Caught smoking in the ground

pierod said:
timesprout said:
Anyone driving to work today ? polluting our planet, oh wait its ok so long as my tweed suit doesnt smell of tobacco.

The majority of vehicles now have catalytic converters - they output mostly water, CO2, nitrogen and oxygen. Added to the fact fuel isn't leaded anymore, your point doesn't amount to anything.

so what would you rather do if you had to? breath in car exhaust fumes for 5 seconds or smoke? you cannot seriously believe a smoker gives out more toxic fumes than a car!? would you rather be at a party with 10 people smoking in the same room for two hours or stand in an equivalent sized garage with a car engine running for two hours? i think someone needs to retake their science exams.
crizack said:
pierod said:
The majority of vehicles now have catalytic converters - they output mostly water, CO2, nitrogen and oxygen. Added to the fact fuel isn't leaded anymore, your point doesn't amount to anything.

so what would you rather do if you had to? breath in car exhaust fumes for 5 seconds or smoke? you cannot seriously believe a smoker gives out more toxic fumes than a car!? would you rather be at a party with 10 people smoking in the same room for two hours or stand in an equivalent sized garage with a car engine running for two hours? i think someone needs to retake their science exams.

There's really no excuse for this kind of ignorance in this day and age - you could just look it up on wikipedia you know before posting.

It would be difficult to commit suicide with the hosepipe-car-garage trick unless you remove the catalytic converter - cos it doesn't kill you. Mostly all that comes out is water, CO2, nitrogen and oxygen.

So in answer to your question, I would breath the car exhaust (fitted with a catalytic converter) fumes rather than the 10 smokers.
Biggsy1 said:
Whenever I go for a smoke I leave all my ID's with a mate!!!

If the stewards decide to ask the police to attend that won't save you. Not a bad trick though.<br /><br />-- Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:25 pm --<br /><br />
PistonBlue said:
It's a cig, not a fucking gun.

Brilliant, so you think bringing a gun to the match should incur a 3 match ban? Great stuff.
pierod said:
crizack said:
so what would you rather do if you had to? breath in car exhaust fumes for 5 seconds or smoke? you cannot seriously believe a smoker gives out more toxic fumes than a car!? would you rather be at a party with 10 people smoking in the same room for two hours or stand in an equivalent sized garage with a car engine running for two hours? i think someone needs to retake their science exams.

There's really no excuse for this kind of ignorance in this day and age - you could just look it up on wikipedia you know before posting.

It would be difficult to commit suicide with the hosepipe-car-garage trick unless you remove the catalytic converter - cos it doesn't kill you. Mostly all that comes out is water, CO2, nitrogen and oxygen.

So in answer to your question, I would breath the car exhaust (fitted with a catalytic converter) fumes rather than the 10 smokers.

I wouldn't do that for the first 5 minutes or you'll be a lot worse than if someone blew fag smoke at you
bluemoon32 said:
I wouldn't do that for the first 5 minutes or you'll be a lot worse than if someone blew fag smoke at you

Why? If you had two ventilated rooms of equal size, a car running idle in one, 10 smokers in the other ... Not sure what's coming out of the car that's going to do me much harm in that 5 minutes.
crizack said:
so what would you rather do if you had to? breath in car exhaust fumes for 5 seconds or smoke? you cannot seriously believe a smoker gives out more toxic fumes than a car!? would you rather be at a party with 10 people smoking in the same room for two hours or stand in an equivalent sized garage with a car engine running for two hours? i think someone needs to retake their science exams.

I think someone needs to re-check reality... there is no scenario i've ever encountered where i've ever been forced to inhale car fumes for 2 hours.

Being forced into the same area as a smoker is much more common than forced into the same area as a running car.
pierod said:
bluemoon32 said:
I wouldn't do that for the first 5 minutes or you'll be a lot worse than if someone blew fag smoke at you

Why? If you had two ventilated rooms of equal size, a car running idle in one, 10 smokers in the other ... Not sure what's coming out of the car that's going to do me much harm in that 5 minutes.

Errrrrrrr, you mentioned a hosepipe :)
I couldn't give a damn anyway, i'm a smoker and i'm more than happy to wait for a fag, rather than light up around non smokers and kids.
I like non smoking in pubs, i just wish the powers that be would do something about our cities being no-go areas due to pissed up chavs now, that's the next thing they need to go after
crizack said:
so what would you rather do if you had to? breath in car exhaust fumes for 5 seconds or smoke? you cannot seriously believe a smoker gives out more toxic fumes than a car!? would you rather be at a party with 10 people smoking in the same room for two hours or stand in an equivalent sized garage with a car engine running for two hours? i think someone needs to retake their science exams.

this is a nonsense analogy. nobody in their right mind would do the former & personally i wouldn't choose to do the latter either. the point is that if you don't want a face & lungs full of car exhaust fumes you don't go into a closed garage when a car engine is running. however, if you want a piss & the bogs are full of smokers who are breaking the law i think you'd be entitled to feel aggrieved.

and if you feel that strongly about it i suggest you try lighting up in a shop, pub, restaurant, train, bus, bookies, etc & see how you get on.
The security dont want to go and find people smoking they are instructed to do so.It is down to the council rules that smoking is not permitted in the stadium,which city have to uphold.Or at least,thats the story they are told.I know most that see smokers on the spirals just give it a "put your cigs out please" and hope that smokers at least try to hide it for a minute whilst they pass.Inevitably,some people dont and some like to flaunt their disapproval of the rules, hence become targets..but only because the cameras are on them and the security team are being hammered by big brother to take action down the earpeice!

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