City are the neutrals' favourites

JohnnyMarrsGuitar said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Ducado said:
According to many Liverpool fans we have got no soul, what the hell is that meant to mean?

It means precisely nothing.

If I've got an ugly wife, and you have a beautiful one, and I'm jealous, I might say to my mates "Well at least my wife has a personality", when the truth is that it's pretty damn likely that my wife is a bit dull and bitter, as well as being ugly.
And is she????

must be, she's with Dismal...

As a Red

I don't know one ( Proper) United fan who doesn't want city to win the league instead of the dippers

For them to win the league is unthinkable. A horrible and odious football club and set of fans the media love in that would follow a Liverpool win would be vomit inducing.

I also get that from supporters of other clubs on my travels

Anyway hope you win the league
Yorkshire said:
Can't speak for anyone else but from my own experience Liverpool did seem to be the neutrals favourites. For the obvious reasons e.g. "Liverpool have built a team the honest way"
what does this exactly mean ...the honest way........If this means Liverpool have bought their players on the strength of their earnings, well i,m afraid your wrong....Liverpool are 100,000,000 in debt because of their spending.....i know whose shoes i,d rather be in.....Don,t you...
Can I just thank the mod who added the apostrophe to the title? It was really, really pissing me off that I'd forgotten that.
Yorkshire said:
Can't speak for anyone else but from my own experience Liverpool did seem to be the neutrals favourites. For the obvious reasons e.g. "Liverpool have built a team the honest way"

Aw, did the red top newspapers tell you to think that?
Re: City are the neutrals favourites

Stockport mackem said:
mac said:
Henkeman said:
Was trying to see if there was somewhere appropriate to insert this rather than starting a new thread, but nowhere seemed especially appropriate. Mods, feel free to move if I'm wrong.

Earlier in the season, I made a mistake. I laughed at those who were saying Liverpool were title challengers. I forgot to factor in the impact not playing in Europe would have and, as a result, their surge to the top wasn’t all that unpredictable.

But, more than that; I didn’t want to face what it might mean should they end their 24-year wait for a title - the unbearable smugness of their fans and the delight of a media so desperate to laud them more than they tended to do already.

No one who supports another team wants to have to pick between Liverpool, Chelsea and Manchester City when it comes to who they want to win the league. Liverpool, we were told repeatedly, were the neutrals’ favourites, the team who ‘deserved’ to win in a sport which owes nothing to anyone.

The events of this week have shown what utter rubbish that assertion was.

Celebrating as if they’d won the league already, their fans had moved past beyond merely wanting to dream and in to the realms of fantasy.

If there was any doubt that the neutrals would prefer City to win, then those doubts were shattered on Monday night as the entire Internet laughed hysterically when Liverpool choked at Crystal Palace. On Wednesday night it wasn’t just the City fans who felt the relief which accompanied Edin Dzeko’s opener.

If you strip away City’s money, there isn’t really much to dislike about them. Their fans can almost seem apologetic at times regarding the massive luck which has befallen their club.

They are the complete opposite of Chelsea fans who consistently demonstrate how not to behave when you’ve been presented with a not-so-little gilded gift horse.

The media also don’t seem to have much affection for them, not in the same way they do United, Liverpool and Jose Mourinho, if not Chelsea themselves.

When it comes to evils, City, even for all their ridiculous spending and disregard for FFP, are by far the lesser of the lot.

City now just need one point to spare us all the nightmare of a Liverpool title win. Even Manchester United fans want them to get it. Should they fail, they will have let down all of us who have urged them on despite how wrong it feels.

Many in the media desperately wanted us to believe that a Liverpool win would be something for us all to celebrate. When Stevie G fell over, a nation spoke.

Liverpool were never the neutrals’ favourites and for as long as their fans and the media keep telling us how they ‘deserve’ a title more than anyone else, they never will be.
I speak to at lot of rival fans who are on their holidays and 99.9% do not care about our money.they would love to be in our shoes.

Spot on......
Most "football fans" know you had the shitty end of the stick for years...and nobody (apart from the media)... Begrudges what is happening to you.
Of course we would love to have money pumped into our clubs, but we haven't, so tough titty.....
Friggin enjoy it lads and lasses, because the platform you have will keep you up there for a good generation or so.
You deserve every minute of it...."Drink it in" :-)
PS...fancy a rematch at Wembley?

Met a few of your boys at wembley,great bunch of lads,well done on staying up,got to hand to your players and manager on a fantastic job over the last lot of games,congrats again
sapper said:
As a Red

I don't know one ( Proper) United fan who doesn't want city to win the league instead of the dippers

For them to win the league is unthinkable. A horrible and odious football club and set of fans the media love in that would follow a Liverpool win would be vomit inducing.

I also get that from supporters of other clubs on my travels

Anyway hope you win the league
Cheers. Hope you get relegated next year.
aguero93:20 said:
sapper said:
As a Red

I don't know one ( Proper) United fan who doesn't want city to win the league instead of the dippers

For them to win the league is unthinkable. A horrible and odious football club and set of fans the media love in that would follow a Liverpool win would be vomit inducing.

I also get that from supporters of other clubs on my travels

Anyway hope you win the league
Cheers. Hope you get relegated next year.

Cheers Aguerro just spat my tea out.....

fuckin wet keyboard
bluemoon73 said:
Yorkshire said:
Can't speak for anyone else but from my own experience Liverpool did seem to be the neutrals favourites. For the obvious reasons e.g. "Liverpool have built a team the honest way"

Aw, did the red top newspapers tell you to think that?
So it is true that Yorkshire folk are thick. Not Goughie are you?.

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