Cascarino on Robinho

Soulboy said:
jay_mcfc said:
Damn right I'm sure. Robinho took a chance on us when we were nothing and now we have a team of stars. He is a big factor in our 'project' and the brand we have become. If he wasn't here then many other players wouldn't be and we'd not be as far down the line as we are.

And he had a great first season with us, all things considered. Yet this season people are making out he's been the worst signing in history despite him being injured for most of it? I really don't understand it!

Hey mate, don't use facts to back up your argument... the mob have decided and they won't change their minds come what may!

Hate is a strong emotion, and some on here are fucking hate-junkies.

That doesn't even make sense you bell end. If you notice I said I didn't want to start slagging Robiniho, but lazy gutless fucker should do it. He's gone back to Santos where he went on strike to get out of. He is a self indulgent dick who I hope i never see in a city shirt again.
BurnCK said:
If you read my posts about Robinho, I have said on many occasions I DON'T HATE HIM. No having any respect for him is completely different. The reason I post on the subject so much is that it drives me mad that he can be worshipped so much for giving so little back. In my honest opinion it truly does show that some of our fans still have a small minded mentality where a player can do no wrong just because he's a British transfer record, Brazilian International, etc, etc,.

I judge people on their actions, not on their reputations.

And as I said, he's NOT the worst signing in Premiership history, but he IS up there amongst them...and that is based not only on his price, but attitude, effort, etc,. Once again he has done a runner when things got tough. At least the majority of the players on your list can hold their heads high and say they gave it their all.

For no reason? 1 goal in 3 from out left. When was the last time we had a winger score that many, never mind a striker?
BurnCK said:
Soulboy said:
I know you hate Robinho, but even you with your hate filled attitude must agree that there have been worse, far worse, deals than this?

I'll give you just a few...

Roque Santa Cruz
Glen Joihnson

If you read my posts about Robinho, I have said on many occasions I DON'T HATE HIM. No having any respect for him is completely different. The reason I post on the subject so much is that it drives me mad that he can be worshipped so much for giving so little back. In my honest opinion it truly does show that some of our fans still have a small minded mentality where a player can do no wrong just because he's a British transfer record, Brazilian International, etc, etc,.

I judge people on their actions, not on their reputations.

And as I said, he's NOT the worst signing in Premiership history, but he IS up there amongst them...and that is based not only on his price, but attitude, effort, etc,. Once again he has done a runner when things got tough. At least the majority of the players on your list can hold their heads high and say they gave it their all.

Anderson gave it his all? Fucked off from training when Fergie dropped him? At least get your facts right.

Shevchenko gave it his all? Creeeping around Abramovich crying that Mourinho wouldn't pick him... until Mourinho eventually got sacked. Even Robi didn't do that with Hughes.

RSC gave it his all? And what game was that? If three games in 7 months is "giving it his all" then Roibi at least played nearer 30 games in a similar time span when he should have just faked injury if he was such a shyster as you claim.

Bentley gave it his all? Now you are taking the piss. Ask any Spurs fan about Bentley "giving it his all" and they'd laugh in your face.

The thread was about Robinho being the worst signing in Premiership history... and you've now agreed he probably wasn't.

Couldn't you just have said that rather than digging up yet another post on your hatred for the player? And then having the brass to criticise other City fans for actually defending the player against a tossbag like Cascarino?

Some people just like to criticise anything to do with City. Hate-junkies...
jay_mcfc said:
For no reason? 1 goal in 3 from out left. When was the last time we had a winger score that many, never mind a striker?

Yeah that's a great return when things were all rosey. No doubting that.

It soon dried up once he lost interest though. Robinho's days were numbered from the moment Elano left the club. Would he ever have joined us without Elano and Jo being here ? I can't say he would, but we'll never know I guess.
Not doubting his ability. I'm doubting his commitment and fight. He quite clearly has none.
We all have our opinions. I doubt I will ever change yours, and you'll never change mine. I can however be proved wrong by Robinho returning with a new found attitude and becoming the player he always talks of being...
Soulboy said:
Anderson gave it his all? Fucked off from training when Fergie dropped him? At least get your facts right.

