City fined over £2m by PL | Sanction agreed for 22 breaches relating to ko delays

All concerned at united, as a club, fell well short of the "highest possible professional standard". United v Liverpool still remains the only PL match ever to be postponed.

It seems that the Premier League`s priorities and punishments are very mixed up.
Not true
United also had a game postponed because an imitation explosive device was discovered in a toilet cubicle following staff training
I think the city hate is apparent whether we do things like this or not.
It doesn't take much for the pitchforks to be out for us from our darlings in the british press.
What I’m saying is that we should not make it quite so easy by creating self-induced black eyes that only exacerbate it.
All true, but it's the puzzling aspects that's keeping this thread going. Why is it 2 full seasons of fines rolled up into 1 and why has it only just come out now? Were City hammering the PL with objections left, right and centre due to the 115 charges we knew were coming or is there another reason? You have to admit it seems odd.
No, I don’t have to admit it’s odd…other the fact that we did this 22 times, knowing we’d been warned and fined, and warned again.

It’s like that old misogynistic “joke” about the wife with 2 black eyes…I guess she didn’t listen the second time, either!

I don’t like the implication that “We’re Man City, We’ll do what we want!” that comes with the 22 offenses. Only adds fuel to the fire for those who constantly tout the 115, and it doesn’t look good knowing we were told, warned, fined, and STILL carried on doing it.

The fact that it’s a rounding error on the books does nothing to diminish the offence, and only adds to the sense that we don’t give a fuck what people say, because we’re special.

We ARE special, but I’d prefer it not to be reflected this way.
No wonder the refs give us less than nothing, we are forcing them to work overtime for no extra cash
Yup, particularly when the refs play 12 minutes of stoppage time to give our opponents an opportunity to equalise.
We really should be ashamed of ourselves... :-(
Pep saying no one at the club told him about these fines. First he knew about it was seeing it in the news this week. I mean, wtf ? 2 million saved would easily avoid the need for charging blue badge holders for parking at the Etihad and help keep season tickets prices down. The club happily leaking money in avoidable fines and doing nothing to stop it.
Not true
United also had a game postponed because an imitation explosive device was discovered in a toilet cubicle following staff training
Maybe it is semantics, however you have raised it.
It was reported at the time that the united v Bournemouth match was abandoned not postponed.
Pep saying no one at the club told him about these fines. First he knew about it was seeing it in the news this week. I mean, wtf ? 2 million saved would easily avoid the need for charging blue badge holders for parking at the Etihad and help keep season tickets prices down. The club happily leaking money in avoidable fines and doing nothing to stop it.

Guardiola was asked about the fine ahead of facing Chelsea in a friendly in Colombus, Ohio. He said: ‘I just read it in the news. I would try to do my speeches at half-time shorter.’

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