Chinese Consortium invests $400m in CFG

With the seemingly inevitable success of CFG can we expect other clubs, with the aid of wealthy backers, to set up competing football 'groups'? Surely we can't be left to mop this all up uncontested? Or have we been so far ahead of the game, and so confidential with our dealings, that it's too late for the others? Usually when a new model that's successful comes along, you get imitators. Any of our more informed posters have any thoughts on this and the future footballing 'landscape' in general? (to use Garry Cook's buzzword!)
With the seemingly inevitable success of CFG can we expect other clubs, with the aid of wealthy backers, to set up competing football 'groups'? Surely we can't be left to mop this all up uncontested? Or have we been so far ahead of the game, and so confidential with our dealings, that it's too late for the others? Usually when a new model that's successful comes along, you get imitators. Any of our more informed posters have any thoughts on this and the future footballing 'landscape' in general? (to use Garry Cook's buzzword!)

The cost is huge, most clubs haven't got access to the funds we have without borrowing and it's a hell of a risk/reward. Ferran wanted to do this with Barca but couldn't get the cash together.
Apologies if already posted but another great article from Samuel

It is another brilliant article and proves what we knew all along,our owners are here for the long term and are way smarter and more ruthless than the arrogant wankers who mocked them ever realised. We have taken them all on and beaten them and are about to take our foot off the gas and accelerate away as they weep and harp on about past glories and their history.
It is another brilliant article and proves what we knew all along,our owners are here for the long term and are way smarter and more ruthless than the arrogant wankers who mocked them ever realised. We have taken them all on and beaten them and are about to take our foot off the gas and accelerate away as they weep and harp on about past glories and their history.
How do you accelerate with your foot off the gas?
The cost is huge, most clubs haven't got access to the funds we have without borrowing and it's a hell of a risk/reward. Ferran wanted to do this with Barca but couldn't get the cash together.
True. And this has been the plan since 2008 effectively, 7 years of work. Even if an incredible takeover happened at a rival club tomorrow by a guy with enough resources to make it happen, it's still at least 7 years away from being at the stage CFG is at now. And in 7 years time, CFG will be an absolute monster of an operation. I guess that answers it really. It's extremely difficult for other clubs to cancel out our clear competitive advantage.
How do you accelerate with your foot off the gas?

Ha ha spoken as a non driver see! Ok it should have said ''PUT our foot down hard on the gas''. Bloody hell do people read posts just to try and find a mistake in them,so driving them off topic lol?
I think where us City fans will benefit directly is that the Chinese media company will promote MCFC to the 7 billion Chinese public, which in turn opens new and vastly increased revenue streams via sponsorship/club partners, which in turn means more cash for the world's best players

China must be very crowded as the planet holds 6 billion. Try 1.3 billion chinese.
With the seemingly inevitable success of CFG can we expect other clubs, with the aid of wealthy backers, to set up competing football 'groups'? Surely we can't be left to mop this all up uncontested? Or have we been so far ahead of the game, and so confidential with our dealings, that it's too late for the others? Usually when a new model that's successful comes along, you get imitators. Any of our more informed posters have any thoughts on this and the future footballing 'landscape' in general? (to use Garry Cook's buzzword!)

I think what we can forget vey easily is that there may well not be another Sheikh Mansoor or Khaldoon in the world. What we tend to think of when the Sheikh is mentioned is his enormous personal wealth, but that isn't the half of it. He is a very influential personality on a political and global level , as is Khaldoon and their web of personal contacts and friendships involves anyone with any real claim to be anyone. It is this second quality which was important to this agreement and the knowledge that what the Sheikh offers is a true partnership with a real CFG presence in China to help China fulfil her football aspirations. The CFG is offering to help China become a real power in world football. No other football club can come anywhere near and is stuck trying to flog a few more shirts in China. The Glazers, FSG, Stan Kroenke are too wedded to there break even/show a profit model of restrictive practices and Abramovitch doesn't have the access to the corridors of power and influence (in common with the others) to achieve anything like this. As Khaldoon said, this is a strategic, long term partnership not a quick boost to turnover.

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