CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

I've just read The Athletic's generous offering of explaining the 93 page judgement in a couple of sides of A4. The general tenor of the piece left me thinking that they felt Uefa made a pig's ear of the case and it allowed us to get away with it. It also makes a noticeable play on the £9m fine for not cooperating with the description that this was a 'huge' fine, and the fact that we were fined at all was sufficient evidence to have found us guilty of the main charge which CAS chucked out! They just can't or won't come to terms with the INDEPENDENT verdict! Have the RDAHMeedya been given the option of Barabbas or MCFC yet! Again, would they release The Yorkshire Ripper if it meant City ending up banned? Bastards, the whole stinking mess of 'em.

The hacks who've pieced the thing together also slip in the notion that Juve and Bayern are 'aristocrats'! Is that the same as royalty?
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All theoretically possible but I doubt it. I think it was 2-1 in City. And they very much wanted the reader to know

Have CAS ever delivered a unanimous verdict that you know of Stefan?

Or is a majority verdict as good as it gets?

I don't believe an independent arbitrator would go against City, when uefa had absolutely no case.

We can't let a narrative of a split decision go unquestioned.
Have CAS ever delivered a unanimous verdict that you know of Stefan?

Or is a majority verdict as good as it gets?

I don't believe an independent arbitrator would go against City, when uefa had absolutely no case.

We can't let a narrative of a split decision go unquestioned.
From the way CAS' rules read then (R46), all those that say 'majority' decision did not go to the President to arbitrate (2-0) and those that did go to the President for decision were split decisions so with the President deciding it would be 2-1. That's the only way that the this would make sense of both City's case and Milans.
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Conn was actually quite good on this until relatively recently, when he seems to have gone rogue, like some Blade Runner replicant. He was just about the only one who had this information, which appears to have been well sourced. He actually added something to the background and understanding of the 2014 settlement. But there's a bit of innuendo in there, as there always seems to be with his City stories
If you were going to describe him in one word...
All theoretically possible but I doubt it. I think it was 2-1 in City. And they very much wanted the reader to know

Do we know who write the award? Is it one of the judges (or their clerk)

I was thinking about this when you pulled up some of the strange and un-legal language in it during the podcast.
well argued but I really think it was as simple as it looks. Other CAS decisions (say AC Milan) make no reference to a majority

I was thinking the same as Murph.

"The award shall be made by a majority decision, in the absence of a majority, by the president alone"

I’ve read that as 2 = majority without need for a Panel decision from the Chair

Can you remember what terminology was used for the decisions on the Milan case? I’m sure I’ve read ‘Panel Decision’ or something similar somewhere in our CAS report, although I stand to be corrected

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