City fans attacking City fans, why? ?

paulchapo said:
tidyman said:
paulchapo said:
Yesterday I was sitting in the reception at the hilton hotel just after the game when the door staff led in a mid twenties guy in some distress and shock, accompanied by an older guy.HIs face was bruised and swollen and on asking the older guy what happened it APPEARED 6 city fans had been pushing and kicking off with anyone near them. As they ran past one of them punched the young lad in city colours for no reason at all.

Yesterday I saw too many drunken aggressive scum in our colours and all day drinking or not you need to take a long hard look at yourselves, some of whom were no kids but people of an age who really should know better!

I don't know if the two guys come on here but if they do I hope the lad who got hit is ok If the cowardly scum who like to smack an innocent fellow blue are here fuck off to the rags they are right up your street. .

You don't really know what happened then?

Einsten you are not mate! I of course only have the guy I spoke to's version as I said and listening to the conversation of the hilton staff but two more harmless looking city fans you wouldn't see. What I DO know is the lad was in pain and shock and the mark and swelling on his face was very visible and real. His mate couldn't believe it was fellow blues did it at random for no reason.

No mate, I'm certainly not Einstein. I did spend about 12 hours in London yesterday though and didn't see a single bit of aggressive behaviour from anyone.

If I'd not gone to the game and was relying on here for my info, I'd be under the impression it was one enormous blood bath from dusk 'till dawn. Although most of these acts of mass violence seemed to have been completely missed by other people yards from it.

I've no doubt this kid you saw had got a crack off someone. But like you, I have no idea who from or why. But unlike you, I wouldn't come on here calling fellow blues, scum on the evidence of hear say.
mad4city said:
Some Norn Iron twat had a hop off of four (yes, four!) of my mates at half time, yesterday. No violence just your run of the mill, raw-mouthed, verbal ignorance. As far as the lads could understand his bitter, drunken raving, he seemed to take umbrage at the "fact" that they were from Glasgow (they couldn't be arsed informing him, that they're not and are in fact also Irish) and he kept threatening to "have them sorted" and even showed them his UVF tattoo, just to prove that he was indeed a hard man (seriously!).
The lads tried ignoring the moron but in the end, one of them had to walk over and advise him of the advantages of shutting his cake hole and promptly fucking off. Startled, he took off like a rat up a drainpipe.
Ten minutes into the second half and he was spotted being escorted from the stadium by a steward and two coppers.
Nothing at all was said by any officials to my mates. So, to be fair to them, they did their job right. That didn't stop them spending the rest of the game, waiting for a tap in the shoulder.
Big Ernst said:
danny123 said:
Big Ernst said:
I was in Block 134 yesterday and it kicked off in 136 at the final whistle with the ending result being a woman caught flush in the face by a bloke. Needless to say the bloke was ejected but to say myself and my 9 year old lad were shocked was a massive understatement. A total embarrassment to the club and fans alike.

Where abouts were you sat in 136? I was sat there and didn't see it kick off.

I was in 134 directly behind the goal and to the right of me it went off at the final whistle involving about 8 with the woman then left in tears after being hit. An utter disgrace.
i was in 134 as well, just to the left of the goal
i waited to see wigan get the cup and saw no trouble at all
I agree on the whole most of our fans were first class as usual. Maybe the bigger ticket allocation and a final meant a lot that haven't been to a game in a while came for the crack snd went over the top with it all.
Had similar experience yesterday, having a piss in train station 4 early 20s blues, you know the type skin head jug eared knobs pissed of there heads, shouting out they gonna kick the s--t outa any wiganer they see, some old guy told em what knobs thy were (prob nit the best idea). So they then started avian a go at him and anyone around . Only the intervention of the coppers just outside that prevented it getting any worse, 5.15 ok is just to late with knobs like these about.
I was in block 502 a neutral block right next to City.

I didn't see any trouble at all inside or outside but at the end of the game I went to collect my bag which I left in a stewards room at turnstyle E. I had some water and pop I didn't want to decant so I left the bag there.

I asked the chief steward if he had had a good day. He said yes but he was hearing there were incidents around the stadium. I can't beleive there would be anything more than alcohol fueled frustration. In these cases toilets, seats and sometimes people come of worse.

I hope all the Wigan fans managed to get back to London without being attacked by pissed up knobs.
kippax_blueboy said:
I was in block 502 a neutral block right next to City.

I didn't see any trouble at all inside or outside but at the end of the game I went to collect my bag which I left in a stewards room at turnstyle E. I had some water and pop I didn't want to decant so I left the bag there.

I asked the chief steward if he had had a good day. He said yes but he was hearing there were incidents around the stadium. I can't beleive there would be anything more than alcohol fueled frustration. In these cases toilets, seats and sometimes people come of worse.

As soon as we left the stadium walking back to Wembley Central in the pissing rain our fans were singing We never win at home and we never away. This was sung back to Euston.

I hope all the Wigan fans managed to get back to London without being attacked by pissed up knobs.
Was in block 535 and saw two separate fights break out. One was over someone constantly standing and blocking somebody's view, certainty alcohol fueled, not sure what the other was about but my mate thought it was about someone sat in the wrong seat. Punches thrown in both though, very sad to see amongst our own fans. Noted the wembley stewards were staying well clear in both these cases.
I was walking towards Wembley central after the game, and infront of me was a man and his lad both wigan fans, I asked why they was still not at Wembley to watch there team parade the cup when a fat pissed up city fan asked if I was a wigan fan, I was pissing wet throu and this **** if I was a wigan fan might of hit me, but of course I let him see my city shirt and told him to fuck off or I will push the fat **** down. funny he went across the street
bluestevei said:
I was walking towards Wembley central after the game, and infront of me was a man and his lad both wigan fans, I asked why they was still not at Wembley to watch there team parade the cup when a fat pissed up city fan asked if I was a wigan fan, I was pissing wet throu and this **** if I was a wigan fan might of hit me, but of course I let him see my city shirt and told him to fuck off or I will push the fat **** down. funny he went across the street

He MIGHT of hit you.

There again he might just of been a nosy twat and asked you why you weren't still in the ground.

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