City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

Where I understand City might have the biggest issues are some allegations around City execs misrepresenting owner funding as sponsorship income. Anyway I'm far from an expert on this and it's only based on some things I've heard which are just as likely to be bollocks as not so please don't take this as my personal opinion, only a response to what I've heard are possibly the toughest of the 115 charges for City to overcome.
You obviously didn’t read the CAS ruling. Eleven times they stated there was no evidence of misrepresenting owner funding as sponsorship income.
You really must try harder
PL APTs found to be unlawful.

PL APTs found to be procedurally unfair.

P164 of the findings highlights more.

Will the PL be sanctioning City or pursuing us for damages, as according to some media outlets, the PL appear to have won the case.

The bastards just can't help themselves !!

Seeing as it took the PL 2 weeks to announce this, causing further delays to remedying the issues, it feels like we could get them for "non-cooperation"...
Agreed. At some point the penny has to drop that in an effort to stop City and then Newcastle two other clubs have had points deducted, another club showed up the inadequacy of the rules as drafted and we now have a ruling that cites the latest APT rulings are illegal and that the PL is abusing its authority.

Additionally, the free ride other clubs were getting via shareholder funding has now been deemed unfair and discriminatory. Chuck in the millions spent on legal fees and it’s not exactly a ringing endorsement of Masters stewardship.

To be fair it has been bleeding hilarious so I’ll give him that much.

He has to resign surely? You can’t make this much of a bollocks of things and still show up.
When your loans are in the region of £250 million and interest rates are in the region of 5-10% per annum then I’d say it makes a fair bit of difference
They'll just convert it to equity. In any case the loans were made for stadium upgrades as opposed to player purchases so whether that makes any difference who knows, I guess it's significant as otherwise KSE wouldn't have stipulated it in that way.

All today's ruling does is ban bullshit shareholder financing but allow bullshit APT deals. The flies will just move from one pile of dung to the other.
I think you are missing the point.

City didn't have a problem with the original rules. The club even voted for them in principle and didn't vote against them in 2021. It was the 2023 rules that led to the tribunal.

When it came to making the claim, of course the club aimed high against the original rules as well as the new rules. Why not? You never know. It's the equivalent of the 115 charges. I doubt the club really thought they could throw out all the rules, but they seem to have had success on the new rules they voted against and on the deals that were delayed. Which is a win for the club and a problem for the PL.

The PL can claim that as a victory if they want, but it is hugely embarrassing for them to have their legal opinion, that was paraded around all the clubs, reversed on appeal on any issue at all. And not for the first time.
Exactly - we threw in a few red herrings but we won exactly what we wanted to win

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