Champions League Final | Ticket Criteria | SOLD OUT

Nearly nabbed my dad a Cat 3, basket was empty when I went to pay. Settled on Cat 2. Fucking buzzing with that, we've had flights booked for nearly 2 weeks now, was waiting for this as he's not on the CL scheme. Thought I was gonna have to leave him in a bar to watch it alone so this is a big weight off.
Easiest way to get back from Yenikapi which the free uefa buses drop us off at at 3am Sunday am to Taksim square? Any ideas? My flight back is 8am so need a quick dart to hotel to checkout and havibus back to IST airport....
I hope all ST holders who wants tickets get them. I have heard and read too many casual fans getting tickets from ST holders on the cup scheme who gave them their code. If I was ST holder and a few thousand points this would infuriate me. I appreciate this may be only a few tickets but it will affect a ST holder if they don't get one.
I have confirmation of my ticket purchase.
Does anyone know please when EUFA will deliver the ticket ?

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