City fans - a frightening new insight...

We must embrace the new supporters that this club attracts, good or bad. If this club is to become successful then new supporters go hand in hand with this upward progression.

In 5 years time, when we’ve won the Premier and Champions League a couple of times, I suspect all City fans new and old will be termed glory hunters. Other than walking around displaying our Customer Loyalty Points, we will forever be defending ourselves by saying that we were here when we were crap.

I was an original glory hunter, having started supporting City when they were the top team in the late 60s, early 70s. 40 years later, I now go to most matches home and away, own an apartment opposite the stadium and have brought up my kids to also be fanatical City fans. So in my view, attracting new glory hunters isn’t such a bad thing.
well - im knew to this forum and im still in school, but im DEFINITELY not a red! My dad always goes on about city in the past,
and i enjoy listening to him - about how bad we used to play, away days where we'd lose to rubbish teams in Div 2 etc, and then about how they'd just have massive parties in the stands even if we were losing 4-0 or something.
City were, and still are really important to our family. My dad's cousin used to play for city, my grandad was a steward etc, and they all knew how good or bad we could be. Even though we had that really long string of draws, my grandad would just be like, 'I cant complain, drawing with Fulham in the Premier League, the richest club in the world and trying to finish 4th' .
Our history is so important, as is our future. Saying the past is irrelevant is wrong imo, the club that we were in the past will form the club that will be in the future. x
All these so-called glory supporters and 'new fans' people are talking about. Who are they exactly? We haven't won anything yet and I haven't noticed a particular influx of 'new fans' since the takeover. As far as I can see, things are the same as they have been since moving to Eastlands. To me, it just seems to be a myth held by some of the basis of opinions formed on an internet forum where people are granted the jacket of anonymity and can lie easily without being caught. Not the best place to form a judgement when you think about it, is it?
imho the problem here is posters have lost sight of a few facts

having 10000 posts on a fans forums does not make you a fan even if it is on the biggest and best forum.

Just because someone has just started supporting City makes them no less a fan than someone like me who has been gonig since the sixties.

the internet has many good points but unfortunatly some people on fans forums think because they can spell better than someone else or they can put forward a more witty or coherant argument makes then a bigger or better fan than a lad who sings his heart out at the ground even if it is a mun1ch song.

city has always had an element of fans who like a bit of a ruck or like to sing about the rags you may not like it but its a fact and if you really are that embaressed about it don't moan on the forum grow a pair and the next time you see it happening go and tell them to stop !
mcfc_die_hard said:
I may piss people off on here but im only 17 so probably seem imature at times but i look back on our history and feel proud. i was unlucky not to see the likes of bell etc...

I have the patience for success and im willing to wait as long as it takes for it. i wonder how many people would stop supporting city if the sheik pulled his money out tomorrow? an awful lot and thats the glory hunters that have jumped on the bandwagon since we have had the money


even if we dont win another trophy for 34 years i will still be here!!!

Good for you mate you are the future but never forget the past, one day you will be envied for your loyalty and perhaps a bit jealous when new fans jump on board it's a natural reaction imo.
bluegonads said:
chazmcfc said:
Ric, can we ban the people that joined AFTER the takeover ?

Would go a long way to clearing the prawn sandwhich brigade.

yea ban people like me, someone that joined this forum after the takeover.
someone that has supported city through thick n thin for 40 odd years.
someone who remembers with fondness our 'glory years', someone that continued to support our club through the darker years and doesn't regret it.
someone that couldn't care if we had rich owners or not.
yes, i like a prawn sandwich now n then, ban me from a forum because of it?........plain daft.
yep well said... went to my first game in '79 aged 5, but only bothered to get on tinternet last year (when my quill stopped working)... so yeah ban me!
Jnr Kisby said:


I agree up to a point with the OP of this thread, although I believe I have found myself laughing with some of the people he calls out.

everyone is going to disagree with someone on something at some point; we're not always going to agree 100% on everything all of the time.

a sense of humour is always vital to retain your sanity, or 'groundedness'.

that said, I do find a great deal of what's written up here particularly distasteful and vitriolic, and a total waste of space.

if it weren't for stuff like Rob's Jacket, the Damocles Hitler video, and the subtle and talented wit of many others interspersed amongst the flotsam then I might not be still dipping in... and of course once in a while there's something decent written about football too.

you can't mitigate the dross and the lowest common denominator, and sadly, as things 'progress' (read into that what you will) I'm afraid you're more and more likely to see the prawn sandwich and plastic element coming into evidence.

this is the way - you can't change it.

just ask Yoda
Everybody has got to start somewhere, for me it was when someone gave me a small badge with 1969 FA CUP WINNERS on it. I was about 6 and remember some sad sad twat thar decided to support Liverpool because they were doing better at the time.
TheLegendOfBerti said:
mcfcdave said:
i was just offering my opinion to what robinho said in his interview,i may have gone about it wrong in what i said but thats only my opinion,i love city more than anything and i sat in the kippax every match in divison 2 and i still go to most away games now.i blame robinho for all this anyway,the point i was trying to prove was that robinho has caused alot of pissed of fans and is a negativity within the club at the end of the day.apologises if i offended anyone with my comments yesterday.

I'll judge your future contributions to the board over this post.

thats called stalking you know sir ;)

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