Ched Evans - serious injury

blue underpants said:
Gordon Taylor and Adrian Durham just had a set to over Ched on talkshite, Taylor slammed the phone down at the end!

I'm no fan of Taylor, but it was good to hear someone getting the better of Durham - and he spoke a lot of sense too. I not sure if it is possible to tell if someone slams the phone down. The instant it is down, any sound to the other person is immediately gone. There is no crashing noise or anything. Taylor said his bit then went on his way.

Cowardly Durham though, can't accept he was made to look a fool, so he goes on building up his argument giving Taylor no right of reply.

I hardly ever listen to TalkSport any more. I can't say I miss them very much.
Eli Panic said:
blue underpants said:
Gordon Taylor and Adrian Durham just had a set to over Ched on talkshite, Taylor slammed the phone down at the end!

I'm no fan of Taylor, but it was good to hear someone getting the better of Durham - and he spoke a lot of sense too. I not sure if it is possible to tell if someone slams the phone down. The instant it is down, any sound to the other person is immediately gone. There is no crashing noise or anything. Taylor said his bit then went on his way.

Cowardly Durham though, can't accept he was made to look a fool, so he goes on building up his argument giving Taylor no right of reply.

I hardly ever listen to TalkSport any more. I can't say I miss them very much.
I would say he cut it short without saying ''goodnight'' and the phone definitely sounded different going down
There were 2 mates videoing it from outside the window on their phone, was that footage viewed in court does anyone know?
BigOscar said:
ColinBellsjockstrap said:
Just because someone has been "convicted" of a crime, it does not necessarily mean they perpetrated the crime they have been convicted of.

History is littered with miscarriages of justice.

The only people who REALLY know the truth are Evans and the "victim"..not anyone pontificating on Bluemoon.

Even if he was innocent, he will be tarred with the rapist tag for years to come.
Actually, even the victim has no idea what happened, as she was too drunk to remember. It seems to be his word against random guessing of what might of happened, which seems odd. There must be more to the case that people are not being told, as otherwise it's staggering that he was sent to jail and that his appeals weren't succesful. I've known plenty of women who have been genuinely date raped, who couldn't get the rapist sent down because of how hard it is to prove these things, so for him to be sent down for what he is alleged to have done, there must be more too it.

With the amount of people who get away with rape and the anger that that causes, it's not at all surprising the amount of backlash towards Evans, but he is being unfairly burdened with the crimes of others, rather than just his own. He is the scapegoat, the poster boy for men who take advantage of women, so he's recieving all the hate for all the hurt that these people cause. He is by no means innocent though, as at best he's a pretty scummy man who takes advantage of drunk women, but there is no reason at all why he shouldn't be allowed to play football again, but these groups are going to make it incredibly tough for him. He'll manage though, as even Marlon King continued to get football clubs, despite being a far worse human being and a far worse footballer.

You do?
Egon said:
oakiecokie said:
Egon said:
Sergio Aguero is convicted of rape two weeks before the last game of the season against QPR in 2012. Knowing the result of the trial will have a massive bearing on the success of City's season you follow the trial intently. You hear of the circumstances and the evidence via the media present at the trial and you are more then a little shocked at the guilty verdict.

The loss of City's best player demoralizes the camp and they draw the final game of the season 2-2, allowing bitter rivals Manchester United to steal the title from under City's nose. Let the torment and ridicule commence.

The following season you flirt with the title and Champions League places before ultimately losing out in the last few months of the season, dropping to 5th. The failure to qualify for the Champions League results in the loss of many of City's top players and the team is now unrecognizable form the side that missed out on the title by one goal a year earlier. As a result the 2013/14 season starts terribly. City are relegation certs till a late run of form from Feb onwards takes you out of danger.

City make a very average start to the current season, sitting mid-table while your rivals continue to flourish. Your fallen hero Sergio Aguero is released from prison tomorrow. He continues to protest his innocence and is desperate to rejoin the club. City are in desperate need of a quality center forward. Would you give him a chance?

