CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

Whats going on? Two weeks now and still no comment on why it's taking so long to release, yet the journos are still spouting their nonsense. This win was supposed to be when we as a club started fighting back against all the bad press and damage they have caused to our club. Are we going to just plod on as normal as if nothing has happened and allow the smear campaign to continue and just be happy we can play in the UCL next season?
I wouldn't worry about it to be honest, it seems that City are happy for the report to be published as is, so it means the other party are the ones that wants to control what goes public. I imagine that Khaldoon and the legal team are having fun getting concessions from uefa. This is a dirty war and even the good guys have to get their hand dirty occasionally to get a result, this is an ideal opportunity to exploit Uefa and get some cast iron agreements in place for the future . We all would like to see City stick it to eufa, but we will achieve more in the long run if we use this chance to use the black marker pen instead of a dagger .The full report is now a negotiating tool for us .
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Whats going on? Two weeks now and still no comment on why it's taking so long to release, yet the journos are still spouting their nonsense. This win was supposed to be when we as a club started fighting back against all the bad press and damage they have caused to our club. Are we going to just plod on as normal as if nothing has happened and allow the smear campaign to continue and just be happy we can play in the UCL next season?
Pretty sure they're not, I think City had a serious word and they're keeping the bile in for now.

Hi I'm a Man City fan and wondered when you are planning to release the detailed reasons for my clubs recent successful appeal against UFEA? On your website 13th July, it said "The final award with reasons will be published on the CAS website in a few days". There is great curiosity in the man city fan community about the charges brought by UEFA and the successful defence by my club , so I look forward to your reply thank you in advance

John Browne
Stop digging. We won. City know what they are doing.

Let's say the full document is 99% in our favour (I can't see it being more than 80%)

Let's also say that in that 99% all sorts of negative information is released about UEFA.

One of two things will happen (because we have already seen the first of these)

1. The 1% will he the headlines and it will be open season on us AGAIN. Football is tribal and the truth will just be dismissed.

2. The clubs vying for even more power WITHIN UEFA (not lobbying) will say UEFA are not fit for purpose and they will gain greater control of the governing body.

The other point to make is that, as Soriano says, UEFA is split between the neutral old guard and the self interested new guard that joined from the ECA under the threat of a breakaway league. It looks to me that City would like to work with the old guard and get rid of the threat within UEFA.

I can't see any positives from the full release. I'd be happy to take the win and move on. I suspect City think the same.
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I think we all know the answer why the report is not published.

UEFA is going to come out of it badly, no constructive evidence and a lot of confidential details leaked to the media.

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