City fans - a frightening new insight...

It is only a small minority, its just a shame that minority linger about so much and hab3 a negative say in almost every topic.
I was born a blue and will die a blue whether or not we win everything or nothing! Us blues are supposed to have a good relationship between ourselves and are known for supporting our team even when times were bad. We are just lucky enough to have stumbled on some good times in the making, let's just take them as a bonus and remember how many turned out to watch us in division two. We have got a great support let's not change it!
Bluemoonbaldboy said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I am the proud father of a two-year-old, my first.

He has his City shirt, I do everything with him I did with my old man.

I can't wait until next year, he is already asking about Carlos Tevez and wanting to go to City with his Daddy.

I can't wait for the day he comes, sits next to me with my two brothers and my dad, three generations altogether.

And when he's old enough to understand, will tell him how lucky he is that he is seeing what he is.

Will tell him about me growing up in Moss Side, across the road from Maine Road, about the players, the good and the bad days.

This is surely what it means to be a City fan, to enjoy the ride and then pass on the ticket?
you can take him now mate sit on your knee you don't need a ticket till he is 5 thats what I did with my now 4 year old he has clocked 45 games in 2 years was a chore having to take a nappy bag etc but now he is dry we still use the parent and child loo so you avoid the crush and smell and of course the joy for him meeting Moonchester and Moonbeam!
thats my claim to fame.i wrote a letter to peter swales when i got stopped at the turnstile.he made it city policy,apologised sorted the tosser on the gate out and gave us free tickets to the next home game.
i kept my side of the bargain too,which was to bring my sons to games and keep the washing line full of city shirts.
I've never seen us win a major trophey either but WHEN we do- I'm going to fucking love it!!!! And no one, blue, red or whatever is going to take away that enjoyment.

You get twats supporting every club but in my experience city fans are among the best! :)
Being a fan of many years I can agree the fan base has changed, society has different values and some young people (not all) want it 'now', instant success without the hard work...history and tradition hold little value to these people, the idea of community and the work CITY do outside of COMS has little value to them....they are a sad reflection of a post Thatcher generation who feel life owes them and their only duty is to tune into their ipod and snarl at anything that takes their fancy....these people are fans, not supporters, there is a key difference!

I followed CITY because I liked what the club was doing and how they made me feel, nothing to do with the team really... as a young lad from Belfast I knew nothing about history, success, or even the players...what i did know was that after first viisting Old Trafford and then Maine Road I knew I was a BLUE....then growing up, moving to Manchester and working in Moss Side my passion for CITY grew over years until I turned into the total muppet I am today :)
chazmcfc said:
Ric, can we ban the people that joined AFTER the takeover ?

Would go a long way to clearing the prawn sandwhich brigade.
excuse me
i joined long after the take over
but have been supporting city since 64, had a seasonticket since 73, and don't like prawn sandwiches!
now those mini burgers they do in the exec boxes mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Walshy said:
In the early days it was only true fans who would go to the trouble of finding and joining up to the forum.

Wrong! it was only people who had an internet connection and had the knowledge of how to find such websites.

There are far more people online now then there were in 2004 Walshy....

I have had an internet connection since 1995/96 and have registered and posted on city forums for a number of years, over time email addresses/passwords/usernames change and who know i may of registered here years ago just can't remember.
and to be fair we have had as many as ten thousand 'extra' fans ever since we moved stadium and well before the takeover

I don't think we have that many plastic prawnie types just yet ?
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I had the misfortune yesterday evening to view and participate in a Robinho thread which basically turned into a mocking of our club.

It was biggest realisation yet that some part of the club I have loved for all my 35 years are going to change, and not for the better.

Maybe it is a reflection of todays all about me society, but this club has attracted a new wave of turds who would not be out of place at OT.

MCFCDave and Allan Harper, a disgrace to City fans.

One who believes we have no history or heritage, and Allan Harper, who says who gives a fuck about the past, he wasn't around and it never affected him.

(Tell that to the millions of people who died in two World Wars - fuckstick)

Jesus, is this where we're now at. Infested with a new generation of gimmegimmegimmes, nownownow.

Someone who doesn't give a fuck about Colin Bell, Frank Swift and all the other great players who have pulled on the blue shirt.

I've never seen us win a trophy, and these ***** want stop me enjoying it when it finally does come.

But I was hooked on City by the tales of yesteryear, by Dad telling me about Colin Bell, like some sort of mythical god.

What I am trying to say, we should NEVER forget where we have come from and what it has taken to get us here.

Our not so trophy-laden past was one of the main reasons why Sheikh Mansour decided to wake this slumbering giant.

Now we have piggy-backers and fans who only think football started at the inception of the Premiership.

I know what my club is, I wouldn't have it any other way, what I don't need is a so-called new breed of City fans who try to tell us success means everything - even at the expense of our history.

Here's the thread for a sample of the type of people we now have following us.

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=169499&start=30</a>

i just dont think you like to here other peoples opinions.its has odvoiusly kept you awake all night aswell.
happy said:
Don't knock the newcomers. Think of these guys as partially sighted, they can see some of the picture but to truly grasp the full magnificent panorama they need to have their blinkers removed.

Tell them tales of Maine Road, the walk accross Platt Fields and down the passages, the half jog half run between the cars and onto the Kippax concourse. In through the turnstile and walk down the back of the stand - COMMIT NO NUISANCE - and into the tunnel walking craning your neck for the first sight of the vivid green. Then the noise. Look left to see how many 'they've' brought and into the same place week after week, three-quarters up half way between the goal and the halfway line.

Like many on here I did this for the first time as a small child, excited with dad, uncles, cousins and mates. As they years went by the group changed, uncles then dad died, new kids joined in, more cousins, bigger mates; didn't need looking after anymore, it was me putting kids on the wall and saying 'see you at half time'.

Always City.

Don't have a go at those that weren't lucky enough to share this and don't deride those that don't want to hear about it, it really is their loss.

For as long as you can, enjoy seeing the big picture and never stop trying to show it to others.
brought a tear to my eye that did
i started going with my dad, his brothers, brothers in law and my grandad
unfortunately they are all dead except my dad and two uncles, and my dad's not been able to get there for two seasons with illness, but we have kept his card on just in case
now though its my children and their friends who go with me, a whole new generation to carry on the tradition of MCFC
and when i'm gone they will carry our memories with them

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