Citizens (cont)

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I appreciate the blue alliance and would like to thank them for their efforts. I am backing the Citizens at the moment as i would like the ideas to be tried and i cant see anybody being pissed of about us practicing with a drum at the EDS, as it stands we don't have a drum its still just an idea. We are going to try having a capo and if it works it works and if it doesn't it doesn't. I think whether it fails or not it will still be a good time at the EDS matches.

I have nothing against TBA and non of the people trying to get the Citizens going that i know of have anything against them. Its a myth. We are allys.

All we want to do is try things at EDS matches, I cant see why anyone would not want that.
been away for a couple of days, cant believe ive logged on to BM and all falling out / threads wipped off !

We all want a better atmosphere, we wnat the singing, the blue flags / scarfs etc.

Im meeting before swansea home game with my buddy, turning up at chelsea juventus game as i cant make it to the chelsea game...

come on everybody, work together on this. It is the hardest bit starting off, once established with a small number we will grow.
strongbowholic said:
Well, I like TBA and I quite like The Citizens, but which is best? There's only one way to find out......

F I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I G H T ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

I wish harry hills tv burp hadn't stopped airing.

Just too make it clear, 'The Citizens' are in no way against what BA do, we support them, after seeing some of the things they have said on here I will most probably be joining them!

Anything hinting towards tension between us is rumour, we are all mature, and we both want the same thing, chances are 'The Citizens' members will join the BA and share our ideas with them and help them build on what they are already doing!

We are all about trial and error right now, hence why we are organising to do EDS matches, there we can find out what works well, what's terrible and shouldn't be seen in a stadium etc. The drums idea is something me and a few other people involved in 'The Citizens' think could work well, but obviously if the majority of people don't like it, it won't be used! We have made a poll on our FB page and so far more people are in favour of trying the drums, if you want to oppose this in a constructive and mature way, simply go on the page and vote against it!

At this stage, we are just a group of City fans who all just want a slightly different atmosphere than a few other people who go to games, if you're against what we do, fair enough, don't get involved, but at this moment in time nothing is set in stone, we will make mistakes and bad decisions, but because we will be based at the EDS games it won't be that important and if one day we get into The Etihad then we will have tried everything already!

The only thing I have a problem with is people who are so afraid of change, to the extent where they go out of their way to try and ruin other people's plans that at this moment in time do not affect you because we aren't planning to go into the ground yet, If you are that opposed then see the video's we put up of our EDS games and comment then.

Just remember we are very knew and inexperienced and we will be taking every piece of advice we can from BA and develop our plans according to what we learn. We aren't attempting to be patronising or take anything away from people who organised BA.
Loukas said:
Just too make it clear, 'The Citizens' are in no way against what BA do, we support them, after seeing some of the things they have said on here I will most probably be joining them!

Anything hinting towards tension between us is rumour, we are all mature, and we both want the same thing, chances are 'The Citizens' members will join the BA and share our ideas with them and help them build on what they are already doing!

We are all about trial and error right now, hence why we are organising to do EDS matches, there we can find out what works well, what's terrible and shouldn't be seen in a stadium etc. The drums idea is something me and a few other people involved in 'The Citizens' think could work well, but obviously if the majority of people don't like it, it won't be used! We have made a poll on our FB page and so far more people are in favour of trying the drums, if you want to oppose this in a constructive and mature way, simply go on the page and vote against it!

At this stage, we are just a group of City fans who all just want a slightly different atmosphere than a few other people who go to games, if you're against what we do, fair enough, don't get involved, but at this moment in time nothing is set in stone, we will make mistakes and bad decisions, but because we will be based at the EDS games it won't be that important and if one day we get into The Etihad then we will have tried everything already!

The only thing I have a problem with is people who are so afraid of change, to the extent where they go out of their way to try and ruin other people's plans that at this moment in time do not affect you because we aren't planning to go into the ground yet, If you are that opposed then see the video's we put up of our EDS games and comment then.

Just remember we are very knew and inexperienced and we will be taking every piece of advice we can from BA and develop our plans according to what we learn. We aren't attempting to be patronising or take anything away from people who organised BA.

Great post mate
Loukas said:
Just too make it clear, 'The Citizens' are in no way against what BA do, we support them, after seeing some of the things they have said on here I will most probably be joining them!

Anything hinting towards tension between us is rumour, we are all mature, and we both want the same thing, chances are 'The Citizens' members will join the BA and share our ideas with them and help them build on what they are already doing!

We are all about trial and error right now, hence why we are organising to do EDS matches, there we can find out what works well, what's terrible and shouldn't be seen in a stadium etc. The drums idea is something me and a few other people involved in 'The Citizens' think could work well, but obviously if the majority of people don't like it, it won't be used! We have made a poll on our FB page and so far more people are in favour of trying the drums, if you want to oppose this in a constructive and mature way, simply go on the page and vote against it!