You`re obviously an American or just a bad speller.Either way take your Fairy Tales to another forum.

Even a bad spelling American can tell you there should be a space after a full stop and 'Fairy Tales' should be all lower case.

Why should it all be lower case?

Yours sincerely

Mr F Tales
Rape is a truly horrible crime,however if you Google Ched Evans website and read some of the court case and view cctv footage of the alleged victim it certainly doesn't seem to ring true this conviction.
BlueBearBoots said:
There were 2 mates videoing it from outside the window on their phone, was that footage viewed in court does anyone know?

According to a post earlier in this thread it was viewed in court but was deemed inconclusive.
blue underpants said:
Eli Panic said:
blue underpants said:
Gordon Taylor and Adrian Durham just had a set to over Ched on talkshite, Taylor slammed the phone down at the end!

I'm no fan of Taylor, but it was good to hear someone getting the better of Durham - and he spoke a lot of sense too. I not sure if it is possible to tell if someone slams the phone down. The instant it is down, any sound to the other person is immediately gone. There is no crashing noise or anything. Taylor said his bit then went on his way.

Cowardly Durham though, can't accept he was made to look a fool, so he goes on building up his argument giving Taylor no right of reply.

I hardly ever listen to TalkSport any more. I can't say I miss them very much.
I would say he cut it short without saying ''goodnight'' and the phone definitely sounded different going down

Oh, he was definitely annoyed. Durham was being totally unreasonable, asking whether Taylor should have changed the outcome of the vote (in which Evans was elected to Team of the Year by his fellow pros) because the awards event was two days after his conviction. Durham also suggested that the applause was specifically for Evans, when Taylor pointed out it came after all the team had been announced and was clearly for all those selected for the team. Twice Taylor pulled Durham up for misquoting him, and he skilfully avoided going down a particular avenue of questioning at least once.

Taylor represented his client well, and I thought Durham was shown up for his attempted sensationalism. Taylor was exasperated at the end of the call, and there were no mutual platitudes at the end. The end of the call was somewhat confusing, with Durham issuing his thanks after Taylor had already gone, and there was some phone fumbling. Durham then attempted to justify himself, but there was no longer the right for Taylor to reply.

My impression was that Taylor was annoyed by Durham's interview, but he didn't lose his cool.
Pelly Greeny said:
BigOscar said:
ColinBellsjockstrap said:
Just because someone has been "convicted" of a crime, it does not necessarily mean they perpetrated the crime they have been convicted of.

History is littered with miscarriages of justice.

The only people who REALLY know the truth are Evans and the "victim"..not anyone pontificating on Bluemoon.

Even if he was innocent, he will be tarred with the rapist tag for years to come.
Actually, even the victim has no idea what happened, as she was too drunk to remember. It seems to be his word against random guessing of what might of happened, which seems odd. There must be more to the case that people are not being told, as otherwise it's staggering that he was sent to jail and that his appeals weren't succesful. I've known plenty of women who have been genuinely date raped, who couldn't get the rapist sent down because of how hard it is to prove these things, so for him to be sent down for what he is alleged to have done, there must be more too it.

With the amount of people who get away with rape and the anger that that causes, it's not at all surprising the amount of backlash towards Evans, but he is being unfairly burdened with the crimes of others, rather than just his own. He is the scapegoat, the poster boy for men who take advantage of women, so he's recieving all the hate for all the hurt that these people cause. He is by no means innocent though, as at best he's a pretty scummy man who takes advantage of drunk women, but there is no reason at all why he shouldn't be allowed to play football again, but these groups are going to make it incredibly tough for him. He'll manage though, as even Marlon King continued to get football clubs, despite being a far worse human being and a far worse footballer.

You do?
Yes, date rape is terrifyingly common. If you know a large amount of woman in their 20's then you probably do as well.

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