CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

But it’s surely not a coincidence City’s selected arbitrator seemed to side with us on all points and the same for UEFA and their selection? I find it hard to believe both parties got lucky with their selection, must be more to it than that but I don’t know the exact details and can’t find anything about it online
Has anyone said which arbiter voted which way. We can all presume who voted for what but it may not have been the case.
Conn was actually quite good on this until relatively recently, when he seems to have gone rogue, like some Blade Runner replicant. He was just about the only one who had this information, which appears to have been well sourced. He actually added something to the background and understanding of the 2014 settlement. But there's a bit of innuendo in there, as there always seems to be with his City stories
It was as soon as he drank the Der Spiegel Kool-Aid. Conn and the rest of the Guardian sports department went all in
CAS awards are given by a majority decision, and doesn't necessarily mean 2 votes to 1.

R46 of CAS procedural rules.

"The award shall be made by a majority decision, in the absence of a majority, by the president alone"

How can there be no majority if 3 people vote!

I believe both co-arbitrators sided with City. Or wouldn't the final decision say not a majority decision, but the decision of the president of the panel.

If both co-arbitrators sided with City, the president has no need to vote. Hence majority decision.
CAS awards are given by a majority decision, and doesn't necessarily mean 2 votes to 1.

R46 of CAS procedural rules.

"The award shall be made by a majority decision, in the absence of a majority, by the president alone"

How can there be no majority if 3 people vote!

I believe both co-arbitrators sided with City. Or wouldn't the final decision say not a majority decision, but the decision of the president of the panel.

If both co-arbitrators sided with City, the president has no need to vote. Hence majority decision.

well argued but I really think it was as simple as it looks. Other CAS decisions (say AC Milan) make no reference to a majority
It's quite sad actually, only last few years I woke up to it.

They aren't friends, they aren't even acquaintances, just people working you and others.

I hated what the job had turned me in to, worrying nightly what others thought about you, how I could keep earning, the people you have to suck up to.

I attended CBT therapy last year and my counsellor pretty much sat open-mouthed throughout, hearing how as a teenager I once had a telephone thrown at my head in the office, always being told I was a useless ****, people mocking me when it could clearly be seen I was upset, editors ringing me at 2am to have a go at me.

Hearing sexist comments, jobs for the boys, token offerings to minority reporters to tick a box.

I thought you had to take all that to get on and get on I did, but she explained that was not normal human behaviour, I had been taken advantage of from a very young age, straight out of school, fuelling anxieties and insecurities which will take a long time to fix.
It’s brutal fucking business for sure. Glad to be - mostly - out of it.

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