"City dig heels in over Robinho"

Blue Train said:
Show me the quote where Robinho says anything is Hughes' fault.

Show me the quote where Robinho says what is happening now Mancini's fault


"The managers are different here. They decide a system and want you to fit in and it doesn't matter if you're tall or short"

Blue Train said:
Show me evidence of Robinho fucking off back to Brazil and mummy without explanation.

There was an explanation, but it wasn't enough to get imh out of a club record fine

"Manchester City are refusing to give Robinho preferential treatment despite the Brazilian's contrite behaviour since walking out of the club's mid-season training camp in Tenerife. Mark Hughes, the manager, described his star player as "very apologetic" but has resolved to punish him with the heaviest fine that any player in the Premier League has ever faced"


Blue Train said:
Show me the quote where Robinho says he has been 'treated like a Sunday morning footballer'.

Show me the quote where Robinho says 'my mates have gone so I have lost interest'.

Show me the quote where Robinho says 'Craig Bellamy shouted at me and I got upset.'

These are things generally spouted by blues on here blaming City fans for Robinho's poor form over the last year or so. the sunday league footballer one came from hgblue and is, quite frankly, ridiculous
The Fat el Hombre said:
Blue Train said:
Show me the quote where Robinho says anything is Hughes' fault.

Show me the quote where Robinho says what is happening now Mancini's fault


"The managers are different here. They decide a system and want you to fit in and it doesn't matter if you're tall or short"

Blue Train said:
Show me evidence of Robinho fucking off back to Brazil and mummy without explanation.

There was an explanation, but it wasn't enough to get imh out of a club record fine

"Manchester City are refusing to give Robinho preferential treatment despite the Brazilian's contrite behaviour since walking out of the club's mid-season training camp in Tenerife. Mark Hughes, the manager, described his star player as "very apologetic" but has resolved to punish him with the heaviest fine that any player in the Premier League has ever faced"


Blue Train said:
Show me the quote where Robinho says he has been 'treated like a Sunday morning footballer'.

Show me the quote where Robinho says 'my mates have gone so I have lost interest'.

Show me the quote where Robinho says 'Craig Bellamy shouted at me and I got upset.'

These are things generally spouted by blues on here blaming City fans for Robinho's poor form over the last year or so. the sunday league footballer one came from hgblue and is, quite frankly, ridiculous

So a massive trawl of the internet has produced one quote, where he says 'the managers are different here', and in which he doesn't apportion blame of any sort to anyone. In fact, he sounds rather philosophical about it.

So we can all agree then that Robinho has never blamed Hughes or Mancini for anything,

never fucked off back to Brazil and mummy without explanation

never said he's been 'treated like a Sunday morning footballer'.

never said 'my mates have gone so I have lost interest'.

never said 'Craig Bellamy shouted at me and I got upset.'

I'm glad we've sorted that out. Please continue with your witch hunt.
never fucked off back to Brazil and mummy without explanation

Actually he has. The training camp last season he walked out without permission and fucked off back home.

He wants to do the same thing now with us paying most of his wages for the rest of his contract, completely write off the £32 million we paid for him and refusing ever to ever come back. Yet people still defend him. Quite incredible.

I can see the logic in people saying fuck him he has shit on us write off the money let him go he’s just a trouble causer that doesn’t care or want to play for the club move on - personally I find being walked all over by a player like this hard to stomach but I can at least see where they are coming from after all we have bigger fish to fry at the moment.

What I can’t understand is why people continue to defend him so passionately when he is treating the club and fans so badly.
alera said:
never fucked off back to Brazil and mummy without explanation

Actually he has. The training camp last season he walked out without permission and fucked off back home.

He wants to do the same thing now with us paying most of his wages for the rest of his contract, completely write off the £32 million we paid for him and refusing ever to ever come back. Yet people still defend him. Quite incredible.

I can see the logic in people saying fuck him he has shit on us write off the money let him go he’s just a trouble causer that doesn’t care or want to play for the club move on - personally I find being walked all over by a player like this hard to stomach but I can at least see where they are coming from after all we have bigger fish to fry at the moment.

What I can’t understand is why people continue to defend him so passionately when he is treating the club and fans so badly.

It didn't say without permission. It said without explanation. There was an explanation. So it's another lie in the long list of lies about Robinho.

