City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

I can't see how anyone could be worse than us for this. It's a DISGRACE. We've talked the subject to death on here many times but the fact remains, people who habitually leave games early aren't 'real' fans/supporters but rather spectators.......
It looks bad on the telly too and vexes the "real fans".
To be clear - I never leave early, however - Maybe I have misread this, but it appears i aM reading someone who says as a “fact” (not opinion) leaving early means they are not a fan…. And then someone replies saying it vexes the real fans - some of which never even went at all and sat on their arses watching on TV ?
i personally can’t get my head around why some people always leave early but I also can’t get my head around those that bugger off 10 mins before half time for a pint or arrive 5 mins late first/second half because of the same reason. 168 hours in a week and people cant last 2 of those hours from ko to FT without a pint
I can't see how anyone could be worse than us for this. It's a DISGRACE. We've talked the subject to death on here many times but the fact remains, people who habitually leave games early aren't 'real' fans/supporters but rather spectators.......
Does your moniker refer to City or is it short for Moss Side’s Finest Fan …….. Meeeee !!!!

Got some news for you pal- you aren’t any more of a real fan than the guy who leaves on 70 mins.

You’re less of a real fan in many eyes because you’re the type of needy, deluded “look at me everybody I’m a Superfan” who tries to denigrate other blues.

A grown man calling a fellow supporter a disgrace for leaving early when he knows nothing of the circumstances involved is of course the type of keyboard warrior nonsense prevalent on Bluemoon - bet you don’t say a peep to early leavers in real life, if you even go to the games that is
I usually stay until the end, but that's mainly because leaving early won't make any difference to the time of my train. Completely different when driving (particularly for midweek matches) as just a couple of minutes can often save 10-15 minutes on the journey home.

It' definitely not a new trend, because I can recall the Kippax chanting PART TIME SUPPORTERS at the Platt Lane early-leavers in the late 70s/early 80s.

However, I think it also goes hand-in-hand with City's substitutions, especially if we're winning 3-0 and almost inevitably Pep replaces Haaland.
Ultra professional, but also a confirmation that the result is sealed, and the management are already looking forward to the next game.
How can fans call fans leaving early not proper fans? ( There's a tongue twister for you) Leaving early has been a long standing tradition since the days of Maine Road. So the question now is........Are the early leavers the REAL fans as opposed to the ones staying saying THEY are the real fans? Confused? You will be! lesson at the play although I did get back in to see extra time and pens I've never left a game early.since , never understood why it after.spending so much

The subject has been done to death but there are numerous reasons some people leave early. A big one is the shite transport, not just at the ground but further afield. Leaving five minutes early can be the difference between catching or missing your connection. Missing it can mean hanging around a bus stop or train station for another hour or more. Fine in a well policed dry area like Piccadilly station with things to do, not so fine stood at an isolated stop in the elements.

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