Champions League Final | Tickets - City Official Package + UEFA Tickets | 2022 Final (pg 1033)

Mad take. Why not go full ballot while we're at it? Biggest game in the club's history and lets chuck out the loyalty point criteria? Mental
There seems to be consensus that if you want a ticket you'll get one, so I get his point but it's unlikely they'll do it that way, just in case
Every airline in the country should be offering to put on Chartered flights for both sets of fans now its confirmed, they all must have 100's of planes sat around doing nothing at the moment

Oh they do,but I’m not that keen on being a guinea pig when these ain’t flown for a long while believe me -take more than a squirt of WD40 to get them functioning correctly
I'm sorry for fans like you, I have a good mate who can't fly either. I remember seeing you in the terminal and on my flight to Russia in 2013. You put in some hard yards. Cling to those memories because the early CL away days were tremendous.
what is trip that was.
you're right i do have my memories . nobody is taking them off me.
i hope you all enjoy Porto. the last trip was outstanding .
Sounds more sensible. But they could always just put it to points on a smaller time scale than usual too. Worried the club might set an awful precedent here.
I think a ballot totally tied in with CL scheme and points is the quickest way. Knowing City though, it'll be the usual sales process with the points dropping by about 250 per day, so it'll be all SC holders on or around the 16th June!
I hope everyone who is going has a brilliant time, you lucky lucky barstewards!! Lets hope history will be made for City!

Ya know, it could also be a great opportunity to show the good side of football fans....take a leaf out of the NI supporters book.....there could be a chance to have a brilliant time with Chelsea fans, if paths cross. Show that we City fans arent like the Dippers and intent on smashing the place up.....go and have an amazing time!!! So jealous!

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