Caught smoking in the ground


"Please don't blow your smoke on my Willie - it's like being in the bogs at Eastlands!"
law74 said:
The North Stand Maine Road wasnt designed to have metal cages at the back of it, but for the final couple of years it did have them.
There is no reason why the club couldnt have four similar areas for smokers on level one to go to at half time (one for each stand), similar to those Derby County had.
Smokers then caught lighting up inside can have absolutely no complaints, those that want a smoke to ease the nerves can do so without breaking the Law or bylaw, those that do not want to breathe in second hand smoke, dont have to. Every one wins and at less cost than having stewards patrolling the bogs and potential trouble that could arise from stopping people partaking of a legal drug in an illegal setting.

Problem with your idea the entire of sportscity is a no smoking zone as it is a place of work. Cages whilst the answer cannot be built
Bluemoonbaldboy said:
law74 said:
The North Stand Maine Road wasnt designed to have metal cages at the back of it, but for the final couple of years it did have them.
There is no reason why the club couldnt have four similar areas for smokers on level one to go to at half time (one for each stand), similar to those Derby County had.
Smokers then caught lighting up inside can have absolutely no complaints, those that want a smoke to ease the nerves can do so without breaking the Law or bylaw, those that do not want to breathe in second hand smoke, dont have to. Every one wins and at less cost than having stewards patrolling the bogs and potential trouble that could arise from stopping people partaking of a legal drug in an illegal setting.

Problem with your idea the entire of sportscity is a no smoking zone as it is a place of work. Cages whilst the answer cannot be built

Businesses can still provide smoking areas, they just need to be open ended and away from employee areas......not really sure where the club could put them though, apart from outside the ground and that causes issues with people leaving and re-entering the stadium constantly.
blackley macca said:
DenisLawBackHeel74 said:
To be honest i never really had a problem with this until last week. went for a piss at HT and had to negotiate my way past 4 guys smoking and drinking in the first impression was they must be desperate to endure the smell of shit and piss whilst happily chatting, smoking and drinking their beers..each to their own i suppose.....on the other hand my clothes stank of smoke for the rest of the afternoon and i figured why the fuck should i have to suffer because some selfish twats want a cigarette..

For their part, the club should provide somewhere to have a cig at HT so the rest of us don't have to put up with it ....

and what did you do when you went to a pub, before the ban?

People smoke, get over it.

It's illegal to smoke in the bogs, get over it? Reinforcing the impression most on here that smokers are selfish. Well done, maybe there's a reason we can't "get over" the stereotyping as well.
I have to admit that I will have a smoke on the spirals at half time, but only if there are lots of others already doing it. I would never consider smoking in the toilets and anybody smoking in the family stand or close to children in general are selfish pricks. I generally agree with the smoking ban in public enclosed areas and hate the idea that my filthy habit is adversly affecting other people.
Not all of us are selfish idiots!!!
Anyone driving to work today ? polluting our planet, oh wait its ok so long as my tweed suit doesnt smell of tobacco.
timesprout said:
Anyone driving to work today ? polluting our planet, oh wait its ok so long as my tweed suit doesnt smell of tobacco.
Can society cope without people smoking? Yes. Can society cope without people using motor vehicles? No.

This "comparison" that smokers make is as ill-advised, incorrect and stupid now as it ever has been.

Regarding the provision of smoking areas, whether it be the spirals or elsewhere, for smokers. What people need to realise is this isn't Manchester City's call, we don't own the ground, we don't set the smoking regulations and we don't have any right whatsoever to change the rules. The smoking ban at COMS is a ban imposed and enforced by Manchester City Council, they have a council wide ban on smoking on ANY council property. This includes COMS. Technically Manchester City Council own the stadium and the car parks and land surrounding the stadium so, if they were being pedantic, they could actively enforce a ban on smoking outside the stadium too. It doesn't matter that outside isn't enclosed, this is Manchester City Councils own interpretation and application of Central Government law. It's their property so they can apply the law in whatever way they deem fit.
Interstate 5 said:
blackley macca said:
and what did you do when you went to a pub, before the ban?

People smoke, get over it.

It's illegal to smoke in the bogs, get over it? Reinforcing the impression most on here that smokers are selfish. Well done, maybe there's a reason we can't "get over" the stereotyping as well.

I'm a ex-smoker so have some sympathy but to be fair its now banned so smokers should respect the rules and excercise 'a little' self unfortunate side effect of todays narcissistic society imo.....i blame reality tv!!
Ground regulations

10. Smoking is not permitted in the City of Manchester Stadium and all areas of SportCity. This includes toilets, spiral stairwells, concourses, seats and all hospitality areas including atriums. Anyone who does smoke in the Stadium faces ejection and a possible ban.

Straight off MCFC website. Like it or not those are the rules.

If people feel so strongly about this why not do something that might get a response. Start a campaign to get the council, who made the rule in the first place, to reconsider their ruling. Cite the fact that this is a football stadium and not an office and that people are not allowed to return into the ground oncethey have left. Ask for smoking areas to made available for the duration of the match. Ask the club to get involved - they might not be too keen on promoting smoking (unless we launch Man Ciggy's). It's got to be better than ignoring the rules and getting thrown out by a steward who is, depending on your point of view, simply doing his job/being an overzealous smoke nazi.

I smoked twenty a day during the week and up to forty at weekends for twenty five years so I can understand the craving that people get. However one thing I always did was respect other peoples right not to have to breathe my smoke in - and that was before the ban.

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