City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

Sunday early kick off, game finishing around twenty past three and still they go, with that logic if had been a 3 o clock kick off would they be fucking off after twenty minutes ?
I get pissed off with those who come late,constantly going for a piss.However if I have to go for a piss midway through the game I wait until the ball is out of play,thus ensuring that fans do not miss any of the match.

Not everyone are that sensible. We have a few - they come 3mins into game, leave 5 mins before HT, come back in 3 mins after HT and leave 10 mins before end - its hilarious - clockwork. My 8 year old lad times it sometimes
what about the people who interrupt the rest when coming in late?
what about the people who are so desperate for a pint they miss the last 5 minutes of the first half?
what about the people pushing past with coffee and chips and other stuff which interferes with the game.

Have any of you thought that some people have full lives and getting out a few seconds before the end means a saving of an hour.
I guess the moaners on here have time to burn hence why they spend so much time on here, fucking moaning.

live and let live, people. ffs.
They used to open the doors at 3/4 time at Maine Road when I was a kid growing up right across the road.

When my dad couldn't afford to take us or push three kids through the same click of the turnstile, me and my mates used to just wait until the doors were opened, and in we were allowed to go.

Let me tell you, I'm talking throughout the 80s, and there used to be hundreds pouring out of the stadium at the same time.

All-seaters have simply shined a light on a problem which has ALWAYS existed. That empty seat, the actual physical process of now being seen to leave it, coupled with mass media TV exposure and perhaps the levels of self-awareness of society, today, has just made it more evident.

Thousands used to pour down the tunnels of the Kippax with the game still on.

Yes Mr Hairdoo

You are totally right about Main road, people will always leave early, don’t understand it myself but the problem now seems in part to be people leaving even earlier to beat people leaving early.

The transport is a mess, why do we have the lights at both end of Alan Turing Way stuck on red for twenty or 30 minutes. They aren’t before the match when everyone is arriving.

I know that more people leave at the same time after the match but surely with proper policing and stewarding this could be done safely.

They don’t shut Chester road for 30 mins after a game in Stretford so it can be done.
Yes Mr Hairdoo

You are totally right about Main road, people will always leave early, don’t understand it myself but the problem now seems in part to be people leaving even earlier to beat people leaving early.

The transport is a mess, why do we have the lights at both end of Alan Turing Way stuck on red for twenty or 30 minutes. They aren’t before the match when everyone is arriving.

I know that more people leave at the same time after the match but surely with proper policing and stewarding this could be done safely.

They don’t shut Chester road for 30 mins after a game in Stretford so it can be done.

I posted earlier today - Its the race to get out of the North carpark before its shut off to pedestrians
I posted earlier today - Its the race to get out of the North carpark before its shut off to pedestrians

Hey great minds think alike, or fools seldom differ?
But this is just going to get worse unless the club/police get a hold of it

The blue car park is a joke now, parked there a couple of time in the early days of the stadium and you could get away without to much hastle. Parked there last season once and could understand why people leave early, would never park there again. Didnt know whether i would be late getting home for this match or early for the next
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You seem so dedicated to justifying yourself as this super fan person.

Yet, why do you feel the need to do this?
The more you do it the more I question the truth.

No twat will ever question my dedication to city. Sure they can make comments but it doesn't make what they say true.

Don't justify your fandom, keep doing what you are doing.
Want to leave early? Go for it.

One day you'll regret it ;)

Never got on a trawler to follow City away , so no not a super fan person. Someone who claims those who leave early are crap fans wouldn't know unless it's spelled out for them. I wouldn't question your dedication to City nor others on this board although why you need to mention it, is another matter :)
Hey great minds think alike, or fools seldom differ?
But this is just going to get worse unless the club/police get a hold of it

The blue car park is a joke now, parked there a couple of time in the early days of the stadium and you could get away without to much hastle. Parked there last season once and could understand why people leave early, would never park there again. Didnt know whether i would be late getting home for this match or early for the next

The rush for it is comical - its like a scene from Little Britain where even those who are wheelchair bound find the strength to stick their chairs under their arms and leg it as though a mass tsunami is heading down AT Way.

The solution of course is a fairly simple one. A bridge or an underpass - but I would suspect the club will have it in the Collar Site plans and won't do anything until then
Get a life, some left early some didn't who actually cares? 19 pages is an absolute embarrassment.
Yes Mr Hairdoo

You are totally right about Main road, people will always leave early, don’t understand it myself but the problem now seems in part to be people leaving even earlier to beat people leaving early.

The transport is a mess, why do we have the lights at both end of Alan Turing Way stuck on red for twenty or 30 minutes. They aren’t before the match when everyone is arriving.

I know that more people leave at the same time after the match but surely with proper policing and stewarding this could be done safely.

They don’t shut Chester road for 30 mins after a game in Stretford so it can be done.
The only time we left the kippax early in the 70& 80s was for a fight in st Eddies car park

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