City games allegedly fixed

As others have already said, it doesn't always come down to individuals receiving a financial incentive. If a group of officials are instructed by their paymasters to ensure certain teams prosper for the greater good of the Premier League brand (and ultimately the continuation of the careers as a match official), then you can start to see pattern emerging across the season (penalties for/against, players missing big games due to suspension, goals disallowed, clearly offside goals given, etc.).

Do you not think that one official could of broke rank in the last 10 years and become a whistleblower?
It would be the biggest sporting scandal in history, A multi billion pound industry brought to it's knees because they wanted to stop our club.
Whoever that whistleblower was would earn millions too.
Do you not think that one official could of broke rank in the last 10 years and become a whistleblower?
It would be the biggest sporting scandal in history, A multi billion pound industry brought to it's knees because they wanted to stop our club.
Whoever that whistleblower was would earn millions too.

why would you if you're looked after and on the gravy train, with let's say serious threats against them if they dare speak?

It's amazing the levels people will go to because they think they won't get caught.
The pl has never ever been in a better position than it is now. Thats down to the Chavs & Us spreading the trophies abt.

The money being generated because of how open our league is, is fuckin staggering. And thats due to rags not having it their own way.

Theres not a chance on this planet the Pl or Sky want it back how it was with the rags dominant.
You should tell Scudamore as he's convinced the league suffers when United dont compete.
As has been said numerous times mate. It's us City that has made this PL the way it is, and other teams too. The revenue has never been bigger these last few years. You think they would risk all this, Billions of pounds and as I just said certain prison sentences for folk, just to stop us and for what?

'Risking prison sentences' It didnt stop Sepp Blatter did it. Everyone in Europe knew he was bent and we just accepted it because ? It took the Americans to do something about it. Jack Warner made Reggie Kray look like a choir boy but no one batted an eyelid until the Feds stepped in, In a disgraceful attempt to win the world cup we bribed officials !!. Italy was so bent a few years back it nearly killed the game and African football is a joke at times. Spanish football is openly corrupt so why do you think it couldnt happen here.
Do you not think that one official could of broke rank in the last 10 years and become a whistleblower?
It would be the biggest sporting scandal in history, A multi billion pound industry brought to it's knees because they wanted to stop our club.
Whoever that whistleblower was would earn millions too.
Did you not read Mark Halsey's "revelations" that he was told to change his match reports to say that he "didn't see" offences committed so that certain players could be looked into and banned by the FA? It made most of the papers at the time, and, following a denial by PiGMOL, was swept under the carpet by the media quicker than rag fans leaving Wembley after a semi final defeat.
Without all the leg ups United have had over the past few years they'd have been finishing even lower than they did. Furthermore we'd have wine the 11/12 title with about three games to spare.
Did you not read Mark Halsey's "revelations" that he was told to change his match reports to say that he "didn't see" offences committed so that certain players could be looked into and banned by the FA? It made most of the papers at the time, and, following a denial by PiGMOL, was swept under the carpet by the media quicker than rag fans leaving Wembley after a semi final defeat.

Yep. That's a bit different to being told before you go out on a field that you have to stop a team winning. And there's something in it for you. Still not good though. Did halsey say he was approached by PIGMOL to ref our games differently to others. Genuine question as I don't know.
Well he did say that four years ago, how have those t.v rights gone since then?
With the rags performing as bad as theve been for over 20 years too.
He said that three years ago and since then two very poor United sides have managed to get their CL place again.

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