Carry on with your witch hunt.
So he can make up any old bullshit and lies and do what he likes, a bit like what is happening now. Sorry thanks for explaining that to me.
Blue Train said:
So a massive trawl of the internet has produced one quote, where he says 'the managers are different here', and in which he doesn't apportion blame of any sort to anyone. In fact, he sounds rather philosophical about it.

Disagree. The full quote is 'The managers are different here. They decide a system and want you to fit in and it doesn't matter if you're tall or short". He's just making excuses for himself cos he wants to go and have it easy in brazil cos he's not got the bottle for the prem
The Fat el Hombre said:
Blue Train said:
Show me the quote where Robinho says anything is Hughes' fault.

Show me the quote where Robinho says what is happening now Mancini's fault


"The managers are different here. They decide a system and want you to fit in and it doesn't matter if you're tall or short"

Blue Train said:
Show me evidence of Robinho fucking off back to Brazil and mummy without explanation.

There was an explanation, but it wasn't enough to get imh out of a club record fine

"Manchester City are refusing to give Robinho preferential treatment despite the Brazilian's contrite behaviour since walking out of the club's mid-season training camp in Tenerife. Mark Hughes, the manager, described his star player as "very apologetic" but has resolved to punish him with the heaviest fine that any player in the Premier League has ever faced"


Blue Train said:
Show me the quote where Robinho says he has been 'treated like a Sunday morning footballer'.

Show me the quote where Robinho says 'my mates have gone so I have lost interest'.

Show me the quote where Robinho says 'Craig Bellamy shouted at me and I got upset.'

These are things generally spouted by blues on here blaming City fans for Robinho's poor form over the last year or so. the sunday league footballer one came from hgblue and is, quite frankly, ridiculous

Allow me to explain the 'treated like a Sunday morning footballer' quote as it seems to have been misunderstood. I said Mancini had treated Robinho in a way that I wouldn't treat a Sunday morning footballer. I was referring to his double substitution at Everton, which anybody who's played football at any sort of decent standard would know is a total no no. If I were the manager of The Dog And Duck playing in a low standard sunday morning league, I would have to think long and hard before I double substituted a keen but limited kid. For Mancini to do that to a player of Robinho's standing in the game was wrong imo, and has contributed in no small part to Robinho's desire to get away.
alera said:

The highlights :

Robinho, wants to remain in Brazil or move to Spain (in the summer after his loan deal runs out) and his ­advisers will try to resuscitate a deal with ­Barcelona, who are long-time admirers of the player. The 26-year-old is under contract until 2012 but he has become so disillusioned at City, and has formed such a bad impression of Manchester, that he has made it clear he does not consider a return to England to be an option.

Santos are now so confident of re-­signing the former Real Madrid player that they are selling shirts through their official online store with his name on the back. The club's vice-president, Odílio ­Rodrigues, and a lawyer, João Feijó Gazolla, flew into Manchester today to join two marketing officials, Armênio Neto and Eduardo Musa, for the latest round of negotiations with City's chief executive, Garry Cook, and the club's football administrator, Brian Marwood.

The deal hinges on Santos ­attracting enough sponsors to be able to afford ­Robinho's wages. Contrary to initial reports, the player is not as keen about lowering his £160,000-a-week salary as he had suggested.

Well pretty much as I expected at least they are being upfront and telling it like it is. I wait for more talk of it all being the club / manager / fans fault. Robinho is great, he should be allowed to go. He can do what he wants we wish him well. Being forced out etc etc.

He goes bnck to Brazil we wont see a peny back for him and will end up paying most of his salary for the rest of his contract.
Put your pitchfork away mate, it's getting boring now.

Nobody is being upfront and telling it like it is because A) The article has no quotes whatsoever and B) The article states that he has a very bad impression of Manchester, when in fact Mancini, Slyvinho and Stevie Ireland have all recently pointed out that Robinho is settled in Manchester.

There also won't be a scenario where he goes back to Brazil and we continue to pay his contract for his remaining years.

Practically every post i've seen from you has been anger over a quoteless article.... like this post
"He wants to do the same thing now with us paying most of his wages for the rest of his contract, completely write off the £32 million we paid for him and refusing ever to ever come back"

Again you've taken that from a quoteless article and got your knickers in a twist over it.
alera said:
So he can make up any old bullshit and lies and do what he likes, a bit like what is happening now. Sorry thanks for explaining that to me.

He's trampling all over your poor feelings. We get it.

Enjoy your witch hunt.

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