City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

Well this shit fan climbed over the wall at Leicester for a cup game. This shit fan queued round Maine Road all night for Cup Games and Derby's. This shit fan got expelled from school for wagging it to watch City. Lost a couple of Jobs as well. This shit fan slept rough outside Wembley so he could get a job clearing snow off the pitch because he didn't have a ticket for the West Brom Final. This shit fan went to Pompey for a friendly and had to sleep rough for three days because the MUEN got the date and kick off time wrong. York, Shrewsbury (many heart breaking times) Mansfield, Swindon ......................must be great being so self righteous.
You seem so dedicated to justifying yourself as this super fan person.

Yet, why do you feel the need to do this?
The more you do it the more I question the truth.

No twat will ever question my dedication to city. Sure they can make comments but it doesn't make what they say true.

Don't justify your fandom, keep doing what you are doing.
Want to leave early? Go for it.

One day you'll regret it ;)

Personally I think it is fucking weird to leave early every week but you do seem to see the same people doing it week in week out. Even weirder that for quite a few it doesn't seem to make a difference whether it is 4-0 or 1-1 or Hull or Barcelona in opposition. If cutting a few minutes off my journey home was more important to me than the match then I wouldn't bother going. On the flip side, they may be fucking odd balls but people are perfectly entitled to leave when they like so I'm not sure there's anything that can be done about it. I know there has always been some who have fucked off early but it has become a much bigger problem in the last 2 or 3 years, same as the deterioration in the atmosphere. Not sure that there is an answer, sadly.
They used to open the doors at 3/4 time at Maine Road when I was a kid growing up right across the road.

When my dad couldn't afford to take us or push three kids through the same click of the turnstile, me and my mates used to just wait until the doors were opened, and in we were allowed to go.

Let me tell you, I'm talking throughout the 80s, and there used to be hundreds pouring out of the stadium at the same time.

All-seaters have simply shined a light on a problem which has ALWAYS existed. That empty seat, the actual physical process of now being seen to leave it, coupled with mass media TV exposure and perhaps the levels of self-awareness of society, today, has just made it more evident.

Thousands used to pour down the tunnels of the Kippax with the game still on.
Personally I think it is fucking weird to leave early every week but you do seem to see the same people doing it week in week out. Even weirder that for quite a few it doesn't seem to make a difference whether it is 4-0 or 1-1 or Hull or Barcelona in opposition. If cutting a few minutes off my journey home was more important to me than the match then I wouldn't bother going. On the flip side, they may be fucking odd balls but people are perfectly entitled to leave when they like so I'm not sure there's anything that can be done about it. I know there has always been some who have fucked off early but it has become a much bigger problem in the last 2 or 3 years, same as the deterioration in the atmosphere. Not sure that there is an answer, sadly.

'Weird' is the right description. And you are right, it is their choice.

I think the key here is 'does it matter' ? And the answer is 'yes it does'.

So if you leave early, as you are entitled to, you doing something which is counterproductive to the team, & reflects badly on the club.

It is much better for the team to have a full house backing them, much better for their morale & team spitit, to have a full house cheering them off & much better for us, as a fan base, not to have it pointed out, that thousands 'don't care enough' to stay & support the team.

If you seriously have no choice, then that's fair enough. If you do have a choice, then leave anyway, that's also fair enough, but you are choosing not to support the team.

If enough are shamed into realising that, by threads like this, then perhaps fewer will choose to leave,unless they have to.
They used to open the doors at 3/4 time at Maine Road when I was a kid growing up right across the road.

When my dad couldn't afford to take us or push three kids through the same click of the turnstile, me and my mates used to just wait until the doors were opened, and in we were allowed to go.

Let me tell you, I'm talking throughout the 80s, and there used to be hundreds pouring out of the stadium at the same time.

All-seaters have simply shined a light on a problem which has ALWAYS existed. That empty seat, the actual physical process of now being seen to leave it, coupled with mass media TV exposure and perhaps the levels of self-awareness of society, today, has just made it more evident.

