CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

The decision and tone of the CAS findings implies that UEFA have questions to answer in the full report.
If UEFA had no evidence , Emails apart and were leaking confidential evidence, I would think City would very want that in the public domain.

Not necessarily - it might be easier to reform UEFA with this hanging over them.
Get it released !! I’m sick of this Bollocks

I keep hearing that City are happy with the whole report being released. I don't really keep up with the press, where was that quoted and by who.
Simon Mullock in the Mirror who is one of the very few reliable sources on City in the mainstream media. I am pretty sure it's true as well. Our haters in the press have been very quiet (just as they were before the CAS decision was revealed). As many of us said correctly at the time that silence tells its own story. I am sure the judgement shows UEFA in a very negative light. If it was positive someone at UEFA would have leaked it by now.
Stop digging. We won. City know what they are doing.

Let's say the full document is 99% in our favour (I can't see it being more than 80%)

Let's also say that in that 99% all sorts of negative information is released about UEFA.

One of two things will happen (because we have already seen the first of these)

1. The 1% will he the headlines and it will be open season on us AGAIN. Football is tribal and the truth will just be dismissed.

2. The clubs vying for even more power WITHIN UEFA (not lobbying) will say UEFA are not fit for purpose and they will gain greater control of the governing body.

The other point to make is that, as Soriano says, UEFA is split between the neutral old guard and the self interested new guard that joined from the ECA under the threat of a breakaway league. It looks to me that City would like to work with the old guard and get rid of the threat within UEFA.

I can't see any positives from the full release. I'd be happy to take the win and move on. I suspect City think the same.

And here you have point 2 from my earlier post (enclosed) UEFA is not the enemy any longer. We have BOTH been used. Don’t let them win. Don’t join in. Forget it. City know it. We can learn it.

It’s very predictable but clever. If UEFA get hammered we LOSE.

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nmc. You're looking to reform UEFA from within, well good look with that. The only way to reform UEFA is that everyone that has a seat on any UEFA boards has to resign on masse.

That is the only thing that works for me. That is the one thing that will not happen, because they like the free match tickets and all the other perks that go with the seats on the UEFA boards.

We need to get rid of UEFA and start from scratch. With a brand new boards for everything that UEFA do now.

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