"City dig heels in over Robinho"

Happy Feet said:
Blue Train said:
Show me the quote where Robinho says anything is Hughes' fault.

Show me the quote where Robinho says what is happening now Mancini's fault

Show me the quote where Robinho says it's the supporters' fault

Show me evidence of Robinho fucking off back to Brazil and mummy without explanation.

Show me the quote where Robinho says he has been 'treated like a Sunday morning footballer'.

Show me the quote where Robinho says 'my mates have gone so I have lost interest'.

Show me the quote where Robinho says 'Craig Bellamy shouted at me and I got upset.'

Happy searching.

Try reading the original post, never mentioned these were stated by the player, just facts and opinions given by other users. Noticed you didnt mention "all the ability in the world but piss poor attitud"e. Try reading whats writtten before replying.

I read what was written and it was a pile of bollocks. Nothing but made up bullshit about one of our players which you've used to support your conclusion that he has 'a piss poor attitude'. As I've pointed out, there are no facts at all, therefore your conclusion is bollocks. By all means say 'I think he's a **** and don't like him' but don't try to dress it up with a list of shit you made up about him.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/jan/26/robinho-manchester-city-brazil-loan" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010 ... razil-loan</a>

The highlights :

Robinho, wants to remain in Brazil or move to Spain (in the summer after his loan deal runs out) and his ­advisers will try to resuscitate a deal with ­Barcelona, who are long-time admirers of the player. The 26-year-old is under contract until 2012 but he has become so disillusioned at City, and has formed such a bad impression of Manchester, that he has made it clear he does not consider a return to England to be an option.

Santos are now so confident of re-­signing the former Real Madrid player that they are selling shirts through their official online store with his name on the back. The club's vice-president, Odílio ­Rodrigues, and a lawyer, João Feijó Gazolla, flew into Manchester today to join two marketing officials, Armênio Neto and Eduardo Musa, for the latest round of negotiations with City's chief executive, Garry Cook, and the club's football administrator, Brian Marwood.

The deal hinges on Santos ­attracting enough sponsors to be able to afford ­Robinho's wages. Contrary to initial reports, the player is not as keen about lowering his £160,000-a-week salary as he had suggested.

Well pretty much as I expected at least they are being upfront and telling it like it is. I wait for more talk of it all being the club / manager / fans fault. Robinho is great, he should be allowed to go. He can do what he wants we wish him well. Being forced out etc etc.

He goes bnck to Brazil we wont see a peny back for him and will end up paying most of his salary for the rest of his contract.
Its pretty much how its panning out no ?

We let him walk all over us like this and go back to Brazil we get fuck all back for him and end up paying most of his wages. Its fucking obvious.

He will never come back. Why would he when we let him do whatever he wants ? Not only that some fans are thanking him and dont blame him at all for fucking us. Priceless.
why do we care? he's not important. he served his purpose in getting us noticed. if he's no real use to us going forward, you cut your losses and move on. fuck him, fuck his lack of ambition. as I keep saying alera, every big club in europe has taken a 5m+ hit on a player more than once. we have an ongoing commitment to pay his wages at 8m per year, if he's no real use, and we can nullify that or reduce it substantially, that is actually a cost saving.
bluem0ng said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Fookin' A1.

The whole Robinho saga has once again proved what I have always known.

Most people are sheep, who have their opinion dictated by others. The media were against our purchase from day one.

Nouveau Riche upstarts, who should know better than to try and compete with the likes of Chelsea and United.

When something becomes fashionable, i.e knocking Robbie in the public domain, you can tell the lie long enough and frequently enough for the majority to consider it gospel.

I am ashamed by his treatment from a large majority of City fans. Robinho did not put the price on his head, our owners did.

He has missed six months through various injuries/bad form (there is not a player on the planet who does not go through a bad spell) and a rape allegations.

Yet, the agenda for many, will see him leave. A truly world class talent, who we only got to see the very best of for a three month period. No slack for a foreigner, yet alone, a Brazilian, in the most physical league in the world, never coached to track back, stick his foot in.

Blessed with magic in his feet, a fragile state-of-mind, who just needed City fans to rally to his cause and show him he was still one of ours.

Instead, fucked off, at the first time of asking when possibly somebody with a shorter skirt flatters their eye lashes in our direction.

You think we won't make more bad mistakes in the market, there are a whole load more to come.

I will always wish him well.

And another great post, particularly about the media's attitude. They've slagged him off since day one and dissappointingly many City fans jumped on the bandwagon.
No they didn't, the fact is he's been a dam squib, his default mental attitude is to give up if something isn't going his way, both with his career in general and on the pitch. No player who is any good struggles to get enough playing time, his childish, Michael Jackson like, attitude is an unsurmountable obstruction. At Real his partying and lack of discipline led Raul to go public with his annoyance, at 26 he should have grown up by now but both mentally and physically he's much like a 12 year old.
Bluemanc1968 said:
Good riddence!!! Truely believe he did not want to come to us in the first place!! ''HE Wanted Chelski''

He wanted anywhere that got him out of Madrid. And the fact that we paid a record amount went to his head and still rattles around there.

Robinho is everything you love about football and everything you hate. The skill level is at the very top of world class, a couple of the goals he has scored for us - the Arse goal and the volley v. Pompey or Hull I think - were were twice the ticket money. But his contributions when yer need yer sleeves rolled up and the weather is bleak were minimal. He becomes a luxury bit part player and this doesn't sit easily with his advisors' vision.

We should not be taken to the cleaners over his loan. If someone wants him they should bloody well pay the going rate and not expect a BOGOF SMARTPRICE deal.
The worst part in this will he or won't he go saga is that it has distracted from the rather important match that is taking place later in Ragland. The squad and management could have done with a quiet run up to the semi without all the Robinho associated crap in the press and on TV. The Club, the team and the dedicated players come first not him.

I've loved some of his contributions on the pitch that have bordered on genius but we - God's own Club - are bigger than him and always will be.

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