Chelsea v City post match thread

citytill1die84 said:
Shit lol sorry pal I didn't see u quoted someone I'm still feeling the pain lol I'll give u a double apology Sorry Sorry :)

;o) No worries.
TCIB said:
Evening LoveCity bro,

I can see your points but i tend to look at us more than others.
I mean lets be honest here, we all keep saying it's up to us which i believe is true.

This leaves me having to look at us, nobody else. I like Bobby, never have or will be a hater. I do believe he needs to react quicker sometimes to how the game is playing out.
Like this match we could have locked down if we got the jaded Yaya of for De Jong (i was saying this after 25mins) and kind of acted a bit more like last season. There is no shame in that.
Chelsea are a top team and fucking hard to beat, i just feel the mentality was that of us playing a team with less quality. We have got away with keeping the same tactics after they stopped working proper a few times now. Before changing tactics/formations/subs etc a bit late, tonight we got bit on the arse for it imo.

For the record Yaya doing that to Mata was smart as we didn't see him do to much (he seemed to be aware that grinds Mata's gears) after he dicked him over.

If Bobby can sort that and use the versatility of our players and use subs a bit sooner if we are flagging the title is ours to lose.

Harsch ? maybe, but in the cold light of day that game was ours and we should have sewn it up earlier.

I may have to elaborate and go into finer detail if questioned on this but thats the crux of it imo.

Edit:: also yes it felt like a bit of naivity in a cl match again.
Well put - I´m still to pissed off to articulate my sentiments in such a calm and rational manner
Chelsea have lost every big EPL game this season thus far, if we lost the gap would become demoralising. It was a huge win for us, you were unbeaten.

Liverpool drew with you and celebrated a draw at home as well & that's even though they beat you last season, we beat you last season as well.

The fact that you drubbed United & was unbeaten, wasn't a good advert for the rest of the EPL, sometimes you need to show a team can be beaten.

Your position in England right now as the form team and the way you played at the beginning, considering all the circumstances, it was huge.

Celebrating is always good though.. shout out to Balotelli (legend)
zoffie said:
Yes, I actually came on here before Sturridge signed for us & got some abuse as well.

I don't just watch Manchester City reserve matches, I watch specific reserve teams for specific players, so I have watched a wide variety of teams, when they are available.

A lot have been United/Chelsea/Liverpool & Arsenal.

Not actually lying, I bet if you dig up some City highlights of him before he came here you'll see his right foot in action, it's not something he learned at Chelsea.

I did watch him at City & I do remember multiple instances off the top of my head of him using his right foot.

Fair play to you, I actually like City, You have bought a lot of my fave players. Love what they are doing with the whole youth set up as I'm a youth football enthusiast, the designs for the new training complex looks amazing, you're really doing well to create a great youth system & I certainly appreciate that.

Thanks for the nice comments, but I watched Sturridge since he played in our Youth team and I can assure you he is/was VERY much a one-footed player! I bet you can't find all these examples you speak of - I think the win last night has gone to your

Anyway, thanks for not abusing and Yes, we are very happy about all the improvements.

zoffie said:
Yes, I actually came on here before Sturridge signed for us & got some abuse as well.

I don't just watch Manchester City reserve matches, I watch specific reserve teams for specific players, so I have watched a wide variety of teams, when they are available.

A lot have been United/Chelsea/Liverpool & Arsenal.

Not actually lying, I bet if you dig up some City highlights of him before he came here you'll see his right foot in action, it's not something he learned at Chelsea.

I did watch him at City & I do remember multiple instances off the top of my head of him using his right foot.

Fair play to you, I actually like City, You have bought a lot of my fave players. Love what they are doing with the whole youth set up as I'm a youth football enthusiast, the designs for the new training complex looks amazing, you're really doing well to create a great youth system & I certainly appreciate that.
I watched him come through the academy teams. I saw him play in the FA Youth Cup games against Sunderland and Liverpool. He used his right foot for standing on. He's stronger now, and although very one footed he has gone on his right a few times. He didn't do that at City. It makes him much less predictable.
DTeacher said:
zoffie said:
Yes, I actually came on here before Sturridge signed for us & got some abuse as well.

I don't just watch Manchester City reserve matches, I watch specific reserve teams for specific players, so I have watched a wide variety of teams, when they are available.

