.

Kitson is on a desperate self promotion drive to try and make himself relevant. He's articulate, hower unfortunately nearly everything he says is incorrect.

As well as Kitson I've heard a few people moaning that City had better lawyers, like we somehow had an unfair advantage over the poor underdogs at UEFA. Its UEFA we're talking about, a huge organisation. I'd imagine their legal team are well compensated for their services, but even the best lawyers need a solid case, which UEFA did not have.

The assumption of guilt on the matters that were time barred also irks me. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? UEFA were unable to pursue those issues, just as City were unable to prove their innocence, as we successfully did with the actual charges.

People also pointing to the fine for being uncooperative and misleading and obstructing UEFA. They are now proven to have charged us unfairly, so its not really a surprise that City were uncooperative is it.

It feels like the detractors are deliberately trying push a narrative that the fine relates to breaking FFP, which it did not. That's probably the only negative to come from the announcement and surprise surprise that's the bit people are focusing on. Grimly predictable.
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You lot getting your knickers in a twist about the odd shitty irrelevant pundit’s take on this is pretty funny.

We won. Much of the narrative since has been positive. It will get more positive when the full judgement is released. City have put Pep into bat nicely and there will be more leaks/releases through the right channels in time, I’m sure.

We as a club have behaved with dignity throughout and have the spoils.
So what are the premier league looking at, are we going to have to go through all this shit again? If we are and we have info on the other clubs let’s pre empt it and go for them. I’m sick of this now, just get on with it and win the fa and CL to stick it to them. Can uefa go to the Swiss court?
Don’t underestimate what we’re up against.
They can and will still screw us on the pitch.
It’s a win win situation for the PL and UEFA puppet masters.

It’s those behind the constant smear campaign that pushed this and UEFA and the PL take the criticism instead of them for seeming inept.

They in the mean time, as we saw through various mouthpieces, Klopp et al, continue the narrative in safety ignoring the reality conveniently, because they are the reality behind the lies and the cheating.

And how? The media. They have the click bait fan base, so they have the media. Sound bite, no substance, repeat and keep the damage going.

And with that underlying narrative, nobody other than us will pay attention or give a damn when they screw us on the pitch through their supine governing bodies.

We are still mired in an epic battle which is why I’m actually really tired of football.

But there is that hope that City will actually change things that keeps me interested. I want to see us fight back.
But we are still truly up against a seemingly unwinnable war.
We are fighting a corrupt sport. Corrupt to the core.
We have to wait and see the CAS explanations. City don't have to do anything just yet.

We must let the usual suspects give themselves enough rope.

All we need to see is CAS asking why UEFA brought the case and everything else will look after itself, the attempt to damage the club's reputation being clear for everyone to see.

Would you say there is possibly a willingness or want to do something about it, should the opportunity arise?
I have thought about this.

That punishment was so extreme,even i started doubting,thinking we must be seriously banged to rights.

Maybe they wanted to damage the brand.

They wanted neutrals to automatically assume serious guilt,by issuing an unprecedentedly harsh sentence.

That sentence would not have even reflected the crime,had a crime been proven.

It was like hanging someone for stealing an Apple.

How much of this campaign was controlled by Parry,Gill, i wonder.

It may be as some alluded to before the case. Cerefin visited City and said, " Look these fuckers are busting my arse I have to do something. Accept a lesser charge and fine and that's it." Once we said no they went over the top to appease the cartel.but knowing they had no chance of winning.
I have thought about this.

That punishment was so extreme,even i started doubting,thinking we must be seriously banged to rights.

Maybe they wanted to damage the brand.

They wanted neutrals to automatically assume serious guilt,by issuing an unprecedentedly harsh sentence.

That sentence would not have even reflected the crime,had a crime been proven.

It was like hanging someone for stealing an Apple.

How much of this campaign was controlled by Parry,Gill, i wonder.
maybe they gave us the two year ban and fine because they thought we would go to CAS to get that reduced 'end up one year' but we didnt chellenge that at CAS, if that was the case and we had acceprted a reduced ban we would have admitted guilt,,i think Gill has a massive part in it and could imagine him on the phone to the swamp as soon as he found out it had gone tits up saying 5th is not an option Ole

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