Caught smoking in the ground

It baffles as to why folk can't wait 90 mins, that's by the by though. Personally I would have no problem walking past someone on the spirals who was smoking, after I all I stood/sat in the Kippax in a haze of smoke and god knows whatever else for 13 years, as unpleasant as it could be at times. As for smoking in the toilets though, its been stated you can't do it, so if you get caught you should suffer the consequences. There was one poster, can't be arsed trawlin through and quoting him, who was implying that it shouldn't be deemed as a great hardship for those who don't want to go to the smokers toilets, to walk down to the next one!! I mean how arrogant, cocky and cheeky can you get?!!!
The club should be comin down more heavily on those caught who are abusing the stewards though, because its clear those stewards are in an impossible position. If the club are really serious about stamping it out, (no pun intended), they should be putting a bit more money into that, less into the nancy pamby City Square stuff and hire some real security guys who will be based in or just outside those toilets. If anyone dares to smoke in there in full knowledge they shouldn't, well then a bit of roughing up might help change their minds. Afterall if those same smokers are big and tough enough to attack stewards with beer, abuse, punches etc, (which i bet they WOULDN'T do if they were caught alone smoking), well then they should be able to accept a bit of the same. That my view anyways.
DaveH said:
TBH there should be areas where you can go for a Cig.
Then everyone wouldnt end up in the toilets. They've got smoking areas in pubs and resturants FFS

No they haven't. People have to go outside, and by law, they should be more than a set distance from the doors too.

You can have one at 2.50pm outside the ground and 4.50pm when you leave. If you can't wait two hours inbetween then we should be setting up smokers versions of Alcoholics Anonymous. Even they can go two hours without a bloody drink.

Times change. The law doesn't allow it and that is that. Maybe the next time someone comes to the club with addiction issues, we can set aside special shit free toilets for them to snort cocaine from, perhaps have some specially medically train staff to inject supporters with heroin.:)
What an ignorant cock you seemingly are
Me and you both.
why not read a little further when some other bandwaggon jumper asserts my post is invalid,
Because you've still failed to see the point.
as the original post is about someones being caught in the loos, as I answered on that occasion, had I posted as a new post, it would have been merged into submission
But your post talks about non-smokers claiming you shouldn't be allowed a cig at the ground at all, which just isn't the case. Apart from one or two, most are happy for you to smoke on the spirals (myself included). However, you've ignored this, and just gone on an anti-anti-smokers rant which skips over most things that have actually been discussed in the thread (even de niro has said you should be allowed to smoke on the spirals).
and actually I enjoyed several cigs in my own private space whilst writing my piece.
Fair enough.
By the sound of your attitude, maybe you should take up smoking
I never said I don't.
don't see why you are so upset by my justifiable explanation of my view.
Because it isn't justifiable in this instance.
He breaks the rules, he should suffer the consequences! 3 games isn't enough of a ban. It's not a lot to ask for people to go 2 hours without a cig. There are young kids that go in the toilets who come out in coughing fits. Might I say 110-111 toilets would have to be worse.
kiran111 said:
3 games isn't enough of a ban. It's not a lot to ask for people to go 2 hours without a cig.

The 3 game ban is first offence only. Subsequent offences incur escalated punishment, I'm not exactly sure but I would expect getting caught 3 times would result in at least a season-long ban.

Oh yeah, if you then get a ticket elsewhere in the ground whilst being banned, you could face some quite serious consequences if you were caught.
robinhood CITY said:
My mate is now resigned the fact that he'll get a 3 match ban.Was wondering if he would be refunded for the 3 matches missed

I should jolly well hope so. Along with a £100 City Store voucher and free beer for the rest of the season.
robinhood CITY said:
My mate is now resigned the fact that he'll get a 3 match ban.Was wondering if he would be refunded for the 3 matches missed
Nothing to stop you purchasing him a ticket for these games, its not like they have photo I'd on the turnstiles.

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