Chelsea v City Post Match Thread

Anyone can lose to Chelsea at Stamford Bridge, but its the manner of it that's so hard to take. It feels worse when we lost there 2 years ago, when AVB was manager, we dominated from the off, took an early lead through Balotelli, had a blatant penalty turned down, then threw it away. We played some great stuff at times, but we're just not getting the breaks, individual errors are costing the team dear. It's so frustrating, as the goals we're conceding are so preventable. We should never have conceded those three against Cardiff, that winner against Villa (their first was offside), and the goals today. Clichy's defending is a worry, it was almost a mirror image of when Kim outpaced him, for Cardiff's equaliser, he made it too easy for Torres. Hart is just a liability at the moment. People talk about Kompany's absence, but I honestly thought today in the centre we did quite well. Demichelis and Nastasic both had good games, as did Zabaleta, but they were let down by the man between the posts.

It was just such a stupid, sloppy way to lose a game, we really didn't deserve to. Certain players need to take the rap, and take responsibility, there is no doubt we can win this league, we have such a strong team.
Kenny Clements Perm said:
IcriedwhenTueartleft said:
Kind of fitting that the cock up at the end was between 2 players who have been performing well below par this season, you can say that the manager can't be blamed for us losing a daft goal like that however he has persisted playing those 2 guys, part of our crucial defence, who have been poor for weeks. I feel for Nastasic, too much has been heaped on him defensively of late and he's not been able to handle it.
In many respects its unbelievable the way this league season is playing out, we've been bloody excellent in so many games...Villa away and now Chelsea away yet cock ups have cost us dear. I sometimes feel we are the best team in the league by a country mile yet bloody good teams don't throw away the amount of points we have repeatedly done so far this season. And poor Joe has been at the centre of so many balls ups, ironically he stays on his line at Cardiff and that costs us, he stays on his line this afternoon and watches a cross land at the feet of Schurle and then a minute into injury, ironically he comes charging off his line when there was no need for couldn't make it up.
Luckily, the teams above us will soon start meeting each other and a lot of points will be dropped by them which gives us the chance to catch up. I'd expect, or should that be "hope", for us to be within 3 points of the lead going into next year and that should leave us nicely placed.
Kun as great again today, Garcia did fine, Clichy has been poor for weeks as well, Silva needs to learn how to take a corner, the new guy at the back had a decent game and I can see him and VK being our central pairing going forward. Fernandinho was immense today, Navas looks lightweight to me, Ya Ya appeared to tire near the end and should have been replaced.
I feel absolutely sick right now to be I did after the defeats at Cardiff and Villa as well, it's becoming a bit too regular.

That's the biggest load of shit I've ever read

And so is your user name.
Chris in London said:
The Flash said:
@BluePhil8 said:
I still feel quite angry. For 90 minutes we played very well. Certain players stood out, like Aguero and Demichellis. Even Garcia played his role quite well. To be let down by Hart again when he has been at fault for so many goals already this season, is a real punch in the gut. He has completely fucked over his team mates today, who didn't deserve to lose. Clichy just can't cope either, everything Chelsea did came from his flank today, Zabaleta had Hazard in his back pocket.

I could forgive Villa, they won the lottery that day. But today, I just feel really fucking angry. There needs to be a watershed moment where certain players stand up and be counted. The league is here for the taking again yet we are not showing the mental fortitude to take it.
Post of the day.

Well said mate.

Is it bollocks the post of the day.

Here are four things Nastasic did wrong.

1. In that situation, with the game at 1-1 away at the team who are most likely to be our biggest rivals for the league, he should have put the ball in Row Z. No excuses. Don't take chances.

2. When all is said and done, it was Nastasic's header that allowed Torres to score. He headed the ball over Joe Hart. Not the other way round. Whether Hart should have come off his line is a separate issue. He did, The situation was that his goalkeeper was rushing towards him and he didn't deal with that situation properly.

3. It is a cardinal rule of defensive play that if you are playing the ball towards your own dead ball line you make sure you are not playing it away from the goal. In that situation even if Hart had been on his line Nastasic should have headed the ball well away from the goal to avoid the possibility of an own goal. He didn't. The ball would not have gone into the net without Torres finish, but Nastasic should have headed the ball wide enough so that even if Hart was out of position Torres would have been at too wide an angle to score. The direction of his header made it possible for Torres to score.

4. Presumably Hart gave the call and wasn't heard. There was a free kick earlier in the half where he had to bang on the post to be heard because the wall was two has out of position. So if Nastasic was expecting a call and didn't get it, given that he obviously didnt know where Hart was he should have not taken any chances and put it in Row Z. See point 1.

Of course, i am not saying all this to slate Nastasic. The reality is that his errors compounded Hart's error in rushing off his line, and Hart's error in rushing off his line compounded Nastasic's errors. Both players were at fault, not just one. Though you wouldn't think so reading some of the's tripe post in this thread.

