Ched Evans - serious injury

BlueBearBoots said:
Lancet Fluke said:
city91 said:
Regardless of whether the girl was comatosed or not, Evens is still an opportunistic c*** who took advantage of a woman when she was drunk.

However now that he has done his time I do believe that he should be allowed to play again. If not it would make a comp!ete mockary of the rehabilition system.

I take exception to that because I have on numerous occasions gone out, got hammered, got off with women who are similarly hammered and we have ended up shagging. I certainly don't believe I have ever raped anyone or shagged anyone who hasn't been consenting. I imagine most males on this forum will have done the same. When does two pissed up people shagging become an opportunist c**t taking advantage of a woman when she's drunk?

the girl in this case couldn't remember whether she said no or not and he was found guilty because he had sex with a woman who wasnt capable of saying no. As you say lots of blokes (and women) have had sex whilst plastered and dont remember much about it in the morning. (not me of course because I always behave like a nun ;) )

You do realise that most nuns spend their days riding monks' cocks don't you?
BlueBearBoots said:
Lancet Fluke said:
city91 said:
Regardless of whether the girl was comatosed or not, Evens is still an opportunistic c*** who took advantage of a woman when she was drunk.

However now that he has done his time I do believe that he should be allowed to play again. If not it would make a comp!ete mockary of the rehabilition system.

I take exception to that because I have on numerous occasions gone out, got hammered, got off with women who are similarly hammered and we have ended up shagging. I certainly don't believe I have ever raped anyone or shagged anyone who hasn't been consenting. I imagine most males on this forum will have done the same. When does two pissed up people shagging become an opportunist c**t taking advantage of a woman when she's drunk?

the girl in this case couldn't remember whether she said no or not and he was found guilty because he had sex with a woman who wasnt capable of saying no. As you say lots of blokes (and women) have had sex whilst plastered and dont remember much about it in the morning. (not me of course because I always behave like a nun ;) )

That's the crux of it for me BBB. I can honestly say that there are occasions when I've been so plastered that it can be argued that women were taking advantage of me due to the fact that I was completely incapable of doing anything of my own accord! As for the poster LF responded to who claimed Evans was taking advantage of a woman who was drunk, who's to say that Evans himself wasn't more pissed than her?
I honestly feel a bit sorry for the lad. He hasn't hung around a street corner with a knife and pushed her in the woods and raped her.

There is clearly a debate as to how pissed she was or not but he has suffered for a mistake and should be allowed to rebuild his life. He has been punished.
worsleyweb said:
I honestly feel a bit sorry for the lad. He hasn't hung around a street corner with a knife and pushed her in the woods and raped her.

There is clearly a debate as to how pissed she was or not but he has suffered for a mistake and should be allowed to rebuild his life. He has been punished.

This kind of scenario makes up a small percentage of rape cases. The vast majority are when the victim knows the rapist in some capacity. As it was the jury and the appeals court were convinced that the victim didn't give consent and being friendly and sober-ish hours beforehand doesn't come into question.

I'm aware that legally he has every right to begin playing football, what seems odd is the manner in which his crime has been dismissed and so easily overlooked.
The cookie monster said:
Jesus fucking christ
Now we are feeling sorry for a fuckin convicted Rapist,the mind boggles..........
I think that probably tells you how concerned people are regarding the safety of the conviction rather than it suggesting people on here generally sympathise with rapists.
Lancet Fluke said:
The cookie monster said:
Jesus fucking christ
Now we are feeling sorry for a fuckin convicted Rapist,the mind boggles..........
I think that probably tells you how concerned people are regarding the safety of the conviction rather than it suggesting people on here generally sympathise with rapists.
Good old judge n jury of bluemoon never lets you down.......
The cookie monster said:
Lancet Fluke said:
The cookie monster said:
Jesus fucking christ
Now we are feeling sorry for a fuckin convicted Rapist,the mind boggles..........
I think that probably tells you how concerned people are regarding the safety of the conviction rather than it suggesting people on here generally sympathise with rapists.
Good old judge n jury of bluemoon never lets you down.......

That's fine, you don't question the conviction at all, some people do. You may see people questioning this as them playing "good old judge n jury" and imply that people are in some way ridiculous for doing so but I actually think it is healthy that people are prepared to question stuff and not necessarily have 100% faith in authority. My son was on the end of a miscarriage of justice not for anything as serious as this but his life was made an absolute misery for a while because of it and he got quite depressed because of the sense of injustice he felt. He was lucky, he appealed it and it got chucked out of court as the load of bollocks it was but it still affected him. I know Evans appealed and it failed but I don't believe the appeals system is infallible either. I'm not stupid enough to claim that Evans is innocent (that would be more like playing judge and jury) but I'm not going to pretend I don't have any doubts about the conviction just because it doesn't suit the torch and pitchfork brigade.
Lancet Fluke said:
city91 said:
Regardless of whether the girl was comatosed or not, Evens is still an opportunistic c*** who took advantage of a woman when she was drunk.

However now that he has done his time I do believe that he should be allowed to play again. If not it would make a comp!ete mockary of the rehabilition system.

I take exception to that because I have on numerous occasions gone out, got hammered, got off with women who are similarly hammered and we have ended up shagging. I certainly don't believe I have ever raped anyone or shagged anyone who hasn't been consenting. I imagine most males on this forum will have done the same. When does two pissed up people shagging become an opportunist c**t taking advantage of a woman when she's drunk?

If you have gone into a room whilst your mate is shagging a woman and then decided to have a go knowing she is drunk and without her consent then you're an opportunistic c*** too and should be in prison.

Don't get me wrong though I do understand where you're coming from and that's why I believe its right that his mate got found not guilty. She knowingly went back to the hotel room with the other guy as the CCTV shown she was more than capable of walking. And the fact she has volunterrily gone back with the lad is enough to create reasonable doubt in the Jury's eyes.

Surely you can see the difference between pulling a drunk girl after a few beers and taking her back to a hotel room with her consent than just stumbling upon a drunk girl in the bedroom and shagging her.
Lancet Fluke said:
The cookie monster said:
Jesus fucking christ
Now we are feeling sorry for a fuckin convicted Rapist,the mind boggles..........
I think that probably tells you how concerned people are regarding the safety of the conviction rather than it suggesting people on here generally sympathise with rapists.

very sensible post and exactly right

i will say again though - is he still going to be good enough for anyone to sign him?

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