Champions League Final , Sat 28th May '22

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Classic deflection tactics.
The British Media are worse than North Korea when it comes to reporting on that shitstain of a club and it's vile followers.
Exactly this. Anything to divert away from the fact the Dippers lost.
If it had t had been for ferals it would have been something else. They have a book of excuses as we well know.
Just watching the partisan reporting of our national broadcaster, disgraceful. Couldn't confirm the jibbers were scouse?????? Also how many different reporters did they have in Paris?

Ironically they interviewed at least 6 different "fans" not one scouser amongst them.
This! England fans got absolutely trashed for what appears to be exactly the same behaviour as the LFC supporters yesterday! The double standards are unbelievable. England got heavily sanctioned and now have to play a game behind closed doors, a false equivalence was also drawn between the disruption at the Euro Final to the good natured celebrations at City last Sunday.

it also looks like UEFA are going to cave to the dippers media onslaught and exonerate them, imagine for one second if our fans had behaved like that and caused a showpiece final to be delayed? Yes we all know we would be smeared by our own vile media and UEFA would start immediate proceedings against us.

Let’s be honest, if Grealish has his hair pulled, we get fined by Eufa.
It does seem locals were trying to gain entry, hence the heavy handed police wading in. It could easily have been us had we been there.
I am really sorry if innocent people got hurt last night but how many times does the same thing have to happen with Liverpool fans before someone will admit they might actually have a problem?
Just blaming everyone else everytime there is trouble is never going to solve things,
The internet is full of videos of Liverpool fans trying to get into stadia without tickets, just look at there end in Wembley a few weeks ago when we played them, it was obvious there were far more people in that area than there should have been, but its always brushed under the carpet and covered up?
The truth is, Liverpool for whatever reason have a serious problem with some of there fans turning up for a football game either without tickets in the hope they might be able to get in anyway or with fake tickets which they have either got hold of knowing full well there are fake or sadly been duped by people selling them who knew they were fake,
Sadly untill the british media face the reality of the situation the problems with Liverpool games will continue & no amount of inquiries or investigations will make any difference.
The problem is they dont hold themselves accountable, and pass the blame instead. I just hope if we get there next season, we are not playing them and thats nothing to do with their footballing skills as it should be
It's pretty obvious that there were multiple contributing factors:

1. Snide twats selling thousands of fake tickets to LFC fans
2. Pathetic LFC followers climbing the fences and charging the turnstiles in an attempt to jib in for free
3. Shockingly poor organisation on the part of the stadium management
4. Heavy-handed over-reactions on the part of some of the police

None of those involved - LFC fans, UEFA, SdF stadium management or the Police - have any right to blame anyone else. This on them - they are each culpable for the part that they played.

Meanwhile the commercially-motivated UK media - for whom no depths are too low if it means they continue to milk the LFC cash cow - are totally complicit in their coverage. Spinelessly focusing on 3 and 4 whilst conveniently pretending 1 and 2 did not happen.

And so nothing ever changes. On today of all days that is an incredibly sad indictment on them all.
Brad Friedel, "Liverpool fans aren't violent and know how to behave at stadiums" Who's going to tell him?
I’m honestly wondering if there is any group in human history directly linked to more deaths inside stadiums. Maybe one of the Latin American dictatorships carried out executions in a stadium?? but they’d be going some to match the dipper total.
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