CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)


I was thinking the same as Murph.

"The award shall be made by a majority decision, in the absence of a majority, by the president alone"

I’ve read that as 2 = majority without need for a Panel decision from the Chair

Can you remember what terminology was used for the decisions on the Milan case? I’m sure I’ve read ‘Panel Decision’ or something similar somewhere in our CAS report, although I stand to be corrected
Some judgments say ‘majority’ some don’t. I think the rules mean “at least a majority” ie it does not need unanimity. .
Do we know who write the award? Is it one of the judges (or their clerk)

I was thinking about this when you pulled up some of the strange and un-legal language in it during the podcast.

I don’t know. I would think probably McDougal or the President. Most of it is well written but yes ‘basically had no option’ was an odd way to write it
If you were going to describe him in one word...
You've no doubt trademarked 'wankstain' And I'll be hit with an injuction if I use it, so I'll refrain.

What's quite funny with Conn is that a friend replied to me on Twitter this morning and was quite critical of Conn's output on this judgement. The funny thing is he's one of the brothers of the family that used to take Conn to Maine Road. So even someone who's known Conn for many years, whose families were great friends, thinks he's out of order on this.
Observing the media treatment of City in the last decade, and more so recently, it seems the writers/outlets can be put in different buckets (might sound like a city bingo but hey why not).

- writers who are fans of historically successful teams and are jealous of City's success.
- those that are on the payroll of historically successful teams, directly or via intermediaries.
- those who are clickbait merchants and write the bile knowing the lies they are writing.
- those that are racists and cannot stomach the success of foreigners in their own backyard.
- those that are attention seekers and want to be seen as relevant.

Whatever bucket they are put in, one thing is clear to see is the coordinated effort to stop City.

- whether it be to get in the head of players and manager (current or future)
- getting in the heads of prospective football fans to not let City Brand build on the on field success
- even getting in the subconcious minds of referees's that they should be favourable to city's opponents to even the playing field (whatever that means)

City fans have been great throughout the recent episodes of Uefa ban and CAS. I hope that the fans can actually organise a little more, with the club's blessing, and fight these coordinated efforts as it will be needed not just in the short term but in the long terms.

If 50,000 city fans organised and cancelled BT subscriptions in one day for negative coverage and lies, i am sure it'll be noticed. Other examples can be used too. I wonder if organisation is achievable at such level but here's hoping.
What a great idea to organise an anti BT effort if just for the publicity it gives to show the media we have a voice and are prepared to use it when necessary.

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