CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

It may be as some alluded to before the case. Cerefin visited City and said, " Look these fuckers are busting my arse I have to do something. Accept a lesser charge and fine and that's it." Once we said no they went over the top to appease the cartel.but knowing they had no chance of winning.
id say thats pretty much bang on
we submitted our accounts thinking we had passed ffp when UEFA decided to alter the rules thus we fell short
Altered the tiles without informing anybody ! Likend to sitting an exam where the pass mark was 75% and only to be told you've failed because we increased the pass mark to 85%
I was just about to question Tolmie on that as I believe the wording will not change the narrative at all. Surely if CAS have said what he is implying there is no way UEFA would agree to having the reasons published?

I haven't caught up with what people are saying. I am GUESSING the award says:

a) certain matters were time barred (UEFA say it is 5 year limitation that the Panel found)
b) the Panel makes no finding on those time barred matters (it doesn't need to so may hide behind that)
c) the non-time barred matters were unproven (not established) - UEFA's evidence inconclusive to support such serious allegations. There may be some discussion of the standard of proof
d) it may excuse UEFA for making unproved serious allegation partly because of City's obstructive conduct in co-operation
e) it will support UEFA's argument as to the importance of co-operation
f) it will support UEFA that "MCFC’s disregard of such principle and its obstruction of the investigations" was an aggravating factor

So all in all fairly dry. Probably. I don't see it likely it will criticise UEFA. If it was scathing of UEFA I don't think it would have awarded €10m, it would have said words to the effect that "although we accept UEFA's argument as to the importance of non-cooperation, in this case UEFA's conduct in pursuing the investigation was so unfounded that we consider MCFC's breach to be largely excusable."
We have to wait and see the CAS explanations. City don't have to do anything just yet.

We must let the usual suspects give themselves enough rope.

All we need to see is CAS asking why UEFA brought the case and everything else will look after itself, the attempt to damage the club's reputation being clear for everyone to see.
It'll be interesting to see if/when the penny drops in some quarters that perhaps Uefa are the bad guys. I'm not holding my breath, but it's interesting to see how long the cognitive dissonance can be kept up.
There will be no "full report narrative".

The world has made its judgement, the decision has been made, the line has been cast. There was a massive build up and anticipation, the story dominated for 48hours and the story is that City got off on a technicality, it's a disgrace, CAS are questionable and it's a bad day for football.

I think if you think any rival fan or generic pundit is going to re-focus on a second press release that involved technical details and changing their opinions on the verdict established already then you're dreaming.

Even if the full report came out and completely exonerated City, no one outside the fans would pay attention. The articles wouldn't get clicks, the Jordan's, Warnock's and Kitson's of this world would not pay attention, and will just regurgitate "time-bar, bad day for football" etc. for the next decade whenever City come up.

Yeah I have to agree with this. The whole scenario has utterly soured other fans view on us to the point where they will never ever want to back down and say “it was all really unfair what City were put through”.
Incredible to say but I’ve actually lost a friend over this simply because he can’t see any other point of view other than we are cheating c**ts and should be kicked out of football. I’ve sent him links to Martin Samuels piece etc but he just doesn’t want to read it and see the wood for the trees. People seem to WANT to be angry and bitter towards us rather than look at the bigger picture.
It’s been building up to this for a long time now and it will never be the same for us City fans - we are going to be universally hated and sneered at.
So be it.
Rival fans are clinging on to the Time barred theory. I know UEFA have tripped themselves up over this. Ignoring the Time barred suggestion was we guilty beforehand? I know we got punished and took a pinch but was this to appease UEFA and hope they’d go away ? Or was we definitely in the wrong ?? (I know goal posts were moved during this time so just need reminding on the specifics )

we shouldn't have took a Pinch the first time.

Although i fully understand why we did.

We thought maybe if we let them fuck us over on a technicality. They will back off and leave us alone.

Dealing with the Mafia works the same way.You pay up and they come back for more money.

Also a lot is being made of our failure to assist the investigation.

My understanding is the Club was assisting right up,and until the the point,that UEFA started asking for really sensitive business documents.The Club felt UEFA was over stepping the mark asking for these kind of documents.This was the point, when we said,you know what you can fuck off.Why would City provide sensitive documents irrelevant in the bigger scheme of things to a UEFA board clearly compromised by Parry,and Gill.

I would have told them to fuck off.
The two year bans says to me that they didn't believe they could win but also that they wouldn't lose so badly, the ban would be completely overturned. I would bet a sizeable amount that the cartel expected a loss but a reduced ban to 1 year, something they would not have seen as a loss.
Defo we were given a 2 year ban expecting it be reduced to 1 which was job done for our name and brand to be permanently damaged !

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