At this stage, we are just a group of City fans who all just want a slightly different atmosphere than a few other people who go to games, if you're against what we do, fair enough, don't get involved, but at this moment in time nothing is set in stone, we will make mistakes and bad decisions, but because we will be based at the EDS games it won't be that important and if one day we get into The Etihad then we will have tried everything already!

The only thing I have a problem with is people who are so afraid of change, to the extent where they go out of their way to try and ruin other people's plans that at this moment in time do not affect you because we aren't planning to go into the ground yet, If you are that opposed then see the video's we put up of our EDS games and comment then.

Just remember we are very knew and inexperienced and we will be taking every piece of advice we can from BA and develop our plans according to what we learn. We aren't attempting to be patronising or take anything away from people who organised BA.

thanks loukas, the main 4 or 5 of you guys behind this all contributed to our survey and have showed passion throughout the threads, it was a shame for you guys your mate from north bury branch let you down

guys like fe think along the same lines as you, if it was up to him it would be smoke bombs, surfer flags and euro style sticks on flags every game. but we engage with a large number of MCFC supporters because we take a lot of non-members on our coaches.

occasionally ideas are shared on coaches and at meetings but a most of the time people just get pissed and have a sing song, the point is though we (BA) all want to improve the atmosphere but we all have slightly different individual views on how to do that, so felix for example has shown a lot of discipline, we've gone down the official supporterts club route as that allows us to be organised properly but also we're not saying we're any diferent or any better than other City supporters groups, we attend the meetings with the other branches, raise money for charity, have ex-players down, we do all the things the other branches do, which is kind of why we are more accepted now as recognised as being "alright" - people thought we'd asked the club to move villarreal fans so 1 or 2 individuals could have a flag day. the truth was the club wanted to try it (they did it v wigan the year before) as they saw threads like "operation one end" on heree. even though our membership was 50-50 on one end, the club came to our meeting and say will you support our idea, so we did, to see if it would work. so what we've learned is, you can't announce publicly we're gonna do this, gonna do that unless you've sounded out a wider cross section of fans, got some support for your ideas.

in 5/10 years time a majority of match going fans might really want a drum and a capo, as an organisation we hope to be big and enough flexible enough to embrace new ideas , absorb them and implement them, so we'd never rule any idea out, like i say people who travel with us, come on our coaches, pop up with ideas and we listen to them, then if its any good we might throw a few quid in that direction

so i see a bit of felix in 1 or 2 of you guys - you're enthusiastic and you want to make everything brilliant straight away , but, you have to take a step back first and build that body of support
Loukas said:
Just too make it clear, 'The Citizens' are in no way against what BA do, we support them, after seeing some of the things they have said on here I will most probably be joining them!

Anything hinting towards tension between us is rumour, we are all mature, and we both want the same thing, chances are 'The Citizens' members will join the BA and share our ideas with them and help them build on what they are already doing!

We are all about trial and error right now, hence why we are organising to do EDS matches, there we can find out what works well, what's terrible and shouldn't be seen in a stadium etc. The drums idea is something me and a few other people involved in 'The Citizens' think could work well, but obviously if the majority of people don't like it, it won't be used! We have made a poll on our FB page and so far more people are in favour of trying the drums, if you want to oppose this in a constructive and mature way, simply go on the page and vote against it!

At this stage, we are just a group of City fans who all just want a slightly different atmosphere than a few other people who go to games, if you're against what we do, fair enough, don't get involved, but at this moment in time nothing is set in stone, we will make mistakes and bad decisions, but because we will be based at the EDS games it won't be that important and if one day we get into The Etihad then we will have tried everything already!

The only thing I have a problem with is people who are so afraid of change, to the extent where they go out of their way to try and ruin other people's plans that at this moment in time do not affect you because we aren't planning to go into the ground yet, If you are that opposed then see the video's we put up of our EDS games and comment then.

Just remember we are very knew and inexperienced and we will be taking every piece of advice we can from BA and develop our plans according to what we learn. We aren't attempting to be patronising or take anything away from people who organised BA.

TBF that's a very mature and well thought out post. Now all some of you have to do is get the hot heads together and bang heir heads together, or at least have a quiet word.

I know it's ED's, but a code of conduct would be an idea.

'If' you, as in all of you, do this properly, it could take off. If you let some hot heads f*** about, it will die before it's even got going properly.

Good Luck.
Brendan110_0 said:
RIC - what's the problem with their threads? A real explanation is needed before I decide to leave this forum,

Quite literally the funniest thing I've read today. Brightened up my Monday morning. Keep 'em coming princess.
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