Ched Evans - serious injury

de niro said:
of course he should. if a plumber serves the same sentence for the same crime he'd go back to work.

there is still a doubt over this conviction anyway isn't there?

I'm not quite sure why you'd think there was doubt over the conviction ?

The jury reached a verdict in double quick time, the judge endorsed whole heartedly and his appeal failed.

I can well understand the view ( although given his somewhat unique profession, I have reservations about it) that he's served his time and should be able to carry on in his chosen career

What I don't get is the support he get's from some here convinced he's a victim of injustice, primarily based on the one eyed ramblings of a site set up to further his cause.

Tried, found guilty, appeal bounced.

He's guilty in the eyes of the law and the vast majority of the folk I know.

His future employment prospects are a matter for debate. His guilt isn't.
I am sure The Rehabilitation of offenders act gives anyone who has served their sentence the right to work again it is a basic right in a Civilized society so even a horrible bastard like Evans has the right to work.
Deny him this and we go into a very dodgy area.

You could argue he should have been given life for rape but two courts have decided his penalty and he has served his time

Mind you if he had raped my Daughter I would have wanted him out on the streets and would have dealt with him myself and the question of him playing football again would not have been an option.
The cookie monster said:
M18CTID said:
bobmcfc said:
you are simply recounting Evans version of events which the jury didn't seem to believe judging by the fact they convicted him.
She said she didn't feel she drank too much to be that incapacitated that she couldn't remember, she had drugs in her system but does not recall taking any. She cannot remember the events after she entered the hotel. She stated it was her belief that she may have had her drink spiked.

You state that he's merely repeating Evans's version of events but then go on to state her version of events. So it seems to have come down to believing one story over another and that's dodgy to say the least.
Thats why theres a thing called a Jury to listen to all the facts
He was found guilty,appealed & yep still guilty of being a RAPIST.

Stefan Kiszko was found guilty of the murder of Lesley Molseed, appealed in 1978, and lost so by your logic that a jury and appeal panel never get it wrong he was a child murderer and rapist yet we all know that years later forensic evidence came to light that proved he couldn't possibly have been guilty and he was eventually released having been the victim of one of the biggest miscarriages of justice in British history.

On the flip side, OJ Simpson was acquitted by a jury of a crime that the whole world is convinced he committed.

You see cookie, the jury doesn't always get it right and neither does the appeals panel. I'm not saying Evans is innocent - just that there appears to be enough reasonable doubt about his conviction. He could well be guilty or he could well be the victim of a stitch-up. And for the record, I absolutely fucking abhor the crime of rape and rapists.
M18CTID said:
bobmcfc said:
TGR said:
So lets get this clear:
She was drugged up on coke & weed and so hammered on the booze she doesn't remember having sex with two different blokes at different times in the same bed? As another poster has stated she wanted to change positions during the sex sessions - so not exactly completely & totally drunk?
I can understand why she might just want to forget the whole evening.

you are simply recounting Evans version of events which the jury didn't seem to believe judging by the fact they convicted him.
She said she didn't feel she drank too much to be that incapacitated that she couldn't remember, she had drugs in her system but does not recall taking any. She cannot remember the events after she entered the hotel. She stated it was her belief that she may have had her drink spiked.

You state that he's merely repeating Evans's version of events but then go on to state her version of events. So it seems to have come down to believing one story over another and that's dodgy to say the least.

That website is created and maintained by cheds family and girlfriend. Of course he will maintain his innocence because his future and career depend upon him convincing people that he was wronged and he couldn't possibly be that kind of person. The Judge and jury heard the case and decided that the evidence supported a guilty verdict.
bobmcfc said:
M18CTID said:
bobmcfc said:
you are simply recounting Evans version of events which the jury didn't seem to believe judging by the fact they convicted him.
She said she didn't feel she drank too much to be that incapacitated that she couldn't remember, she had drugs in her system but does not recall taking any. She cannot remember the events after she entered the hotel. She stated it was her belief that she may have had her drink spiked.

You state that he's merely repeating Evans's version of events but then go on to state her version of events. So it seems to have come down to believing one story over another and that's dodgy to say the least.

That website is created and maintained by cheds family and girlfriend. Of course he will maintain his innocence because his future and career depend upon him convincing people that he was wronged and he couldn't possibly be that kind of person. The Judge and jury heard the case and decided that the evidence supported a guilty verdict.

