City fined 25K for 6 yellow cards v rags

I know the club had a meeting with Mike Riley, but I think it's about time the club became more vocal because it's getting to a point where former referees are even picking up on the decisions going against us. Can you imagine if GPC had been on the end of those decisions at weekend, he'd have gone fucking mental and Atkinson would never have got within a fifty mile radius of the swamp. We on the other hand just seem to take It, whereas we really should start standing up for ourselves and pointing out a few home truths. The decisions at weekend weren't touch and go, or close calls or ones that could have gone either way, they were blatant and Atkinson with his inaction simply cheated us out of a result.

The hames gone and we move on, but when I watched the game again on tele I was fucking seething at obvious bias towards the vermin. It was made all the worse by seeing that twat Gill sat next to Bacon Face, in his impartial FA role almost as if ensuring everything went to plan. It really is about time someone said it as it is and ruffled a few feathers. Put pressure on these cheating bastards referees, so that they really feel like they're under the spotlight when they officiate our games. Win, lose or draw Pep should make reference to each and every single poor decision we find ourselves on the end of, so it cannot be deemed as simply whinging because the result went against us. The club cannot be fined for telling the truth, like Rafa Benitez did when he called the cheats out in his rant. Unfortunately due to the dippers folding it was seen as sour grapes and his was ridiculed. He was however completely right in everything that he said, specifically in how the fuck can Gill claim to be impartial.
In total agreement with everyting said here. I have tried since watching the match to be unaffected by the blatant disregard for the rules of the game, but it now borders on ridiculous. The club needs to become as upset as the fanbase. Next derby put Baconface and Gill in the away end with the rest of the vermin.
I think a banner aimed at the linos and ref, draped over the parapet above SS1, might be a good idea - WHICH OF YOU CHEATING BASTARDS IS GONNA ROB US TODAY!

Also, a split screen showing the Young tackle on Sergio and the next City tackle on a Swamp Donkey with the caption - SPOT WHICH TACKLE GOT THE FREE KICK!
City will do nothing as usual, we’ll get done again on Tuesday & City will do nothing again , if they won’t fight back why the hell should we ?

It's not the city way apparently to say anything as we have more class

I was told that by tikhi and summerbee at a fans question and answer session in abu dhabi.

That is all well and good I said but we keep getting royally shafted
Totally agree with the OP. I think our higher ups at the Etihad need to be brave and suggest to Abu Dhabi that we change our tactics I relation questioning refs. Like most fans I am sick of being regularly shafted by them.
The current policy is not working. The rags tactics on this topic are far better than ours.
Currently I want Atkinson strung up the cheating TWAT because there is no other reason for not giving that decision and that was the cause of a few City players loosing it temporarily. Appalling shite reffing as if Last Wednesday wasn't bad enough we had to suffer this fucking goon. As usual the FA and Premier League and Refs spokesmen are fucking silent. I for one am fucking sick of it.

I think we all are. Can’t wait for this season to over tbh. I’ve had enough of being stiched up. The FA and referees can have a full summer to mull over the fact that we are champions and won it despite their incompetence.
To all the city lads booked.

25k worth every penny......

We have been kicked, cheated and robbed all season.
We as fans see it and feel your pain and frustration. We do care...

Your reaction on Saturday tells us you care too

# together. We are CITY.
The FA and Media in this country are quick to condemn The corruption surrounding FIFA and UEFA but turn a blind eye to the bent refs here.

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