City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

Not half as embarrassing as the sad nosy fuckers with their notebooks and stopwatches keeping track of when and where random strangers go for a pie/piss/pint.
Opinions and all, but the best team in the world deserves better. Pie/piss/pint before, at half-time, or after the game. I would understand if it was only a few, but in our case it's 40% of the people there. Comes across like a lot of people there don't care.
Stop leaving before the end you tw£ts
I will go when I want and it’s nothing to do with you or anybody else
what makes you think it’s acceptable to call someone a tw@t I bet you wouldn’t do it to the majority of peoples faces
For the record I leave around halfway through the injury time
But that is my choice
I also wonder how many matches the people moaning about early leavers attend
I did four European aways last season and double away figures in the league
Guess what I left when I liked at those as well
Don’t feel the need to defend myself, but I will…

I leave early, about 85-90 minutes. 90 v Newcastle as still waiting to figure out with injury time.

We park in blue car park and our in Kits.

We leave and run down the spiral, into the car and usually grab last few minutes on radio or the boy watches Sky Go.

We can usually get out of the car park and through the lights (that’s the tricky part as otherwise you can be spend a long time there).

If I get through the lights before being stuck door to door I can get back in about half a hour. Without can be a hour or so +.

I am quite often going out or have plans or want to see my family and also don’t really like sitting I traffic fighting for every inch.

We get there about 40 minutes before KO and watch the warm up.

Do go a couple of minutes before HT to get a seat, but one of the few up for second half before the start.

Other times I go with my mate, we have a beer before, get up just as KO, go in probably 5 before HT and can be around 5 after as we normally have 2 and can see game on TV. Stay to the end and have a beer then walk back to town and get the train.

Probably miss around a similar time but don’t leave early.

Pay my money and my choice, don’t really get the dislike for the early leavers.
Fair play pal and you’re right you don’t have to defend yourself
Opinions and all, but the best team in the world deserves better. Pie/piss/pint before, at half-time, or after the game. I would understand if it was only a few, but in our case it's 40% of the people there. Comes across like a lot of people there don't care.
Does it fukin matter?
We left before halftime yesterday. Wife and I normally take it in turns as we have a 3 year old and 3 month old. Thought we would see how the 3 year old does in our normal seats (315) yesterday, as he did well and enjoyed it in the family stand last season. Baby slept in carrier the entire time but 3 year old was flitting between overwhelmed and bored. Bit of a disaster. Back to wife and I alternating. That's on us and won't happen again, but on a champions league night for example or 8 kick off I will have to leave early to get back to the family these days (unless on supporter club coach).

Point is, before I had kids I'd be leveling accusations at early leavers and empty seats.

Now I have kids and my priorities have quite rightly shifted I can understand why someone might have to leave early as the infrastructure around the ground is fucking shocking. Bottle necks everywhere, be it by foot, car, tram, bus, etc.

If you want the ground full until the end the club needs to sort it out,not the fans. Invest in proper plans and links for stadium egress, work with the council and transport for G. Manchester. Sort the beer queues out (they almost did in ssl3 with tokens and now they've fucked that up too). Lower ticket prices and get younger teenage-under 30 supporters in the ground. Most importantly invest more money into the match going experience for the average fan who contributed to the atmosphere instead of throwing 99% of their stadium budget at things like hospitality boxes and tunnel club bullshit that does fuck all for atmosphere.
You're bringing a baby and a three year old to the game but moaning about atmosphere ? Fucking hell...
I don’t really mind people leaving a bit early. I used to be staunchly against it, but I guess I’ve softened my judgement on others and become a bit more understanding. However, I had a guy leave in front of me at 76 mins and another at 78 mins. For me that’s pushing it too far. With the new added time rules I think leaving at 90 mins would be reasonable, but again everyone who buys their ticket is entitled to their choice. It doesn’t look great though when the team is doing a lap at the end and the stands are empty! What an amazing team as well and fully deserve our support.

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