Caught smoking in the ground

Bluemoon115 said:
southstandrebel said:
Let's just forget that Football is a working mans game and that supporters don't deserve the right to have a sneaky fag while losing there season ticket for 3 games. Jesus wept when will this pc madness stop ?
Since when did you have to be a smoker to be working class?

And please explain to me how this is a PC issue...

You don't have to be a smoker to be working class it's just that lighting a cigerette isn't worth a 3 game ban. The PC bit is more a question of our never ending goverments spin on what we as human being should behave like.
You can get fined for dropping litter but get therapy for being a smack head .
I'm a smoker , I respect that the law says you can't smoke but I find it hard how giving someone a 3 game ban for it is deemed as fair.
robinhood CITY said:
My mate got caught smoking in the family stand on Saturday.This happened at half time he wouldn't give the stewards his S/c when asked .Eventually the Police were involved and he handed over his S/c.They gave him a 3 match ban.Do you think there is any chance of this being reduced.

He's pretty gutted as it's 3 top games

He's lucky he only got a three match ban , the way the enforcers run things at COMS nowadays ........

tell him just to get a free access card (false name/address) and just buy match day tickets for the three games , if he can afford it ....... preferably at the other end of the ground where the cavalry might not look too hard for him!

A false moustache and dark glasses might help his cause !
i kne albert davy said:
Jamie grimble you better get yer father in law down to the guinness book of records they thought everybody who served in world war one was dead, u,ve got the world heaviest smoker still goin, a miracle.
He died 3 weeks later pal.Apologies maybe I should have written,Swore rather than,swears.
some guy at the final whistle lit up infront of me as the players were leaving the pitch,

he just lit up and smoked away as if everything was normal, the game had finished but it's irrelevant, he's still in the grounds and in the stand itself, whether he was leaving the ground 30 seconds later or not.

saw him go up the steps and away, made no sign of hiding it, don't know if anything was said to him or whether he got caught.
de niro said:
wez99 said:
Totally agree, & i am a smoker.

in the south stand they just move on to the spirals, away from everyone else, fair enough i say.everyone is happy.

i still find it odd that they can fly all over the world on a plane but can't go 90 mins at a game.

He wouldn't be sitting around stressing about City on a plane, though.
We get this sort of thread every few months, but if someone wants to go and have a fag and get's caught out, then tough.

People don't like the smell of smoke surrounding them, and it is unpleasant.

Having said that, I don't see why the smokers can't be let outside at half time for their nicotine fix.

I think a compromise could be reached, but maybe opinions are too entrenched.

If a smoker wants to go outside and have a fag, I don't have a problem with it.

I do have an issue with smokers that want to light up in a confined space.
Did anyone go to Sunderland and experience the toilets at half time?

Unbelievable amount of smokers stood around and made it very difficult to breathe in there ..... I took my 5 year old boy to the toilet at half time and god knows what harm it did to his small lungs.

I agree with a lot of posters that smoking on the spirals should be tolerated but anywhere else in the ground should be dealt with as already described.
Whenever I want a cig at half time I just go out to the spirals. Best for all parties really as away from all the non-smokers and kids and with the sociable smokers outside getting the nicotine fix needed.
SWP's back said:
de niro said:
its easy to fix, do a proper sweep for 3 or 4 games with the police in tow, throw them all out and ban them for the season. then put all their details in the next programme, pictures etc, name and shame. better still just pick random games to de activate their card without warning, how funny would that be as they travel to the game, have a beer, look forward to watching us play the rags and bang can't get in, fucking well funny.
They would have to ban a few thousand

-- Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:36 pm --

don't start with the rules bit...............the rules say NO WE stand??????????????no abusive you hear it??????and we could go on about rules.......
Well said, it's amazing how people adhere to the rules when it suits.

-- Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:38 pm --

mackenzie said:
Some of us would still smoke.

We congregate around pub doorways in the snow on a night out after all.

Sad? Yes.
Oh but make it's VILE!!! or maybe some people react ridiculously

-- Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:42 pm --

Skashion said:
He's clearly on the WUM.
Well that's a first!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
pmsl swp, no honest i see it as abuse, the poor kid has no say in his chest and lungs being filled with nicotine, could even lead to a life of smoke addiction for the child.
it is absolutely beyond me how anyone can smoke in the presence of children let alone an enclosed car.
selfishness to the extreme.

keep your disgusting habit but keep it to yourself ffs.

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