City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

Liverpool and United have the small matter of probably ten times as many fans as us to pull from. Everything you mention above applies to local Liverpool and United fans. The only difference with us is we don't have the fans they do to replace the fans who show apathy.

Tourist fans is “a” difference, but it’s not “the” difference.

I know plenty of local match going reds who get as excited for a CL game as a league game. Some of them more so.

And Jesus, local Liverpool fans apathetic about the Champions League???!! You’ve got to be taking the piss, surely??

If there was one criticism I’d level at local Liverpool fans it’s that they’re TOO arsed about the Champions League. They get TOO hyped up about it. The exact opposite of City.

Clubs with a similar sized fan base to City like Tottenham, Chelsea, even Leeds, Newcastle, Everton going back, they wouldn’t have a 40% drop off in attendance from a league game to a CL game. No chance.

All of the various reasons offered up on here are just hot air. The reason we have such a drop off is apathy. I’m not calling people out for not going, they’re free to do whatever they choose.

But let’s cut the bull shit and talk about why they’re not arsed about the Champions League, because I tell you who IS arsed, our manager.
I'm just going to avoid social media for a few days, the club is in for a right bashing from all quarters, the turnout, the atmosphere, the performance and most importantly the result.

The usual culprits will be giddy tonight but we would be too if the rags or dippers had all that for us to pick from, so we'll have to take our lumps I guess.

How they will probably react now is why nobody should go easy on the rags or defend the dippers, they'll be all over us.
Cost implications the weather a not fit for purpose transport system,little johhny at school dad at work the next day.Some might say we had some good deals on offer but you cannot just factor in the ticket price because the ancillaries have to be taken into consideration like scoops of ale a bite to eat and transportation.For two of us our bill was £150 and we took it easy.Two tickets tier 2 @£75.Transport £35 food and drinks £40.A Minimum wage worker so that cost us half a weeks wages for a night out but our choice how we spend our hard earned wonga. Same again at Fulham so it's not a cheap pastime by any means.The exodus on 81 minutes tonight looked rather dramatic and slightly akin to a fire drill but I guess they have all paid the ferryman and do we really have a right to judge why people don't stay to see us pull of that late equalizer.If their "matchday experience" dictates an 80 minute outing then fair fooks to them as were all different.See you all in the Fatherland. Meinn gott !
i agree. i dont just think its champions league apathy either. i think a lot of city fans go out of habit and the actual match day experience is shite. i hate the corporate bowl that out stadium has become. tonight didnt even feel like going to a city match. it felt like a corporate event for tourists. it makes me think what is the point in going to matches.

the club couldn't less about its core fan base
You were one one of those casual irregular supporters once!

It didn't feel like going to a normal City game because so many of the regulars weren't there, but don't blame those who took their place. i had loads of new fans around me. They weren't seasoncard holders for sure, but they weren't corporate either. I'm glad a lot of new fans turned up otherwise it would have been even more embarrassing. There really aren't that many corporate spectators which is why those areas are half empty on normal match days.

It is a bit demoralising when your mates on either side of you aren't there and strangers are in their place. Bit dangerous this because as a lot have said, once you stop going it's difficult to get back in the habit. I think these regulars are league regulars but have decided they aren't going to the Champions league games. A significant factor is possibly all the UEFA talk. It's the one explanation I hear again and again. It's corrupt. Not interested in it etc etc
Btw, apart from those of us who go to all Ch L games, do our fans realise that the owner's vision is all about the Ch L, and that Pep is primarily here in that context ? Ten minutes to kick off and I'm hoping and praying that there's a late filling of the stadium. I know some will say 'Grow a pair', but it's embarrassing. Why do our superb Prem attendences not translate into Ch L big crowds ? Almost universally, City fans now hate Liverpool fans more than any others, but they turn up at Anfield on Ch L nights. I can't stand YNWA, but they have a fanaticism in huge numbers - not exactly an affluent part of the world either. Pep deserves a full/nearly stadium on Ch L nights. Poor performance apart, I'll bet that the size of the crowd tonight pissed him off.
Wonder what a Champions League match would have been like at Maine Rd some poor French getting side swiped walking to the ground lol.
Tourist fans is “a” difference, but it’s not “the” difference.

I know plenty of local match going reds who get as excited for a CL game as a league game. Some of them more so.

And Jesus, local Liverpool fans apathetic about the Champions League???!! You’ve got to be taking the piss, surely??

If there was one criticism I’d level at local Liverpool fans it’s that they’re TOO arsed about the Champions League. They get TOO hyped up about it. The exact opposite of City.

Clubs with a similar sized fan base to City like Tottenham, Chelsea, even Leeds, Newcastle, Everton going back, they wouldn’t have a 40% drop off in attendance from a league game to a CL game. No chance.

All of the various reasons offered up on here are just hot air. The reason we have such a drop off is apathy. I’m not calling people out for not going, they’re free to do whatever they choose.

But let’s cut the bull shit and talk about why they’re not arsed about the Champions League, because I tell you who IS arsed, our manager.

Spurs last year went from 62k v Stoke to 42k v APOEL. The reasons aren't hot air, there is apathy because of the reasons. People aren't attending because they aren't arsed, they aren't attending because there are genuine reasons, the majority of which are mentioned on here and the club need to act upon.

Pep does care about the champions league. When he won it in 2009, 22k turned up for one of their group stage games. He won't be arsed about us only getting 40k tonight, it has no effect on the result.

Not attending champions league games is not a Manchester City problem, like you said only Liverpool treat it as the holy grail because the true holy grail they haven't got a hope in winning - the premier league.
I'm just going to avoid social media for a few days, the club is in for a right bashing from all quarters, the turnout, the atmosphere, the performance and most importantly the result.

The usual culprits will be giddy tonight but we would be too if the rags or dippers had all that for us to pick from, so we'll have to take our lumps I guess.

How they will probably react now is why nobody should go easy on the rags or defend the dippers, they'll be all over us.
Good. A few heads need bashing. I think Pep also got it wrong. No Mendy, then you have to start Sane.

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