City fans rushed by Spanish Police

Drewmanc said:
marcoboogers said:
Robert Jordan said:
Got a problem that I called these mighty public servants, the officers, PIGS?
To bad.
What you want to do about it?

You sir are an absolute ****, given what happened to the 2 WPCs in Tameside yesterday. Your comments are totally out of order you absolute ****

Just because 2 WPC's got shot doesn't mean a person cant make his feelings thought about bad policing tactics, and that he can't refer to them as Pigs.

Still asking you what you gonna do about it is about as knob headed as it comes.

Those WPCs are DEAD, i would say its about being sensitive to the situation? Are these the same pigs that if called would attend to an incident? How can you say just because 2 got shot. They are dead, went to work, as many people do each day but did not return home.
just a normal matchday routine in spain when english fans visit, happened in madrid 2004 when england played spain, wouldnt be surprised if it was the same bar as same thing happened, van load of police got out of a riot van and started whacking england fans, one lad was in a wheelchair !!!

i spoke with a mate going to madrid last night and told him either go in the ground one hour at least before kick off or go in after the match has started to avoid a belt, i also did seville with england and got in 25 after match start and avoided getting hit as the police did it there too, but that was cos i was so pissed i didnt really fancy going to game lol
Electric Blue said:
Was exactly the same there during the 82 World cup game !

And also when England played Spain there a few years ago ( the game where SWP received monkey chants during the game ) the police baton charged away fans at the turnstiles.

Nothing will be done, as per usual.
Greetings from Dortmund:

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Just got back, we were in that bar right opposite the stadium, Nat Pike and fanzone Danny was in there.
We got there at about 2 hrs before kick off, it was only a small place so most people were outside soaking up the sun and having a bit of a sing song all in good nature.
The old bill turned up and in the meat wagon, all piled out , helmets on, truncheons a loft and started twatting people. This bloke (say about in his fifties) got one across his face and went down, my mate went to help him putting his hands up in the air for them to stop and got one accross his head, chest, legs, they just steamed into him, his face is a mess. He was that bad he got stiched up on his face outside in an ambulance, the medic said, he was very looky, if it was an inch higher it would of struck his temple.
They were pushing women, kids it was outragious. i could write an esay on it

I need to send an e-mail to City regarding these incidents, who do i send it to, any help would be grateful, Cheers.

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