Champions League Final | Tickets - City Official Package + UEFA Tickets | 2022 Final (pg 1033)

Less than three weeks to go and no one knows where this game will be played. Another example of the incompetence of Uefa, remember this was the organisation that took print outs of hacked emails to the CAS as evidence. They should have been making a decision on this at least 3 weeks ago, even with Real Madrid and PSG making a final it’s still sending fans to a country battling to get infection rates under control.

When they have clubs wanting out of Uefa to form a super league, Uefa need to try a lot harder as an organisation to not give them justification to do so.
Less than three weeks to go and no one knows where this game will be played. Another example of the incompetence of Uefa, remember this was the organisation that took print outs of hacked emails to the CAS as evidence. They should have been making a decision on this at least 3 weeks ago, even with Real Madrid and PSG making a final it’s still sending fans to a country battling to get infection rates under control.

When they have clubs wanting out of Uefa to form a super league, Uefa need to try a lot harder as an organisation to not give them justification to do so.
What a load of crap.

If you want someone to blame for the uncertainty, look no further than Grant Schapps.
What a load of crap.

If you want someone to blame for the uncertainty, look no further than Grant Schapps.
Hold on a sec - you were saying the other night that you're not arsed where this match is played, but here you are again blaming the government for committing the cardinal sin of sticking Turkey on the red list. I mean, how fucking dare they do that - after all, you had your flight and hotel booked so they should've made Turkey amber or even green just to suit you. The way you've been banging on, you actually think it was a deliberate act to piss us all off. And how dare the poster you quoted blame that whiter than white organisation UEFA eh? After our government held firm on not granting their VIPs quarantine exemption (something you said yourself shouldn't be happening) you're even blaming the government for sticking to their guns on something that squared with your opinion.

If UEFA wanted this match to be played with people in attendance, they should've ensured it was moved to a safer country weeks ago instead of playing Russian Roulette and waiting until the last possible minute and even then only changing the venue when it was taken out of their hands. They (UEFA) don't give a fuck about football fans. Never have and never fucking will. It's all about countries bending over backwards and breaking their own Covid regs just to suit their entourage of hangers-on. Cunts.
Less than three weeks to go and no one knows where this game will be played. Another example of the incompetence of Uefa, remember this was the organisation that took print outs of hacked emails to the CAS as evidence. They should have been making a decision on this at least 3 weeks ago, even with Real Madrid and PSG making a final it’s still sending fans to a country battling to get infection rates under control.

When they have clubs wanting out of Uefa to form a super league, Uefa need to try a lot harder as an organisation to not give them justification to do so.
We have seen very quick confirmation of what we all know. UEFA doesn't give a shit about fans. The CL is run for the broadcasters and a corrupt cartel of men in suits. The problem is because a bunch of very wealthy individuals and their organisations will not pay for the costs of their own quarantine and hotel rooms and are demanding that the UK taxpayers should pay for them. Says it all.
We have seen very quick confirmation of what we all know. UEFA doesn't give a shit about fans. The CL is run for the broadcasters and a corrupt cartel of men in suits. The problem is because a bunch of very wealthy individuals and their organisations will not pay for the costs of their own quarantine and hotel rooms and are demanding that the UK taxpayers should pay for them. Says it all.
Spot on. In a way - and granted I'm not sure how quarantine exemptions fit in with Portugal's regs - I hope Portugal tell them to fuck off as well. It doesn't do much for us fans as we want to know where the match is being played ASAP but the sooner UEFA get the message that football is about more than just them, the better. They had a golden opportunity in the wake of the ESL fiasco to do something for the fans for a change and gain some goodwill but as you say it's not taken them long to revert to type.
Anyone know for sure if it is to be Portugal whether its Porto or Lisbon?
Don't think theres any way of knowing at this point tbh mate, we've took a punt and booked return flights to Lisbon, if it ends up elsewhere i'm just gonna change the date of the flights and have a weekend in Lisbon later on in the summer. Hopefully we'll find out this afternoon.

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