Celtic v City post match

Good post mate. Informational from my point of view. It's been a huge period of transition for your club/fans the last decade or so. Unsure how I would feel about it all if I was in your shoes. Closest example would be if we were somehow to move to the EPL (I've discussed elsewhere, it wont be happening, nor would I be in favour of it). Lots of pro's and con's when clubs go through these huge changes, but IMO they always lose something that you can't quite put your finger on. See West Ham in their new stadium, Arsenal's modern transition, (hypothetically) if we were to move down to English leagues, Chelsea and the crazy money. The thing is if success comes with it, then its widely accepted.

I do worry about the state of English fan culture in the years to come. Between the age-ing fan bases, tourists and sanitised 'match day experience' English football could sadly be un-recognisable in the future.

All well and good, though who needs all of that bouncing up and down, yelling and hollering, clapping and waving flags? Just no need for it these days...
All well and good, though who needs all of that bouncing up and down, yelling and hollering, clapping and waving flags? Just no need for it these days...
I hope that's sarcasm.

Talking of bouncing, I'm disappointed there wasn't a Poznan/Huddle-off. Then again, why you'd turn your back on that game...
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Touche lol
This explains it better than I can

I've seen it said that it's a mimic of the Irish accent and also that it's because it's rooted in gaelic linguistics (h isn't a letter, it alters a letter and is only used because of English typewriters where a Gaelic accent would have otherwise been used - this established modern written Gaelic conventions). I'd reckon the latter is the real reason. Not being a gaelic speaker I'm not sure whether it'd actually apply to Boy (well, boy is an English word anyway), but it's likely it was first used as an aesthetic (where h is often used as a second "letter," particularly after something like "B") to signify the Irish/Scots relationship/roots of the club. It's not unlikely that there was no-one involved in the formation of the club that understood gaelic language themselves; as within Ireland and Wales, there was a big push to revive/retain the celtic languages and reinvent a celtic culture in the preceding centuries (mainly for political reasons to distinguish the country's identity, particularly from the English).

Depending how you use a place name in a sentence would determine whether h would be added or not in Irish gaelic. It's something like: if the h is at the start of the word it alters whether the first letter is pronounced as a soft or hard variant, if it's in the middle it tends to produce a "v" sound - e.g. Siobhan.
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I've seen it said that it's a mimic of the Irish accent and also that it's because it's rooted in gaelic linguistics (h isn't a letter, it alters a letter and is only used because of English typewriters where a Gaelic accent would have otherwise been used - this established modern written Gaelic conventions). I'd reckon the latter is the real reason. Not being a gaelic speaker I'm not sure whether it'd actually apply to Boy (well, boy is an English word anyway), but it's likely it was first used as an aesthetic (where h is often used as a second "letter," particularly after something like "B") to signify the Irish/Scots relationship/roots of the club. It's not unlikely that there was no-one involved in the formation of the club that understood gaelic language themselves; as within Ireland and Wales, there was a big push to revive/retain the celtic languages and reinvent a celtic culture in the preceding centuries (mainly for political reasons to distinguish the country's identity, particularly from the English).

Depending how you use a place name in a sentence would determine whether h would be added or not in Irish gaelic. It's something like: if the h is at the start of the word it alters whether the first letter is pronounced as a soft or hard variant, if it's in the middle it tends to produce a "v" sound - e.g. Siobhan.

I'm impressed,it's clear who the wordsmith on Blue Moon is :)
The.defending was useless, Zaba for me on the night showed he's lost his pace (most attacks came down that side) and why he's bombing on past Sterling all the time when he's enough on his plate defending i'll never know, he should come inside and support Sterling but stay in a defensive position behind or level with the ball. Kolorov made a mistake which can happen, his and Otto's hoofing of the ball when being pressed was unbelievable given how Pep wants to play. Im surprised Pep didnt bring Stones on earlier to give one of them two an outlet to pass instead of hoof. Stones plays we keep more possession, cope better with Celtics press and win the game. Poor decision from Pep for me to not start Stones and took too long to bring him on, showed a weakness in decision making.

I think Pep's looking at how to best maximise Stones' potential and probably thinks that requires him to sit and watch some games rather than play. Even if that isn't necessarily the best short term decision for City.

The basic problem is that we need new full backs and another CB (particularly after Kompany's latest setback). Pep's managed to coax some good performances from the defenders, but the back four that played at Celtic is always likely to ship goals. In most games the quality of our attacking play will se us through, but not every time.
When I was at the game the thing that struck me most was the movement of the man city forwards for example the second goal when silva nicked the ball from brown the forward players were so quick to switch on and the movement was frightening from aguero and sterling as well as the ball from silva at the third goal the same again the ball through for aguero was top drawer that is the difficulty celtic have they don't come up against that quality in scotland
Who is this new player Sterling we've signed?? :-D Absolutely brilliant display by the little fella! Loving his new found confidence. Shocking defending by us throughout, but what a game to watch..just wish that one at the end would of gone in then it really would of been exceptional. P. S We'll destroy em at home!!
I believe we scored 2 other goals in the game and left your team with 90mins to claw back the 1 'unjust' goal deficit, but you didn't. Therefore its not a KEY factor. It's football, these things happen all the time.

Choose to ignore my point if you so wish though.. ;)

The first goal was a huge boost for you, had it been correctly disallowed, the fire would have been doused within about 10 minutes and we would have gone on to win.

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