Cig fine in Manchester

And I bet you are the sort of person who wouldn’t dream of dropping a coke can on the floor. Personally because of our smoking culture where dropping/flicking the butt is “normal” I think councils should let you off if you pick it up when pulled up by them and only give you a fine if you refuse or you’ve been pulled up before. But issue fines straight away for “proper” litter so to speak.
There's no jeopardy or deterrent in what you suggest.
What you suggest would allow everyone to go around throwing their cig butts everywhere until that one time they got caught, in which case they would simply pick up the cig butt and be on their way.
It’s a criminal offence to drop litter. It’s also an offence not to give your name and address when requested or to give a false one. The police can arrest you if the council ask them to but don’t think it would be a priority for the police. If you just walked off there’s not a lot the council can do, but just don’t drop litter and put yourself in that position.
Bit radical, innit?
Enviroment enforcement officers, they will do you for any littering, thougg they have no powers to detain you or for you to make you give your info, so walk away, they will have to call a policeman or make a citizens arrest, most may follow ypu for a bit bu then give up.

Mainly though don't be a scruffy **** and put your dimps in a bin
Also they hang around china town and the ESOL colleges and catch out people whose first language isn't English an have no idea what are on about so freely give their details.

Had a staff member who vapes get told he flicked a dimp as he left work, he didn't so told them to fuck off they followed him all the way to dilly untill he went onto the platform.
Enviroment enforcement officers, they will do you for any littering, thougg they have no powers to detain you or for you to make you give your info, so walk away, they will have to call a policeman or make a citizens arrest, most may follow ypu for a bit bu then give up.

Mainly though don't be a scruffy **** and put your dimps in a bin
Litter is quite literally inexcusable. It really gets my back up when I witness it. Those cunts who throw wrappers/cigs/cans or whatever out of the window. How hard and of an inconvenience is it to keep it in the car until they get home?

Complete cunts of society.
There's no jeopardy or deterrent in what you suggest.
What you suggest would allow everyone to go around throwing their cig butts everywhere until that one time they got caught, in which case they would simply pick up the cig butt and be on their way.
I think there is, the embarrassment factor. If you are told to pick up a cigarette butt or face a fine you’d be embarrassed and would think twice in future. Plus other people may see what’s going on and think I’m not gonna get into that situation. I just think by issuing fixed penalties to smokers for flicking a butt is criminalising the wrong people and makes people hate law enforcement. Now a mars bar wrapper or coke can is another matter, that’s a scruffy bastard who deserves one.
Have you ever walked through any UK city centre around 6am, the streets are covered in fast food boxes/wrappers, nothing seems to be done about this apart from the councils having to employ loads of people to clear it all up every morning.
Why don't they fine all these people who drop burger wrappings after a night out, they could make a fucking fortune
Because they’d be put into A & E

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