Posted something similar not too long back Bob. You're wasting your time as some on here are in complete denial.
Perhaps im missing the point of the British justice system here.

Here, you get arrested for a crime, you go to court and appear before a jury of your peers who then pass judgement of guily or not guilty and the Judge pronounces sentenence.

When the sentence is served for the crime you reattain all the rights you had before. Perhaps with certain restrictions of course.

But to deny a man a right to return after sentence to his place of work is simply wrong unless the judge has put those restrictions we are all aware of upon him.

Debating the case is just fruitless and serves no purpose, Evans will have done his time
Davs 19 said:
bobmcfc said:
M18CTID said:
You state that he's merely repeating Evans's version of events but then go on to state her version of events. So it seems to have come down to believing one story over another and that's dodgy to say the least.

That website is created and maintained by cheds family and girlfriend. Of course he will maintain his innocence because his future and career depend upon him convincing people that he was wronged and he couldn't possibly be that kind of person. The Judge and jury heard the case and decided that the evidence supported a guilty verdict.

Posted something similar not too long back Bob. You're wasting your time as some on here are in complete denial.

Nobody is in denial ffs. We're just pointing out that there is a possibility that the jury and appeals panel could've got it wrong.

Do you honestly believe that a) There isn't a single innocent person in prison that has been wrongly convicted? And b) There isn't a single guilty person walking the streets that has been wrongly acquitted?
Davs 19 said:
bobmcfc said:
M18CTID said:
You state that he's merely repeating Evans's version of events but then go on to state her version of events. So it seems to have come down to believing one story over another and that's dodgy to say the least.

That website is created and maintained by cheds family and girlfriend. Of course he will maintain his innocence because his future and career depend upon him convincing people that he was wronged and he couldn't possibly be that kind of person. The Judge and jury heard the case and decided that the evidence supported a guilty verdict.

Posted something similar not too long back Bob. You're wasting your time as some on here are in complete denial.

I am wasting my time indeed. as far as him working and earning thousands of pounds a week, spending it on nights out, shagging anything that glances sideways at him whilst acting like a big time Charlie knobhead ! Yeah it will happen because the footballing industry tends to put its morals to one side when it comes to players who are talented.
M18CTID said:
Davs 19 said:
bobmcfc said:
That website is created and maintained by cheds family and girlfriend. Of course he will maintain his innocence because his future and career depend upon him convincing people that he was wronged and he couldn't possibly be that kind of person. The Judge and jury heard the case and decided that the evidence supported a guilty verdict.

Posted something similar not too long back Bob. You're wasting your time as some on here are in complete denial.

Nobody is in denial ffs. We're just pointing out that there is a possibility that the jury and appeals panel could've got it wrong.

Do you honestly believe that a) There isn't a single innocent person in prison that has been wrongly convicted? And b) There isn't a single guilty person walking the streets that has been wrongly acquitted?

In truth there are only two people who know the truth Evans and the girl the courts decided to believe the girl but Evans has served his sentence and should be free to return to whatever employment he wants as was lee Hughes
I must admit I would not like him at my club but I am an individual with strong views and am not big on forgiveness.
M18CTID said:
Davs 19 said:
bobmcfc said:
That website is created and maintained by cheds family and girlfriend. Of course he will maintain his innocence because his future and career depend upon him convincing people that he was wronged and he couldn't possibly be that kind of person. The Judge and jury heard the case and decided that the evidence supported a guilty verdict.

Posted something similar not too long back Bob. You're wasting your time as some on here are in complete denial.

Nobody is in denial ffs. We're just pointing out that there is a possibility that the jury and appeals panel could've got it wrong.

Do you honestly believe that a) There isn't a single innocent person in prison that has been wrongly convicted? And b) There isn't a single guilty person walking the streets that has been wrongly acquitted?


I do however, believe that the justice system gets it right the overwhelming majority of the time.

I believe that for the jury in a rape trial to reach a unanimous verdict so quickly, they were convinced he was guilty.

Read the judges summation. He was convinced that Evans was guilty.

90,000 people in Sheffield have signed a petition saying they don't want him to play for their club, presumably because they think he's guilty.

Nobody but a website run by his family and a few on here seem to be protesting his innocence.

Why do you think he's innocent ? He had sex with an unconscious woman.

Classy guy eh ? Do you think that doesn't constitute rape ?

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