Champions League Final | Ticket Criteria | SOLD OUT

I think as we get ever more popular, the club will realise that old loyalty systems may well be choking access for new fans, and we could well reach a system that is a complete ballot!

That may put a few noses out if joint, but ultimately, and if it is done fairly, could be the long term way forward for the club, whilst also a good way of killing off the self entitled legacy fan for good!

The trouble with this is that the vast majority of fans either never go to away games or are only interested in going to the most popular ones.

Whereas your self entitled legacy fans are the ones there week after week, season after season, at the games most other people have no interest in.

If they start missing out on the popular games, they’ll get out of the habit of going to the less popular ones also. Maybe lose interest altogether.

You’re entitled to your opinion as much as anybody but if your idea did come in, don’t be surprised when the away ends at games like Swansea on a Tuesday night are virtually empty.

Or God forbid, that this current cycle of success comes to an end anytime soon, and all the recent converts go back to their previous hobbies.
why no sale tomorrow?? every season tik holder with a access code will be checking wesite / BM etc for when they can buy. Why the delay??
Because they probably expected it to sell out today and they need to work out the different parameters of how they allocate the times for points bands for sale. If they hadn't put this then everyone would have been checking the website anyway!!! Jesus....
Not sure there were ever close to that many left today. If 6k-7k have gone elsewhere, that leaves 13k-14k for points holders. The majority of those will have gone before today as there are more high pointers on the cup scheme than low pointers.
The club should have put some kind of facility in place to provide a service for the good of all and stop all this guess work. People need to know here they stand.

Round of applause please for the MCFC seat counters. You’re all fucked without us. We should have got our own ticket allocation first (free cat 1s) and then been set free on the system to do our stuff to reassure fans and free up the clogged phone lines. Shambles again from the ticket office.
I’m flying out with another airline in the afternoon, can’t say who as some nutters off here might be waiting for me.
Flying back with Pegasus on Sunday, so see you there.
I got these yesterday for 448 return Monday night
I froze a Pegasus flight on Sunday evening & had a check tonight on what the price is & it’s gone up over £200. Thought I’d better get it purchased as the price was frozen & the link kept giving me an error. Had to phone them up in the end & they advised that the flight had changed (by 15 mins) & I had to rebook, not happy! Gave it one more try & it worked , paid up quickly before it went tits up again. Flight is the 2:10am on Friday with return on Sunday at 10:05. If you’ve frozen the price I’d get it purchased quick!
I’m same as you out and then 11.10 Sunday. Paid £700. What was yours and what are they now?

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