City fans - a frightening new insight...

I am a new member to this forum but have been a city fan since I was 5 and that's 35 years ago and while i'm eagerly awaiting success I'm dreading the arrival of glory hunting only cheer when we're winning numpties. A nostalgic part of me longs for the days when City were crap but always loveable. The ups and downs of supporting City are what attracts me to them. It's like any relationship some good days some bad. I wouldn't swop our history for anyone elses including and especially the Sky 4.
If you support a club- no matter whether you are a long time fan or have begun recently- surely you will want to know the clubs history, traditions, learn about great players of the past etc. The lads I drive to COMS have supported City much longer than I have, it's fascinating to hear their stories about City's past and matches from the 60s onwards. The club's history makes City and our fans what they are today- if you don't know about that then you live in a vacuum.
now i might be wrong here, but the new breed of city fans on here and other forums, might be rags coming on to forums and winding us up. if not, not a lot we can do about it who follows city.
i was just offering my opinion to what robinho said in his interview,i may have gone about it wrong in what i said but thats only my opinion,i love city more than anything and i sat in the kippax every match in divison 2 and i still go to most away games now.i blame robinho for all this anyway,the point i was trying to prove was that robinho has caused alot of pissed of fans and is a negativity within the club at the end of the day.apologises if i offended anyone with my comments yesterday.
mcfcdave said:
i was just offering my opinion to what robinho said in his interview,i may have gone about it wrong in what i said but thats only my opinion,i love city more than anything and i sat in the kippax every match in divison 2 and i still go to most away games now.i blame robinho for all this anyway,the point i was trying to prove was that robinho has caused alot of pissed of fans and is a negativity within the club at the end of the day.apologises if i offended anyone with my comments yesterday.

I'll judge your future contributions to the board over this post.
Can't believe how many people actually agree with Tolmie on this.

I can't say i've noticed mcfcdave's posts... but Alan Harper's quite obviously been going week in week out for a rather long time. To call him a "new breed of fan" is a bit ridiculous and to take his history remarks of out context is jumping the gun.

I understand what he means, History is history, we all take the piss out of Liverpool for banging out about it and using it as a cloak to mask the fact they've done fuck all domestically for decades. We can be proud of our own history, unspectacular honours wise as it is, but its never going to change and, with where we are now, its become pretty much irrelevent.

Our club died and was reborn in the summer of 2008, its a completely differnet entity with rich Arab routes and visions of leading football into a new era... we'll go forward most likely in spite of what our past has shown, so like Allan said; "i can't change the past, i want to enjoy the future."

I don't think theres anything wrong with that tbh. This "new fan" shite is so easily thrown around... we get less in CoMS now than we did 6 years ago, so explain that one to me.
To tell you the truth, I am always excited to go to the match, and then I enter Coms at entrance K1 and K2 where the majority of these 'New' fans congregate, singing about Munichs, and then my excitement diminishes and the shame takes over. Why can't these morons just sing about City, forget the rags.

I'm 47 and have been watching City since 1977, so I too was brought up on the past, and long for the day we win something.
The context in which the subject came up was what Robinho has said about us in Brazil, as far as some kid from the streets of Rio is concerned, they probably only heard of us when Robinho joined us. In a way as far as some parts of the world are concerned we'd might as well not have existed before then. You can't blame people from the other side of the world, if FC Energie Cottbus won the champions league, how many on here would have even heard of them.
What is a piss take is when someone from our country tells us that we have no history, they should know better as should a current employee!
lancs blue said:
I'm in my 50s and I've been lucky enough to see City winning trophies and being regarded as one of the top 3 clubs in the country and I hope I'm lucky enough to see us winning trophies again soon.

While I welcome all new fans I do think some of the comments in the Robinho thread that the OP refers to are way out of line. I grew up with my parents telling me about:

- the days of Trautmann, Swift, Doherty, Brook.
- the whole street crowding into the one house that had a radio in 1934 to listen to the Cup Final commentary of City winning the Cup and the subsequent parade through Manchester and the huge crowds
- my grandad telling my mum about Billy Meredith and the first great City team of the early 1900s.
- how United were a "nothing" team in the early 1930s

I loved all that as a kid because in my mind it cemented the club's position in the history of English football.

As a new fan I don't believe you can just ignore what's gone before because - as others have said - what we are today and in the future is because of what we were yesterday.

Spot on Lancs_Blue.
chazmcfc said:
Ric, can we ban the people that joined AFTER the takeover ?

Would go a long way to clearing the prawn sandwhich brigade.

i think i may have joined after the takeover, i spent most of my time on rivals as i enjoyed the inter club banter on there but then when it disappeared i joined bluemoon. i have however had a season ticket since the 91/92 season and have been going regularly to city since the age of 5 (i'm now 30)! so don't think everyone who joined post takeover is a bandwagon jumper. i would agree however that this forum has it's fair share of ridiculous twats who need to take stock of where we have come from, a club is nothing without it's history.

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