City Fan Still In Hospital in Germany

Richard said:
Any updates on his condition?
First of all Andrew is comeing ove rthis weekend for a short break Carl is in a First Class Rehab Center .They are doing all sorts of tests .He could recognise Andrew but as yet cant do any thing for him self or Cominicate .It Will be a long hard Road & thanks every one for all your thoughts .Donations .Cards Ect .Happy New Year to you All
Thanks for everybodies support. I am still in Dus, saw Carl today progressing well in rehab. He can't talk because of trachi, but while the doctor was altering it he managed to whisper a few words!
I am back in Heywood Sat tea time. Somebody mentioned that while Carl was in an induced coma City had not won, think of this, since he has been coming out of coma, City have not lost!
Come on Carl
Come on City
Happy New Year.
Just sent a donation via paypal all the best to Carl and his family, wishing him a speedy recovery.
Does anyone know, if pay pal is still working? only Ric said until boxing day.
I would like to send another donation, as it sounds like it will be a long haul for Carl and his family.
Anyone can still contribute by Paypal, I'll make sure Carl's family get it. Cheers
What I've heard: Monday was pretty traumatic as Carl was moved to a rehab centre - but it wasn't what was expected, there's a lot of people in very bad shape in there and there was a worry that this was it, that progress would be minimal, and it all seemed pretty desperate. I called a mate of mine who's a surgeon at Walton Neuro (most stuff we do isn't brain surgery, or rocket science, but he wins that argument) and asked that as he's only in rehab now, would it be a good idea to get him home at this point. He said no for three reasons. The first is that as he's still in a delicate way the trip could be quite damaging and they should move him at a minimum, the second is that it will cost shitloads, tens of thousands (we've managed to raise over 1200 quid now on the off-the-boozathon over here in Waterloo, Liverpool but we'd need quite a bit more than that), and the third, and most important, is that the care he's getting in Dusseldorf and now Krefeld is second to none.

Then the conversation turned to prognosis. To paraphrase, he said that you get a lot of people that turn up and look completely stuffed, don't come round for months, don't respond too well to treatment, and six months later come back in with a box of chocolates for the nurses and are doing great. On the other side you get people who seem to be doing great, relapse and don't end up doing so well. There's no figures or probabilites, the injuries and people are unique, but Carl is getting great treatment and the fact that he's showing awareness at this early stage is great news and very positive for a good outcome.

Tonight I spoke to his wife who said that as Rammy had pointed out, he's trying to speak, and when the physiotherapist was round earlier asking him to move his thumb, he said 'thumb'. She thought he couldn't have as he has some balloon type thing in his mouth stopping him from being able to speak while he has a tracheotomy fitted, but when she mentioned it later to the speech therapist she said she'd loosened it and that he probably had managed a word or two. When his wife said she was sorry for not believing he'd spoken he smiled and rolled his eyes. Also, the speech therapist said that all the mouth movement is good and showing great signs of progress. The doctors also said that the drugs are only just clearing his system so he will gradually be getting more aware. To top it, when Lou Reeds Perfect Day came on the radio, his eyes welled up with tears - he's getting there slowly, and that's brilliant.

I think I'm off over on Wednesday and will let you know more as I hear it.
Cheers for the update .quite moveing .it is a pity those sados on Fred Issue are morons .if you dont know what i am on about read the post Rag Alert
Thanks Mark (Crump) for some detail I'm sure there a few people that aren't members watching this forum at Sefton Council. I chatted with Carls' cousin Ian at the Blackburn game and again last night and there are signs to be optimistic about. Whilst Carl is a Hail Fellow well Met sort of bloke I'm sure he is a battler and a good deal tougher than some people would credit. My partner Lisa gets her updates from Basia but unless the updates are via a phone conversation they are rather sketchy. I hope everyone appreciates that your Neuro surgeon friend cannot make any assumptions as to any outcome in the medium to long term but I for one have gone from fearing for his life 2-3 weeks ago to a more optimistic position. I have worked and gone to City with Carl (Rambo) for almost 7 years and I cannot imagine life without this special universally liked bloke.
It must be a really difficult time for his mum and dad because I was with his dad on his pre operation appointment a couple of weeks before his hip operation. Slightly p*ssed off with the Manchester Evening News slow response to this accident because I informed then about this over the phone on the 29th November 2008. At least they did get around to once his cousin Ian got on the case.
I hope some of the funds collected are held back to cover any medical costs that are outside the E111 (whatever it's called these days) card.
I'll try to drop in to your boozer soon to catch up and discuss what can be done to make his repatriation as smooth as possible. Carl has a season card that is probably not being used and his seat could be sold using a scheme that City are running. The money generated could go into his funds. If twin brother Andy is using his season card than you'll have to accept my apologies....... Just an idea.
Lets hope it is going to be a Happy New Year for Carl and everyone connected.
If any one has contacts with the Press or MCFC please use them .I have emailed .phoned & written to any one i think could help .without much response .Don Frame at the MEN has been good & we are hopeing a follow up Story will be in soon, Also hope that Channle M will be highlighting the Issue as they have been in touch .Matt from GMR has asked Look North West to do a piece & Jimmy Wagg has done a interview with Ian . As for the Fundraising we have a bout £4,000 including what the Lads From Liverpool hasve raised .Ian & myself are meeting up with Andrew on SAT & Will be giving him a cheque for a couple of Grand .I took Ian ages to change all the coins we collected as no F**king Bank would change it even though Ian explained the Situation .This web site has raised over £400 & there are plenty of pledges as well as people sending cheques straight to the Family .Keep up the good work everyone

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