Celtic v City post match

If only it was that easy. There will be games where we're unable to stick to our normal playing style, and it was plain to see last night that the oppositions tactics made that impossible. That said, it's not gonna happen very often because it requires the other team to change their playing style when they play us. Even if a team does this, they've gotta be prepared to do it 'til their lungs burst, hope for a few slices of good fortune, hope that we make some poor decisions around the penalty box and hope that they've got a crowd of 60,000 mad jocks spurring them on.

After all that, the opponents would still feel themselves fortunate to come away with a home draw. It's far too simplistic to look at last night's game with the idea that there's some kind of 'eureka moment' in how PL teams can play to get a result against us.

If we defend like that on Sunday we ship 4 or 5 goals. It's that simple.

All the talk of pressing this & tactical that is a load of horseshit. We scored 3 & should have scored 6 so it didn't work. Celtic pressed well & fought hard. Well played to them. But it didn't change the game.

We let in goals that were straightforward easy to defend situations & we came under pressure failling to deal with straight balls down the centre. Nowt to do with their pressing. That stopped us playing fluently at times but it didn't stop us playing.

Defend like that for the next 10 games & we won't win any, irrespective of the tactics used by opponents. We pressurised ourselves into mistakes by not dealing with standard situations.

But it's very unlikely we will repeat those mistakes to that level of incompetence in the coming games.
Lots of comments been made by people who weren't in the stadium. Conditions were hard and influenced our game more than theirs. Celtic pressing us was amazing as were their fans who created a fantastic atmosphere that kept their players going. Credit to them and atmosphere wise we should try and get that at our place when we play Barca.
I think both teams deserved what they got. Main problem besides the weather was both Silva and Gundogan not able to get a grip in midfield and Aguero was too quiet. Can't see a lot of teams able to do what Celtic did and even so we are able to win it. Not so yesterday though.
Good post. Celtic are about the level of a Burnley/Villa/Norwich yo yo club. Last night you played really well and we played pretty badly. You got three goals which all had an element of luck about them, but to be fair, got yourselves into those situations through agressiion and effort. You were lucky we didn't win the game after we totally controlled the second half. You were also lucky thast our best player in those type of open game, Kevin De Bruyne, was injured. So well played, I hope you enjoyed it, and thanks for the comments.

I agree and sort of disagree with that. Over the course of the season right now yeah we are a bottom 4 EPL side (considering our budget, thats fully expected, absolute dross in the EPL spend 10x what we do), but then again I dont think many sides in the EPL could (if they had the opportunity) have a 3 defeats in 23 at home in the Champions league..

We needed to be at the top of our game and needed you to struggle and have an off night, we got that but I really do think we played some nice football at times (first half especially). In previous years we have sat extremely deep with 10 men behind the ball and hoped that we didnt concede, City fans on here expected us to kick your players off the park and sit in but thankfully that didn't happen. It was a different performance from us last night, it was an open, exciting game of football.

It was a great game, & Celtic did themseives proud. It was never guaranteed to be an easy night but tbh could have been much easier if City had defended competently.

Nevertheless, Celtic put everything in & it created a great contest.

I agree mate, but I suppose you could say that 90% of the time when your side concede. Not that you didn't deserve the 3 goals but bear in mind a couple of your goals were reasonably fortunate aswell.

Looks like the last group game down at the Etihad will be interesting afterall. Really expected both teams to have nothing to play for by that stage. Lets hope for another great tie. Last night has received compliments from all over.
Spurs will be a very tight game. Had it been in a blank week, with a full squad available, I'd back us but we go into it a little weakened in players and we wont be 100%. This is a game to grind out a win, or a draw if necessary.
+Don't think we can use these excuses against Spuds. They have been to Moscow and are missing their main striker so we are even on that count. It will be a tough game and one which a draw would represent a good result. We have not played well in the last two games largely because the opposition have raised their game and we have struggled to respond. But the side is showing good spirit and a willingness to dig in. We do seem to lack a bit of steel in midfield when Fernando is not present and we do appear vulnerable to pace in defence. In terms of the CL we still seem way short to be considered serious contenders but I give us a very good chance of winning the league if we win most/all of our home games.
I agree and sort of disagree with that. Over the course of the season right now yeah we are a bottom 4 EPL side (considering our budget, thats fully expected, absolute dross in the EPL spend 10x what we do), but then again I dont think many sides in the EPL could (if they had the opportunity) have a 3 defeats in 23 at home in the Champions league..

We needed to be at the top of our game and needed you to struggle and have an off night, we got that but I really do think we played some nice football at times (first half especially). In previous years we have sat extremely deep with 10 men behind the ball and hoped that we didnt concede, City fans on here expected us to kick your players off the park and sit in but thankfully that didn't happen. It was a different performance from us last night, it was an open, exciting game of football.

I agree mate, but I suppose you could say that 90% of the time when your side concede. Not that you didn't deserve the 3 goals but bear in mind a couple of your goals were reasonably fortunate aswell.

Looks like the last group game down at the Etihad will be interesting afterall. Really expected both teams to have nothing to play for by that stage. Lets hope for another great tie. Last night has received compliments from all over.

It was a great game of football. Seems like the whole thing was played out in good spirits, on and off the pitch. And for that you will be more than welcome to Manchester.
Have to say - ignoring genuine one off games (games we won the league / cup / relegated / put 5 or 6 past Utd etc) I reckon that's the best atmosphere I have ever been at
I posted earlier, full marks Celtic spirited performance, City looking shaky, bit of a worry. But what has really upset me(that takes some doing these days) is the anti City bile on the BBC sport section, these are comment posted after the match report. Bigoted, vile and sick do not cut it.
Saw a program the other night on how things have improved since the 1970's in terms of tolerance, well after reading that vitriol we seem to be back in the prehistoric era where the males were dragging their knuckles. Really annoyed, is it jealousy? Or just hatred? Feel sorry for them really :-)

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