Champions League Final | Ticket Criteria | SOLD OUT

If it was a home game, fair enough. But as it's the final, surely the club can't re sell tickets? Uefa will surely have coined everything extra already
If that's the basis, though I doubt it will be. We should boycott the dead rubber Group game. Pep tells us to turn up. We turn up. Magnificent support last night BTW to those that were there.

I bet there were less than 2k SC there.

As I said, Pep tells us to turn up. We turn up. If they shaft us like that is will be a disgrace.
As long as the tickets are issued in a way that those who bought them must be the persons that use them, then that's as good as it gets. Purchasing to profiteer or aid others jump a queue and then force those who've been leapfrogged to purchase more expensive seats or miss out altogether is bad form, and I would strongly advise any blue who can not attend, to not undermine the chances of those next in the queue.

All that said, we know it won't be like that, and tickets will be passed forcing many to miss out to those less deserving.
I just don't see how we have 20k season ticket holders on the Champions League Cup scheme. Where my season ticket is up at SS3 there is me my dad 2 or 3 lads I know next to us and 1 infront that's it the rest I don't see on Champions League nights
SS3 is 75% non ST holders for CL I would say. Not everyone is in the scheme to go to the final either. Some will be to just take away the hassle of buying tickets to games they would have gone too anyway and maybe get a bit of a discount. Going to Turkey won’t be for everyone and it’s going to be a very costly couple of weeks. I think we will sell out but not neccesarily at high points. Depends how many the club skim off for corporates etc.

Prices are:

Cat 4 - 70 euros
Cat 3 - 180 euros
Cat 2 - 490 euros
Cat 1 - 690 euros

Last season Liverpool and Real Madrid were told they'd get 15,600 tickets each within the category 3 and 4 pricing. So there will be a few thousand low down on points etc that will have to decide if they want to pay £425 or £600 quid for a ticket.
To be honest the cat one tickets will probably be snapped up by Corporate fans.
I worked in Turkey, it’s a wonderful place. Turkish people are lovely. I don’t like the street dogs though.

I remember it well You were a great Miss DCB
As long as the tickets are issued in a way that those who bought them must be the persons that use them, then that's as good as it gets. Purchasing to profiteer or aid others jump a queue and then force those who've been leapfrogged to purchase more expensive seats or miss out altogether is bad form, and I would strongly advise any blue who can not attend, to not undermine the chances of those next in the queue.

All that said, we know it won't be like that, and tickets will be passed forcing many to miss out to those less deserving.
I’d like to think fellow blues wouldn’t buy tickets purely to make a profit on one another, we’re not the scousers.

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