A lot have been United/Chelsea/Liverpool & Arsenal.

Not actually lying, I bet if you dig up some City highlights of him before he came here you'll see his right foot in action, it's not something he learned at Chelsea.

I did watch him at City & I do remember multiple instances off the top of my head of him using his right foot.

Fair play to you, I actually like City, You have bought a lot of my fave players. Love what they are doing with the whole youth set up as I'm a youth football enthusiast, the designs for the new training complex looks amazing, you're really doing well to create a great youth system & I certainly appreciate that.

Thanks for the nice comments, but I watched Sturridge since he played in our Youth team and I can assure you he is/was VERY much a one-footed player! I bet you can't find all these examples you speak of - I think the win last night has gone to your

Anyway, thanks for not abusing and Yes, we are very happy about all the improvements.


I'm glad you have watched, don't you think a more accurate assessment is that he makes the wrong decisions sometimes, he's right foot he has always used in critical situations to good effect like yesterday, but, sometimes when he should just use his right, he uses his left.

Thinking of examples everyone would remember. Blackburn the Robinho & Sturridge link up cameo, I'm sure that volley for his goal was his right foot. No? (I could be wrong, I'm going off memories)

He definitely scored on his "debut" for us on his right foot too in a friendly in America & it was an Hénry-esque finish from the left placed in the far right corner.

He didn't learn it at Chelsea, I saw him using his right foot to good effect at City
I think there's too much hype over Sturridge to be honest. For me the dangerman last night was Ramires who was constantly surging through the centre of our midfield like it was none existent.

Take away all the key points - the silva penalty, the meirelles (spelling?) sending off and we should have had the game sewn up inside 30mins. Aguero as much as I like him has now missed 3 absolute sitters in the last 2 games. He got away with it against Norwich but last night we got punished for it.

I've no complaints about our sending off and no complaints about their penalty. On another day we'd have won that game 3-1 easy. The most important thing is to not get beat by Arsenal next Sunday and be top over Christmas (even if it is on goal difference) and then we can make a good push for the title through January.
Shoddy tactics

Lost us our place in the champions league and lost us the game last night for fucks sake. How can you play Zabaleta, an out and out defensive fullback, on the same wing as a player like Silva who drifts in and out and leaves the wing exposed? Schoolboy tactics that and it's been coming for a while now. We look unstoppable when we've got Silva/Nasri cutting inside for Micah/Clichy to bomb forward... it's brilliant. But Zaba isn't a wingback, he's a top defender but attacking prowess is not one of his strong points, and Kolarov is only slightly better. We HAVE to play 4-4-2/4-4-1-1 when these guys are in the team. Stick a winger infront of them like Johnson...wasted areas of the pitch because players are being deployed in the wrong ways. Rant over.

Ps- Forza Mancini. It's not one of those posts.
mike channon´s windmill said:
DTeacher said:
zoffie said:
Haha.. Having watched loads of Sturridge even from his City reserve/youth days, he does so many critical things with his right foot, score, assist.
If you look at a vid, you would be shocked. I think this whole (one foot) thing is going to be sooo useful to him!

As a Chelsea fan, you watched OUR reserve/youth games?

PMSL - Yeah, ok.

Problem is, you are talking BS.

Sturridge was one of the most one-footed players I have ever seen - on a par with Wayne Bridge as a totally left-footed player. He MAY have learned to use his right foot once in a Blue Moon, but using it for once does not make your laughable statement any more truthful.

Look forward to Chelsea coming to The Etihad and getting the drubbing you should have had last night.
Your name Frank fookin Arnesen by any chance fookin bent , tapping up coont!! Doesn´t excuse Sturridge and his shithead little family btw. I hope he gets his fookin ankle snapped off at the Etihad - despicable little shit!

Aye.... There's only one greedy bastard
First minor set-back of the league campaign and it's one I'm sure we will respond to. The first half hour we looked in the same class as Barcelona and like we were going to go on and win comfortably, but it wasn't to be and credit to Chelsea, they thought back and got the points. Admittedly though we had a stone wall pen turned down at 1-0.

This is where champions respond and I'll be interested to see how we approach the game on Sunday after our first disappointing league game of the season, in the Champions League we responded on more than one occasion with good results after disappointments, let's see if we can do it again.

I thought Gareth Barry and Mario played well last night and deserve to keep there places against Arsenal.

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