The reality is that Chelsea are an exceptionally good side and today we were still (away from home) the better team for about 70 minutes. We lost to a last minute crazy fuck up after a game in which the referee had at times made it 12 v 11. Of course it hurts, of course blues are lashing out, but can we please get a grip.

And let's remember the last time we lost to Chelsea we went on to win the league.

It was miles better than your boring post. Stop having a go at the Nas
Look at Villa's third goal, carbon copy of todays! From their goalkeeper to our net will Joe Hart running around like a headless chicken.
TGR said:
Kenny Clements Perm said:
IcriedwhenTueartleft said:
Kind of fitting that the cock up at the end was between 2 players who have been performing well below par this season, you can say that the manager can't be blamed for us losing a daft goal like that however he has persisted playing those 2 guys, part of our crucial defence, who have been poor for weeks. I feel for Nastasic, too much has been heaped on him defensively of late and he's not been able to handle it.
In many respects its unbelievable the way this league season is playing out, we've been bloody excellent in so many games...Villa away and now Chelsea away yet cock ups have cost us dear. I sometimes feel we are the best team in the league by a country mile yet bloody good teams don't throw away the amount of points we have repeatedly done so far this season. And poor Joe has been at the centre of so many balls ups, ironically he stays on his line at Cardiff and that costs us, he stays on his line this afternoon and watches a cross land at the feet of Schurle and then a minute into injury, ironically he comes charging off his line when there was no need for couldn't make it up.
Luckily, the teams above us will soon start meeting each other and a lot of points will be dropped by them which gives us the chance to catch up. I'd expect, or should that be "hope", for us to be within 3 points of the lead going into next year and that should leave us nicely placed.
Kun as great again today, Garcia did fine, Clichy has been poor for weeks as well, Silva needs to learn how to take a corner, the new guy at the back had a decent game and I can see him and VK being our central pairing going forward. Fernandinho was immense today, Navas looks lightweight to me, Ya Ya appeared to tire near the end and should have been replaced.
I feel absolutely sick right now to be I did after the defeats at Cardiff and Villa as well, it's becoming a bit too regular.

That's the biggest load of shit I've ever read

And so is your user name.

Great come-back
Unknown_Genius said:
Anyone can lose to Chelsea at Stamford Bridge, but its the manner of it that's so hard to take. It feels worse when we lost there 2 years ago, when AVB was manager, we dominated from the off, took an early lead through Balotelli, had a blatant penalty turned down, then threw it away. We played some great stuff at times, but we're just not getting the breaks, individual errors are costing the team dear. It's so frustrating, as the goals we're conceding are so preventable. We should never have conceded those three against Cardiff, that winner against Villa (their first was offside), and the goals today. Clichy's defending is a worry, it was almost a mirror image of when Kim outpaced him, for Cardiff's equaliser, he made it too easy for Torres. Hart is just a liability at the moment. People talk about Kompany's absence, but I honestly thought today in the centre we did quite well. Demichelis and Nastasic both had good games, as did Zabaleta, but they were let down by the man between the posts.

It was just such a stupid, sloppy way to lose a game, we really didn't deserve to. Certain players need to take the rap, and take responsibility, there is no doubt we can win this league, we have such a strong team.

We've had enough defeats over the decades to some of the dross of the football world and deserved most of them, but when a defeat is so obviously avoidable it's a choker. Torres could easily have scored that blooper over the bar earlier in the match, offside or not, and made Sergio' stunner irrelevant but when yer get to the last gasp of a game you expect the same level of competence that has been displayed for eighty nines minutes to see you out!
I thought we played a lot better than I expected. Doesn't comfort much, but does tell you that even without Kompany, and with Demichelis making his debut, we can still go away and control a game on our rivals turf.

Providing morale doesn't start to dip then we'll start winning games week after week.
No idea why Pellegrini refuses to start Milner. After Garcia played the whole match in Moscow (I think!) surely it would have made a lot more sense to play Milner instead of Garcia, irrespective of how poor Garcia generally is!

Maybe Pellegrini thinks Milner is only suitable for the wide right position , which Nasri did well in, or maybe he's making out a case to be the next "Clueless" Man City manager!

Didn't really fancy us to get anything from this game when I saw the line up. Demichalis (spelling?) hadn't kicked a ball for us since his transfer, yet he was given a start at our major rivals for the Title! Another clueless decision if you ask me - what the fuck has Lescott done to keep being left out, he would have been a much safer option to play alongside Demichalis, if pellegrini was going to start with him!

On the Joe Hart front - two words "brain dead". All that Head & Shoulders shampoo has obviously turned his brains to mush. Can someone please tell him that goalkeepers can only handle the ball inside the penalty and rushing out of the box, like a headless chicken, with little or no chance of getting the ball (Villa is another case in point!) is piss poor on his part.

Our away form is really starting to worry me - 4 points from 5 matches is relegation form, not Title winning form. Sort it out asap. Sunderland away next would be a good place to start but I am not holding my breath!

Rant over!

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