Champions League Final | Useful Information

To be honest, I won’t be to arsed about missing the flight if we win. If we lose however..

My flight is at 10:30am, so have to be at the airport for 8:30am. I’ve got to trek all the way back into Istanbul after the game then go all the way back a few hours later. Hopefully get back to the hotel at a decent time to try get some sleep in.
It’s the journey back to Town that worries me most.I’m on a jolly till Tuesday so no pressure but boy it would be easier if it were closer and earlier KO.
Is it worth staying near this Yenikapi place would you say? That many hotels I haven’t got a clue where to start. Anyone found a decent one for less than £200 a night?

Go on Airbnb. Loads of fantastic apartments for much less than that per night. I booked a fantastic apartment for £85 a night all to myself. Prices have dropped.

Where's the best place to change currency? Thinking £100 will be enough to change? Arrive in antalya Friday night, fly back to Birmingham Sunday 8am so only really need cash for taxis?

Go on Airbnb. Loads of fantastic apartments for much less than that per night. I booked a fantastic apartment for £85 a night all to myself. Prices have dropped.

Had a bad experience once with private apartment in Prague and put me right off, especially arriving late. Prefer to be right in the middle of it really. Ideally I want a Savoy standard hotel for Travelodge prices :-)
I can see it being the case of getting back to the hotel and getting straight back in a taxi to the airport. Going to be fucking knackered.

My flight is at 8am. Straight to the airport after the game. If we win we'll still be in the ground around 1am anyway. Only have to travel to IST airport so not as bad.
If you called him via WhatsApp or Facebook.
Is it that straightforward? -I’m not on Facebook so it’s WatsApp basically?

I remember Munich when I was horrified to find my Orange didn’t work at all and I couldn’t contact anyone etc

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