Chinese Consortium invests $400m in CFG

I'd flipping love it to be Hong Kong City FC. Or Beijing City FC.

WOW! I promise you folk, someday I will be blessed enough to travel the world and see a game of every member of the City Football Group - New York, Melbourne, Yokohama and China!!!

I love CFG - and am firmly behind the project and the teams.

Thank you Sheikh Mansour!!!!
I saw Melbourne City live 3 times when they had David Villa. Don't do it! It's too painful! An ageing Damien Duff was their best player!! They even sang "Duff, Duff will tear you apart again". Stay away! Haha ;)
I'm loving it too.

My personal favourite (you see it on rawk a lot too) is the old "I live in China/New York/kuala lumpur/Sydney etc and you never see a city shirt"

What these thick, ignorant, fools fail to realise, indeed are incapable of EVER comprehending , is that their world view is the VERY reason they are ultimately doomed to come off second best in the long run.

It's a view that has permeated their clubs for decades.

'Let's keep the colonials happy. We can sell a few shirts, travel for pre season friendlies every year or two and we will be just fine'. They have been guilty of gross patronisation.

They completely failed to understand that the "United/Liverpool/Arsenal fans etc in China and the Far East" aren't fans of those clubs at all. They are fans of the "team that is currently successful in England"

They didn't see it then and they don't see it now. Whoring your club with a media blitz every year or two is great for short term gain. City though (and even though this news today was a huge surprise it really shouldn't have been when you look at our owners) have taken the decidedly longer term and more professional view.

We haven't tried to sell our club as just another successful English team for the locals to love for a year or two. We've invited the entire country into our club, into our "group". We haven't patted them on the head and said "thanks for your support. See you in a couple of years. Oh, and here is a great soft drink for you to drink"

Remember Gill stating with a smirk "City will never be as big as Utd in SE Asia"? I'm going to stick my neck out and suggest he won't be smirking tonight. The ****.

We have said "we are building something special here.come along, see what you think, and if you like it you can get in on the ground floor. And stay for years"

The truly scary thing for the old elites is that it will take years yet for the scope of what has happened today to be fully realised. And when they do, it will be too late.

So, to any Red lurkers reading this... Those wearing Utd shirts today will have forgotten who you are in another few years. They won't just be wearing city shirts in the future, or eating "city noodles washed down with a City soft drink" they will be watching the city TV channel, and going to see Hong Kong City FC, who will have players that look like them, and speak their language. They will be following an organisation that they can feel belongs to them

We did that. City.

You took them for granted and payback is coming.
Christ that sounds awful!
It was! Though admittedly, I was watching the first fleeting moments of Melbourne Heart joining the CFG, so I'm sure it's going to eventually get better. But yeah, it's bad. And the Aussie's interpretation of football tactics etc is just weird. Kind of American. The one positive was I got a selfie with David Villa, which was decent.
How would you feel long term if this led to possibly Premier League/FA matches being exported?

So we'd play our potential league cup semi/final in Beijing?

We watch every round, going to the stadiums in our country, then the club have some agreement which states they play a match in Shangai.

Would cost us shitloads to fly over there :/

Would you still support City if they even moved this club abroad?
The day this club no longer includes Manchester the day I'm out of here.

What a strange post.
Just like china, there are no city fans in Wales either because i dont see anybody in City shirts walking the streets.................

my son plays for our local under 10's team and i would say approx 75% of them wear city shirts/training tops or have a city boots bag or hoodie etc etc.... so whilst we are still "little city" to the outside world, i know that there are many many youngsters who are now following city, which is completely the opposite to when i was a 10 year old when i only saw united, liverpool, spurs and the odd everton shirt.

i really cant wait to see where we will be at in another 30 years!!

A bloke on the radio last night pretty much said the same and I thought he spoke sense
He said that kids reach a certain age then watch something that then makes them support/follow a club and City need something seismic in Europe (Champs league win/smash Barcelona) for this to happen
The rags have been promoted on satellite telly since the inception of the Premier League and along with this, they've had an unprecedented period of success, which in turn means they have dominated domestic and foreign casual support
We are seven years in of HRH's ownership, with our first success being the FA Cup in 2011, followed by two league wins and a league cup
Like it or not, we are still very much in catch up, but we are gaining incredible momentum
I know a few former SFA coaches who have moved out to china last week to start new jobs. They had mentioned a few months ago that it was linked to City. Didn't realise something this big was going to happen
I tell you what mate, I never click on any link to Sad Café but last night I made an exception. The knuckle dragging plebs are in the main delusional and are in denial about what's right in front of them. Its like that famous scene in Monty Python where the Black Knight has had his arms and one leg chopped off and reckons 'They're just mere flesh wounds' whilst he's hopping about on his last remaining limb still wanting to carry on the scrap. Yes, ManUre may have the ear of the corrupt officials running UEFA & FIFA but the men who run the planet are our mates and they refuse to acknowledge the magnitude of this deal and what it means in reality.

'It's another ffp dodge', 'Doesn't matter how much money they've got, they'll never be as big as us which is illustrated by the fact that they can't fill the Emptihad', 'If City are worth £2bn, we must be worth £10bn'! The delusion just goes on mate.

To top it all, the use of the word MASSIVE really seems to annoy them for some unbeknown reason. If you're unlucky enough to be within punching range of a Rag, be warned don't say the is a super MASSIVE deal or anything with the word MASSIVE in it for fear of getting lamped! :-)

Ha ha, I love it! I hope the pain goes on and on and on for them!
How would you feel long term if this led to possibly Premier League/FA matches being exported?

So we'd play our potential league cup semi/final in Beijing?

We watch every round, going to the stadiums in our country, then the club have some agreement which states they play a match in Shangai.

Would cost us shitloads to fly over there :/

Would you still support City if they even moved this club abroad?
The day this club no longer includes Manchester the day I'm out of here.

The government will use tanks to quash anyone trying to leave the game early.

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