Ched Evans - serious injury

warpig said:
Pelly Greeny said:
warpig said:
Regardless of whether or not it was a shaky conviction, Evans has served his time and should be free to sign and play for whoever he pleases. He's 24 and football is his trade.

No idea if it's been asked already as I've only just given up on the £2 thread and haven't had time for anything else - anyway..... would you feel that a convicted pedophile or child murderer had served his time and should be free to play pro football again?

If you look at the example of child murder, there is a greater tariff than that of rape, as it is deemed to be more serious in nature. In this instance, Due to the length of sentence I doubt said person would still be of an age to play professional football on their release.

Pedo could get 10 years and out after 5. Convicted at 23 out at 28.

Anyway. never mind that - answer the question and no more of your wanna-be politician dodging the question type answers!
blue underpants said:
Pelly Greeny said:
Eli Panic said:
Oh, he was definitely annoyed. Durham was being totally unreasonable, asking whether Taylor should have changed the outcome of the vote (in which Evans was elected to Team of the Year by his fellow pros) because the awards event was two days after his conviction. Durham also suggested that the applause was specifically for Evans, when Taylor pointed out it came after all the team had been announced and was clearly for all those selected for the team. Twice Taylor pulled Durham up for misquoting him, and he skilfully avoided going down a particular avenue of questioning at least once.

Taylor represented his client well, and I thought Durham was shown up for his attempted sensationalism. Taylor was exasperated at the end of the call, and there were no mutual platitudes at the end. The end of the call was somewhat confusing, with Durham issuing his thanks after Taylor had already gone, and there was some phone fumbling. Durham then attempted to justify himself, but there was no longer the right for Taylor to reply.

My impression was that Taylor was annoyed by Durham's interview, but he didn't lose his cool.

Tut, trust you to spoil a good story by shooting it down with a well balanced and accurate recollection of the conversation.

How long have you been on Bluemoon?

You should know better ;-)
Yeah, stop being level headed, you'v got to learn to stir it a bit on here lol

Haha, sorry guys. Taylor gets some stick on here, but I enjoy hearing someone cutting Durham down to size occasionally.
Pelly Greeny said:
warpig said:
Pelly Greeny said:
No idea if it's been asked already as I've only just given up on the £2 thread and haven't had time for anything else - anyway..... would you feel that a convicted pedophile or child murderer had served his time and should be free to play pro football again?

If you look at the example of child murder, there is a greater tariff than that of rape, as it is deemed to be more serious in nature. In this instance, Due to the length of sentence I doubt said person would still be of an age to play professional football on their release.

Pedo could get 10 years and out after 5. Convicted at 23 out at 28.

Anyway. never mind that - answer the question and no more of your wanna-be politician dodging the question type answers!

Again, The sentencing would reflect the crime committed, which in the instance of a 'peado' you hadnt defined
warpig said:
Pelly Greeny said:
warpig said:
If you look at the example of child murder, there is a greater tariff than that of rape, as it is deemed to be more serious in nature. In this instance, Due to the length of sentence I doubt said person would still be of an age to play professional football on their release.

Pedo could get 10 years and out after 5. Convicted at 23 out at 28.

Anyway. never mind that - answer the question and no more of your wanna-be politician dodging the question type answers!

Again, The sentencing would reflect the crime committed, which in the instance of a 'peado' you hadnt defined

FFS ;-)

Ok this lad, 19 be out at 26 if he behaves.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... tlery.html</a>

A teenage paedophile almost killed a 10-month-old baby boy by abusing him with cutlery.

The infant had to undergo emergency surgery and was close to death after the abuse by Paul Ward.

The 19-year-old, from Leeds, was jailed for 14 years after being convicted of three counts of assault by penetration of a child under 13 and one charge of wounding with intent at Leeds Crown Court.

Judge Neil Clarke told Ward it was 'perhaps the most unpleasant' case of abuse he had come across.

The court was told that the child suffered a ruptured bowel in the incident on January 26.

He was left bleeding heavily and fitting.

The baby had to be revived twice in hospital and now has a colostomy bag.

Judge Clarke told Ward: 'On two occasions [the baby] nearly passed away.

'Doctors said the injuries to his bowel were acutely painful.

'It would have been obvious to you that he would have been in distress and severe pain and yet you continued to do it.

'You did that not just intending serious harm, but with a sexual motive. This is perhaps the most unpleasant abuse of a baby that I have ever come across.'

Ward denied three charges of assault but was convicted by a jury.

He was sentenced to 14 years on September 19 and will initially be sent to a young offenders' institution. The judge also ordered an eight year extension to his licence on release.

Not quite what I was looking for but I really dont want to be looking at many more articles like that.
Eli Panic said:
blue underpants said:
Pelly Greeny said:
i listened to that interview,its a good summary of the transcript,Durham behaved disgracefully,however justice prevailed,as he ended up making himself look the fool.

Tut, trust you to spoil a good story by shooting it down with a well balanced and accurate recollection of the conversation.

How long have you been on Bluemoon?

You should know better ;-)
Yeah, stop being level headed, you'v got to learn to stir it a bit on here lol

Haha, sorry guys. Taylor gets some stick on here, but I enjoy hearing someone cutting Durham down to size occasionally.
BigOscar said:
Pelly Greeny said:
BigOscar said:
Actually, even the victim has no idea what happened, as she was too drunk to remember. It seems to be his word against random guessing of what might of happened, which seems odd. There must be more to the case that people are not being told, as otherwise it's staggering that he was sent to jail and that his appeals weren't succesful. I've known plenty of women who have been genuinely date raped, who couldn't get the rapist sent down because of how hard it is to prove these things, so for him to be sent down for what he is alleged to have done, there must be more too it.

With the amount of people who get away with rape and the anger that that causes, it's not at all surprising the amount of backlash towards Evans, but he is being unfairly burdened with the crimes of others, rather than just his own. He is the scapegoat, the poster boy for men who take advantage of women, so he's recieving all the hate for all the hurt that these people cause. He is by no means innocent though, as at best he's a pretty scummy man who takes advantage of drunk women, but there is no reason at all why he shouldn't be allowed to play football again, but these groups are going to make it incredibly tough for him. He'll manage though, as even Marlon King continued to get football clubs, despite being a far worse human being and a far worse footballer.

You do?
Yes, date rape is terrifyingly common. If you know a large amount of woman in their 20's then you probably do as well.

I have 5 sisters, 4 of them in their 20s and in the era of Facebook and Twitter, I have never heard any one of them claim that they, their friends, or anyone they know has been date raped nor do I know of any men convicted of date-raping someone. I know a woman in her 50s that was beaten up and raped by a man when she was 19 (he was convicted) and I know a man falsely accused of rape. So rape is not 'terrifyingly common' and I don't know why you would write such a stupid thing. The reality is that rape is committed by a very small minority of men, and I bet for every man that has raped someone, there has been a man falsely accused of rape. Yet while people still take everything a woman says at face-value, and hold the view that when drunken man and drunken woman have sex, the woman has been taken advantage of, there will be more examples of mens' lives being ruined by a single accusation and there will be virtually nil convictions for women who make false accusations of rape.
To have concluded beyond any reasonable doubt that Evans was guilty of rape on the basis that the victim was too pissed to have consented seems more than a little far-fetched.

Whether he did rape the victim, or was in reality guilty of the lesser charge of being an utterly amoral, scummy little opportunistic twat, he was convicted, has served his punishment as determined in law and as such deserves to move on with his life - including earning a living in his chosen profession.

However, other than amongst his supporters, I doubt that the tone and content of his website will help garner any sympathy or support to his "cause".

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