Thousands used to pour down the tunnels of the Kippax with the game still on.

In the 80s and 90s they used to throw us back in if leaving early with "you're putting up with this shit like the rest of us" ringing through your ears ;)
They used to open the doors at 3/4 time at Maine Road when I was a kid growing up right across the road.

When my dad couldn't afford to take us or push three kids through the same click of the turnstile, me and my mates used to just wait until the doors were opened, and in we were allowed to go.

Let me tell you, I'm talking throughout the 80s, and there used to be hundreds pouring out of the stadium at the same time.

All-seaters have simply shined a light on a problem which has ALWAYS existed. That empty seat, the actual physical process of now being seen to leave it, coupled with mass media TV exposure and perhaps the levels of self-awareness of society, today, has just made it more evident.

Thousands used to pour down the tunnels of the Kippax with the game still on.

True, but that was the same everywhere & it seems to be happening on a larger scale at City, when games are in the balance, than at most clubs. Understandable when we are 2.0 down or 5 up, but not at 1-1.
They used to open the doors at 3/4 time at Maine Road when I was a kid growing up right across the road.

When my dad couldn't afford to take us or push three kids through the same click of the turnstile, me and my mates used to just wait until the doors were opened, and in we were allowed to go.

Let me tell you, I'm talking throughout the 80s, and there used to be hundreds pouring out of the stadium at the same time.

All-seaters have simply shined a light on a problem which has ALWAYS existed. That empty seat, the actual physical process of now being seen to leave it, coupled with mass media TV exposure and perhaps the levels of self-awareness of society, today, has just made it more evident.

Thousands used to pour down the tunnels of the Kippax with the game still on.
Well said bud.
I remember being outside MR in the 90's as I just wanted to go there, even though I couldn't afford to get in.
And many people would be coming out whilst the match was still on.

Possible help??

The stadium camera pans around and randomly selects someone in their seat at the final whistle and whoever that person is gets their season ticket free next season.
Or if they are a daytripper they get a free hospitality ticket for another game.
'Weird' is the right description. And you are right, it is their choice.

I think the key here is 'does it matter' ? And the answer is 'yes it does'.

So if you leave early, as you are entitled to, you doing something which is counterproductive to the team, & reflects badly on the club.

It is much better for the team to have a full house backing them, much better for their morale & team spitit, to have a full house cheering them off & much better for us, as a fan base, not to have it pointed out, that thousands 'don't care enough' to stay & support the team.

If you seriously have no choice, then that's fair enough. If you do have a choice, then leave anyway, that's also fair enough, but you are choosing not to support the team.

If enough are shamed into realising that, by threads like this, then perhaps fewer will choose to leave,unless they have to.
I've noticed an increase in the odd person having a bit of a go at people as they walk out. I don't know whether that is something to encourage or not really but I do wonder if it was a bit more "en masse" with people getting a proper fucking heckling from a lot of people as they walk out then it might make them think twice about it. I think leaving early is a very selfish thing to do on all sorts of levels. Can really ruin the last few minutes trying to watch a match with people walking around everywhere in their droves, very distracting. And then as you say the impact it has on the team and the club's reputation.
Well this shit fan climbed over the wall at Leicester for a cup game. This shit fan queued round Maine Road all night for Cup Games and Derby's. This shit fan got expelled from school for wagging it to watch City. Lost a couple of Jobs as well. This shit fan slept rough outside Wembley so he could get a job clearing snow off the pitch because he didn't have a ticket for the West Brom Final. This shit fan went to Pompey for a friendly and had to sleep rough for three days because the MUEN got the date and kick off time wrong. York, Shrewsbury (many heart breaking times) Mansfield, Swindon ......................must be great being so self righteous.

Leave early. It's your choice. But you're making the club look bad. And as you say, you are a shit fan.

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