Celtic v City post match

Sad to say it but Zab has had his day. One of my all time favourite players but I cringe now everytime I see him in the team knowing we will be exposed down our right hand side. He is never there always drifting inside leaving us exposed to wingers dives into tackles then gets lost for pace. Think Sterling's og was due to the fact he was trying to cover Zab again.
Parts of our game were poor. We weren't at our best, but "awful", and "crap" is nonsense. You also have to respect the opposition in football.

It was in the context of the opposition that I made my assessment. Celtic are not good. I've seen them often enough. City should be beating them hands down but allowed themselves to be hassled and played to the occasion instead of sticking to the basics we've so easily managed against superior sides than Celtic. Up here we knew how the game would start. Which makes it all the more disappointing that City were caught like a rabbit in headlights. We could have been 2 down before we woke up. Did anyone do their homework? It's more down to that than Celtic being any good and worthy of respect.
Sad to say it but Zab has had his day. One of my all time favourite players but I cringe now everytime I see him in the team knowing we will be exposed down our right hand side. He is never there always drifting inside leaving us exposed to wingers dives into tackles then gets lost for pace. Think Sterling's og was due to the fact he was trying to cover Zab again.
And not meaning to jump on the bandwagon but going forward he doesn't exactly get many assists or create much either.

He's been a warrior for us, but honestly I can't imagine Pep watching Zabba these days and thinking yes, he's the right back we need. I suspect he'll go in the summer.
It's looking pretty obvious that every game we play in all competitions this season is going to be the oppositions cup final.
Even with the poor defending City should have won that easily. 20 attempts 9 on target to their 9 and 3.
As I have been saying for weeks now the best way to play us is to defend in our half. And again it sort if worked. Defenders panic a bit and when we counter attack we lose our way a bit.
Defensively, Kolarov reverted to type and Zabaletta and Clichy were equally poor.
Attacking wise Aguero kept hold of the ball too much and was often crowded out. Stirling was magnificent though.
Pep probably should have brought Fernando on at half time rather than on 73 mins but that is 20:20 vision in the rear view mirror. The 3 positions we didn't strengthen in the summer were our weakness again. Our opponents will attack there again and again from now on.
The worst bit of our play last night was conceding the third goal within a minute of the second half kicking off. Its almost like the half time team talk didn't happen. Watching that goal, whilst Kolorov was mostly at fault, we had plenty of chances to clear the ball before then.

It was a spirited comeback each time but I don't think it was a great result. I think we should have the beating of a side containing Scott Sinclair and Kolo Toure. It could now put pressure on us with the Barca games up next. We will have to play a lot better than that to beat them.

you know what really pissed me off about that?

Just as we came in for the second half, Kolarov was last to take the field and the camera went on him. I turned around to the missus and said "his head is gone, he's bottled it here" and low and behold, he managed to give the ball to Celtic not once but twice in the space of that minute, directly responsible for that goal.

I'm not a Kolarov basher, and understand why he started. Stones has zero champs league/big game experience, so I understand why Pep put in the senior player. But Aleks caved last night to the crowd.
Fantastic game end to end stuff and atmosphere was spot on

In hindsight we should have started with Stones and Sagna but we live and learn

This was a cup final for Celtic and they played like men possessed, we played well and never let our heads go down (especially Raheem)

To come back 3 times at Parkhead with that atmosphere showed how we have improved in the short time Pep has been here.
So why don't you play like that and have an atmosphere like that for more than two games a season?

It's not arrogance at all- it's just that you play in a shit league akin to the English championship week in week out and raise your game when a big boy turns up in town.

Enjoy Dundee at the weekend and finishing 4th in the CL group.

It completely escapes you that you are in the position you are in due to geographical fortune, doesn't it? Had Celtic had the same fortune to spend on their squad, we wouldn't be a "championship" team either, we'd be facing you a couple of times a season. The history speaks for itself. We are where we are. That's life, but some humility in the place of arrogance with regard to the game would be a nice start.

We did very well.

As a Celtic fan, it's the most enjoyable game I've seen in a few years, simply because we were such big underdogs when you look at the quality of the teams. We have a very decent first team for our level, but the contrast is stark. To a man, we were excellent. Left nothing in reserve, mostly covered the skill deficiencies with endeavour and weren't too shabby with the ball when we had it. We harried, hassled and stuck in, and it worked.

We were shattered by the last 20 minutes and held on admirably, without it ever really feeling like you were pummelling us, though a 4th would've come if you'd had longer.

Overall, a superb night for our club at a level we can no longer be reasonably expected to compete at. Shame the game has gone this way but that's another discussion.

There was fortune in our goals, no doubt, but there was fortune in yours too. Kolarov's shot landing at the feet of Fernandinho when it could've gone anywhere (as we saw in another Kolarov effort that's just come back into orbit), Dembele's short pass to Brown that led to Sterling's (well-taken) goal, the parry by Gordon into the path of Nolito. You could go on about most goals, but that's just football.

Of course we raise our game when at home and the "big boys" turn up, what else should be done? Given that we're aiming for 6 leagues in a row, it's fair to say we turn up when the "little guys" arrive too. No?

There's no shame in finishing 4th in this group, that's not a put down. It's an acknowledgement of the relative circumstances we find ourselves in. There's no shame in raising your game as if this is our "cup final", we played out of our skin. And, for you, there's no shame in drawing with Celtic in Glasgow. Better teams have had worse.

This kind of result and occasion will become rarer and rarer for us until something changes with the "Champion's" league, so you better believe it's going to be milked. If we have to endure the 7-0s in Barcelona, we'll bathe in the points against teams like yours that cost hundreds of millions to assemble with arguably the best manager around in charge of them.

As much as I enjoy your delicious salty tears, maybe give Celtic a little credit as opposed to being a stereotypical arrogant fan of a rich club (plenty others seem to manage ok around here, I should add). It's ok to have off days, everyone does.

Well played, good game, I'm sure you'll still go far and even more sure you'll win the league. Some team.
Lads, it was third game away in a row, with Spurs its 4 - extremely tough if you play even with weaker sides. Plus weather. Its good no one injured in these conditions.

Gladbah would be very tough away. I hope Celtic will grab some points from them. With this defence I hardly see more than a point with Barca in two games.

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