Shevchenko gave it his all? Creeeping around Abramovich crying that Mourinho wouldn't pick him... until Mourinho eventually got sacked. Even Robi didn't do that with Hughes.

RSC gave it his all? And what game was that? If three games in 7 months is "giving it his all" then Roibi at least played nearer 30 games in a similar time span when he should have just faked injury if he was such a shyster as you claim.

Bentley gave it his all? Now you are taking the piss. Ask any Spurs fan about Bentley "giving it his all" and they'd laugh in your face.

The thread was about Robinho being the worst signing in Premiership history... and you've now agreed he probably wasn't.

Couldn't you just have said that rather than digging up yet another post on your hatred for the player? And then having the brass to criticise other City fans for actually defending the player against a tossbag like Cascarino?

Some people just like to criticise anything to do with City. Hate-junkies...

ONCE AGAIN, NOT READING POST PROPERLY. I SAID THE MAJORITY. You picked out 4 players from your list of 11....which makes the other 7 the MAJORITY. Jesus Christ...

Yeah I'm a hate junkie...that must be it. I dare to critise City's Talisman, that happens to no longer be with us after 18 months. Build a fucking statue outside Eastlands to replace the B of the Bang, hahaha.

I can't argue with your logic there, hahahaha
BurnCK said:
Yeah that's a great return when things were all rosey. No doubting that.

It soon dried up once he lost interest though. Robinho's days were numbered from the moment Elano left the club. Would he ever have joined us without Elano and Jo being here ? I can't say he would, but we'll never know I guess.
Not doubting his ability. I'm doubting his commitment and fight. He quite clearly has none.
We all have our opinions. I doubt I will ever change yours, and you'll never change mine. I can however be proved wrong by Robinho returning with a new found attitude and becoming the player he always talks of being...

Do you think a player with a 1 in 3 record from out wide should ever be considered as the worst signing in prem history?
jay_mcfc said:
BurnCK said:
Yeah that's a great return when things were all rosey. No doubting that.

It soon dried up once he lost interest though. Robinho's days were numbered from the moment Elano left the club. Would he ever have joined us without Elano and Jo being here ? I can't say he would, but we'll never know I guess.
Not doubting his ability. I'm doubting his commitment and fight. He quite clearly has none.
We all have our opinions. I doubt I will ever change yours, and you'll never change mine. I can however be proved wrong by Robinho returning with a new found attitude and becoming the player he always talks of being...

Do you think a player with a 1 in 3 record from out wide should ever be considered as the worst signing in prem history?

Just leave it mate... they are so full of hatred they can't think straight.

This thread was about him being the WORST signing in Premiershiop history.

He obviously is not. But rather than just admit that, they start up the old, old arguments about whether or not he's good enough for us.

But that's a DIFFERENT argument. And it's been done to fucking death by now surely?
jay_mcfc said:
BurnCK said:
Yeah that's a great return when things were all rosey. No doubting that.

It soon dried up once he lost interest though. Robinho's days were numbered from the moment Elano left the club. Would he ever have joined us without Elano and Jo being here ? I can't say he would, but we'll never know I guess.
Not doubting his ability. I'm doubting his commitment and fight. He quite clearly has none.
We all have our opinions. I doubt I will ever change yours, and you'll never change mine. I can however be proved wrong by Robinho returning with a new found attitude and becoming the player he always talks of being...

Do you think a player with a 1 in 3 record from out wide should ever be considered as the worst signing in prem history?

I'm sorry but that means nothing to me. If I play 3 games and score 1 goal then I have a 1 in 3 what. I never said that he was THE WORST signing in Prem History, but if you look at the bigger picture then I suppose you could argue that he is amongst them. What would you consider 'amongst them' as ? Top 10, 20 or 50 ? It's all a matter of opinion, but considering the fee, the reputation, wages, etc, then yeah I'd say he was amongst them.
Any one statistic can be used to support an argument, and if I was soley judging him on goals / games ration then I could agree with you, but I'm not.

Am I not allowed to have a bad opinion of a City player ? Can I not agree with an opinion simply because it's the view of an 'outsider' ?

Since when did Man City become a Totalitarian club ? Or is it just this forum ?

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